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Posts posted by Clarry

  1. Which is Jeremy Clarkson to be fair. As far as I'm aware he writes the Top Gear scripts.

    fair enough. I can't believe he writes all his columns though. Don't all these celebs and football pundits have someone pass the copy in front of them and just say, yeah that sounds like me?

  2. reduce the number of private landlords who are only in it for profit, believe Clarry can explain more

    You must mean the person I mentioned in my local enjoying recessions because he can scoop up even more cheaper housing...

    ..but not all are bad. I got a letter from my landlord at the weekend asking if I wanted to stay another year. If so, just sign the copy of the letter keeping the rent the same for another year. Even sent an SAE for me to return it!


    God this is going to sign so cliche. But it's truely how I feel.

    The government doesn't even need to have a police state to control the people. Everyone is already in fear, of terrorism, the credit crunch, murder on our streets etc, etc, etc. It's pumped into us day after day after day, through the independent media, and creates two consequences.

    1) Belief that the government can control all of this, can save us from our fears, if they are given more power to do what is really in their own interests.

    2) Belief that the only thing which makes people happy is buying material items which make them feel more comfortable, more secure.

    This is so much more subtle than measures which hint towards the existence of a police state. The people don't even feel like they're being oppressed, so they can't even point to the problem.

    I agree, to a point. Except, I'm not in fear. But articles like the one above about the harrassment laws, give me cause for concern.

  4. Thanks for clearing that up CVB and very interesting stuff.

    Budget surpluses in the council I work for are not known. Ever. In fact my boss often raises 20 to 30,000 each year from research bodies for our work and is not allowed to keep it at the year end for emergencies (never on our salaries). It goes into the coffers for budget ****-ups going back to the 80s.

    Sounds like a complex mess and sounds like it will cause a lot of friction.

  5. CV comes up with some interesting points, although his hatred of the public sector does seem to get a little in the way. Of course, he is speaking of Ireland's public sector wages (I think).

    Speaking personally, as a public sector worker who doesn't have any pension schemes, a 10% hit on my wage could be sustained, only if my rent was dropped by about 20%. And I can't see a private sector landlord wanting to do that. Of course, that's London rents for you.

    I agree with the comments about greed, though. And it will go full cycle again. Property prices will continue to drop, and lo and behold they will be snapped up once more by the very speculators who started the boom. The rich will get richer once more as they sell/rent to those just/barely able to afford.

  6. I'm wondering how our societies will react to a bad recession.

    I'm sure in the 20s and 30s people were just pleased to put food on their plates and a roof over their heads.

    Will modern society react more brattishly at having to forgo Sky subscriptions, 2 holidays a year and a nice car?

  7. I didn't threaten you with violence Clarry. I think our opinion of each other is mutual but a coward I am not.

    Edit: :) nevermind

    My apologies. I have a problem with ex-pats slagging the place off. My Dad included.

    I know someone who worked in Oman a while back, by the way. Thought it was brilliant. And of course an easy hub to visit Africa, India etc.

  8. Anyone else taken proactive steps incase the worst happens to them?

    Yes, In April i'm moving to the Middle East for the next five to ten years. Hopefully after that my own country will be in some sort of order and if not I'll be joining Mr Rogers in NZ.


    Really? Maybe wanting to have a family in a safe environment is actually sensible and not cowardice, however I'll be in London soon so feel free to PM me if you'd like to discuss this in person. Or are you another very brave internet warrior Clarry?

    I'm not a warrior, so any threats of violence are met with a shrug and turn the other cheek.

  9. Anyone else taken proactive steps incase the worst happens to them?

    Yes, In April i'm moving to the Middle East for the next five to ten years. Hopefully after that my own country will be in some sort of order and if not I'll be joining Mr Rogers in NZ.


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