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Posts posted by Clarry

  1. Last time price cuts were announced, in 2007, most came into effect in March and April after the cold winter period had passed.

    How convenient.

    The greed of these energy companies is unbelievable.

    And that would be a good place to start. Stop the greed.

  2. also, if prisons meant no frills that would go some way to convincing me.

    I take ir from your comments that you are a criminal then? Prison being so nice and all? Because I'm shit scared of doing anything that might get me locked up.

    yes, i'm a criminal currently in leicester prison.

    thats why i can spend so much time on here, with my 4mb broadband connection in my cell. The mean screws only let me use it 8 hours a day maximum though, and they filter out the child p0rn sites. b&st&rds. :P

    I'm sold! Where's my swag-bag?

  3. I think that if life meant LIFE in this country, there'd be far less people advocating the death penalty.

    that is true. that may make me think about changing my mind.

    also, if prisons meant no frills that would go some way to convincing me.

    its because prison is such a non-deterrent & non-punishment, that we are looking for the ultimate punishment.

    I take ir from your comments that you are a criminal then? Prison being so nice and all? Because I'm shit scared of doing anything that might get me locked up.

  4. It would make no difference to crime figuresWhat's more, I find that argument as worrying as I do the idea that religion is what gives us our moral codes. The idea that if it weren't for the fear of punishment (by the courts or by some "god") we'd all be going around thieving, raping and killing is, frankly, bizarre.

    I didn't smoke as a kid because I was convinced that I would be sent to borstal if caught!

  5. Do the people advocating a violent death, also think Islamic states are barbaric? Because that would be a little hypocritical.

    And I challenge anyone who wants to see prison "harder" to stay at home indoors for, let's say 3 months. You're allowed to go to work but as soon as the day is sone, back home. No friends or relatives can visit, no spedcial food or booze is allowed, but you're allowed your music, TV, dvds, playstations etc.

  6. I'd like to see this broken down by age group.

    And taken by the same people after 10, 20, 30 years.

    and also showing a split by ethnicity, gender, social group, earnings, size of head, & colour of feet. :P

    Residents of Leeds are always at it.

  7. I've never even heard of Firefly, was it cancelled early on or something?

    Yes it was after 13 episodes. Big shame as all the characters and actors were excellent.

    US TV are very harsh when it comes to shows. Unfortunately, many of the more "intelligent" shows are axed as they don't get as many viewers.

    Saying that, a lot of the survivors from the axe are crap.

    Dead Like Me, Day Break, Wonderfalls, Carnivale - all axed too soon.

  8. 6

    All the players were the bare minimum we needed in numbers to stand still, but the quality is better. So Mon gets a 6 for that - doing the bare minimum but upping the quality.

    If we'd had another striker it would have been closer to a 10, but that would depend on the signing.

    I think the phrase I would use is "lack of imagination".

  9. As anyone who knows of my attendance at last year's England bi-sexual XV vs the Navy rugby match will testify. The score? 0-0, but there were 5 tries and 2 conversions.


    Walking is the most pointless. The Olympic sport i hate most though is that ridiculous Horse jumping, the most boring thing in the world

    Now that would be a sport! People trying to jump over horses. It's called Show Jumping. But yes, it is rather dull.

  10. [

    I'd say that those people being interviewed on the subject would say that it is a buyer's market (though it might well get even better for buyers) but only really for those with the cash to take advantage.

    So expect more loaded landlords to buy up more "cheap" houses to rent out and more loaded developers to buy up more. And so the cycle continues.

  11. You judge from who you are. You would have judged the same of Jesus when he said,

    "Woe to you, scribes and pharisees, hypocrites!"

    "You fools, and blind."

    "You are like whitewashed graves, that look beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men's bones, and all uncleanness."

    "You serpents, you generation of vipers..."

    How dare you! How bloody dare you tell me how I would have judged Jesus!

    How dare you have the arrogance to say how I would look on such a man?

    Along with the extremely insulting line in an earlier message to another poster, "You CLAIM not to have raped and murdered" I believe that you are just on the wind-up, you are not part of these people.That comment alone would have had me banning you on here. It's an absolute insult.

    Don't you dare tell me how I would have judged Jesus or anybody.

  12. So, by your own rules, you have just "murdered" b23avfc.

    Your response was sarcastic, which usually reflects an impatient, pent up anger to the person it is directed.

    You judge from who you are. You would have judged the same of Jesus when he said,

    "Woe to you, scribes and pharisees, hypocrites!"

    "You fools, and blind."

    "You are like whitewashed graves, that look beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men's bones, and all uncleanness."

    "You serpents, you generation of vipers..."

    Matt 23

    There is a book called The Desire of Ages, about the life of Jesus, that I recall this quote from:

    "Tears were in his voice, as he uttered his scathing rebukes."

    Unless the love of the Truth has been received into the heart, humanity cannot know this species of Love, but can only attribute their own motives to Its words.

    I knew the response would be like this. I knew it.


    You being sarcastic is okay? But any other response from anyone is wrong?

    Girl! And I am calling you a girl here. You are not a woman for you do not have free will to think. You are a child. I asked you a simple question which you could not answer. You had to run away and use scriptures rather than your own brain to answer what i asked.

    The clue in this, is that you took hours to reply to me, but minutes to other people's questions.

    I'm not judging you. I'm throwing back in your face the judgement you make on others.

    I have no faith in any religion. If I did or not, I do not judge anybody. I don't know why, maybe I believe we all get what is coming to us.

    We do good, we do bad, or more like me we do a bit of both and feel guilty about it!

    Listen to me gorgeous (you may be male for all I know and a big wind-up to all of us on this website); and answer me this.....

    Why is you being sarcastic "O Bible... whatever..." different to us being sarcastic at your beliefs? Why are you allowed to deride us, but to deride you is a sin?

    For what it's worth, I find it boring. I don't care what you believe. I care when I ask a logical question I'm given scriptures as a reply.

    It's a very secular thing...Confuse and divide.

  13. I wonder if the use of the edit button on this forum, is for you nutters in direct relation to your "editing" of your interpretation of the Bible. Old habits die hard. And so will your Michael ;) what a way to go.

    So tell me, O Bible scholar, where we err.

    So, by your own rules, you have just "murdered" b23avfc.

    Your response was sarcastic, which usually reflects an impatient, pent up anger to the person it is directed.

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