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Everything posted by Kingfisher

  1. I've seen that tiny little write up in the London section of the website. It's shockingly under reported.
  2. Social media is how I found out about it. Mainstream media blackout.
  3. What the government don't want you to see or hear. http://youtu.be/PS5YFpfZXz4 The march against austerity and the sinister media blackout. 50,000 people and not a single mention...
  4. 50,000 people were on the protest. But the media ignored it because Russell Brand was there.
  5. It looks like that turd Russell Brand was involved. That's probably why anybody with any sense ignored it.I can't understand where your aggression comes from, there is no need for it. It's just people concerned about their taxes going on bailing out banks and such frivolities rather than protecting and funding such brilliant services like the national health service, which literally saves lives.
  6. 50k people marched against austerity yesterday. Just like the save the NHS march in manchester a while back the BBC haven't mentioned it.
  7. David Schneider: Calls to get tougher on benefit abuse as Mum on state handouts buys grandson £8m helicopter. That's a headline!
  8. Under government supported TPP any food safety rules on pesticides or GMO's higher than int'l standards could be “trade barriers.” Just another boring day in leftyville for some morons, who'd prefer to watch baby george take his first shit.
  9. Poverty commission have called for an end to zero hour contracts. Being in work is no longer a way out of poverty as working people go hungry. But the queen has her helicopter. Long to reign over us?
  10. Firefighters on 24 hour strike over pensions today. We can't afford pensions, we have helicopters to pay for.
  11. There's a no more austerity march in London today. You probably won't hear about it on the BBC. They'll have a report on the royal family, baby George and our 'famously frugal Queen'...keep the brain deads happy.
  12. Government endorsed monarchy spends £8m on a helicopter. It leaves a bad taste in the mouth when most people's pay is going down.
  13. Where are you from, Kingfisher? Just out of interest? I'm not going to go anywhere xenophobic with this, I'm just curious. Changing the national anthem won't do anything, and our home grown kids can pass, they just don't do it quick enough. We should have our kids play Futsal from an early age like other countries do. Wales. England never look like they can find each other with a pass. I think there is still too much emphasis on the physical side of the game throughout the UK. Not enough skill or intelligence. I'm not one for patriotism or anthems, but god save the queen? If there's anything good or healthy about defining yourself under the colours of a flag the words to that song completely eliminates it.
  14. Surely having to sing 'god save our gracious queen...long to reign over us' puts you guys on a downer before you even begin. I'd be embarrassed. Try changing your national anthem. On a more practical note, try teaching home grown kids to pass.
  15. Second rate players on superstar wages.
  16. Labour again lurching to the right with their train for your benefits proposal. Labour trying to be Tory, Tories trying to out UKIP the kippers, the kippers pretending their different and the Lib Tory assimilation complete...who do you vote for?
  17. I can't stand Paxman, more interested in himself than the issues. He's turned the art of the interview into a pantomime.
  18. Jenny Jones, the elected Green Party peer has been monitored by the police as part of a programme to track 'domestic extremism'. Campaigning on environmental issues and for more social equality makes you an extremist it seems. This country has become a very, very odd place for people like me.
  19. Despite this and the previous governments incompetence, dislike and objective to destroy it (whilst making a quick buck out of it), the NHS has been declared the world's best healthcare system by an international panel of experts. This hasn't stopped the BBC running a series of negative stories on it this morning.
  20. What if you English and living in Scotland, you don't get a vote? And actually aren't all UK citizens UK citizens rather than being Scottish/Welsh etc.?Sorry, anybody resident in Scotland I think Here http://www.yesscotland.net/answers/who-can-vote-referendum-scottish-independence
  21. You only get to vote on it if you're a Scot living in Scotland.
  22. Neither Labour nor the Tories know what to do with Europe, so they're steering clear from that hot potato. That's a discussion the scots best have away from Westminster.
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