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Posts posted by ArteSuave

  1. Hmm, I was expecting to be convinced in to buying a Nexus 4 but it didn't quite happen. No LTE, no sd slot, 16gb is the biggest option and a sealed battery? Not the things I was hoping for tbh. I'm not sure whether to buy an unlocked one or wait for an unlocked S3 LTE to become available here (is there one available? I can't find one).

    I'm a bit wary of LG's stuff in general too, everything I've ever owned from them has been sketchy (read: shit) but there's not much chance google would put it's name to something built poorly.

  2. The only bad thing about him getting the starting spot is that we don't get to watch him dick around with the other subs at half time.

    Last season he was way more entertaining than the actual team, I love that guy. :lol:

  3. I remember him in those cup games against Blackburn a few seasons back and getting bullied around by the likes of Samba & co - he really seemed to struggle with the physical side of things.

    I don't think he was struggling with the physical side at all in those games. That was a tactical naivety of thinking he could allow the likes of Samba to stand on his toes and crowd his area and just brush them aside when he needed. For the rest of his career he was probably able to do that but he learnt a valuable lesson which should really serve him well.

    The guy's a beast. I think he's physically the best keeper in the league (world?)


    :lol: Look, all I'm saying is if an evil billionaire organised a decathlon between the best keepers in the world, Guzan would win by ~500 points. He's a freak of nature.

  4. The guy's a beast. I think he's physically the best keeper in the league (world?), if he's learned well from Friedel and Given he could be incredible. We'll see how well he reacts to mistakes and pressure in the coming weeks, my hopes are most definitely high though.

  5. I've just spent the last half an hour pissing myself laughing after finding the honeytrap thread when I was trying to figure out who the **** scuba steve is. **** beautiful work gentlemen. When will this episode (if that's the right word) be on TV?

  6. I think trophy cabinet is just not a great way of judging things overall, which is what you also seem to be saying. Players like Wes Brown, Phil Neville and John O'Shea have won lots and played pretty big parts in doing so, doesn't mean they're quality.

    Couldn't agree more (in the case of team sports at least). Cristophe Dugarry and his WC medal is pretty damning in that regard.

    Edit - As amusing as that joke is in Messi's defence several times a season he picks the ball up inside his own half, beats everyone and chips the keeper. He could have Laurel and Hardy behind him and that would still be the case.

  7. Saying Messi needs to win the world cup to be the GOAT is like saying Federer needs to win the Olympics singles or Tiger Woods needs to win the World match play.

    No it isnt. And FWIW, Jack Nicklaus > Tiger Woods.

    You're right. Federer and Woods winning is completely down to them whereas Messi is reliant on his national team being good. ;)

    I don't really have an opinion on Nicklaus vs Woods but Golf is a much bigger game these days and the standard is a lot higher IMO. Nicklaus took up golf really late by today's standards (age 10), I'm not saying that proves anything but it suggests to me that it wasn't the same game.

    As an aside, if Messi had decided to play for Spain instead and been the star of this golden generation would that have made him GOAT despite making no difference to his ability as a footballer?

  8. Yeah I agree.

    It's like when a player actually takes a pretty shit penatly but the keeper goes the wrong way. Yet the commentator declares "Great penalty"

    It's NOT a great penalty, if the keeper had guesses the right way he'd have easily saved it.

    Completely agree with this. The inability of some of the commentators to differentiate between good and bad penalties is infuriating.

    Pazzini's 3rd was class by the way. I love them kind of finishes.

  9. Long season isn't a great excuse. Most top players go through a long season and it doesn't stop them performing, see: Ronaldo at Euro 2012.

    Ronaldo doesn't exactly run himself into the ground though does he? :lol:

    If it doesn't end in a shot for him he's not interested, it's not really comparable to what Messi does in a season IMO. Their goal returns are similar but the chances they create, passes they make and ground they cover are not.

  10. The standard of International tournements being worse should surely mean it's easier for a top player to dominate though? Messi hasn't scored in a competition since 2007 which is hardly great, so they can't be that shit.

    Not really, they come at the end of a long season for Messi, almost invariably as Barca go far in every competition. Usually he's played 50+ games by the time the tournament comes around.

    Also his national team had an insane coke fiend in charge for most of his career, which can't help. I can't really be arsed to argue tbh, there will never be a consensus GOAT and with something as subjective as that it's arrogant to think nobody can argue any opinion other than your own.

    Still, I don't really accept that winning the WC is a prerequisite for consideration (or that not winning it is some kind of black mark on your career).

  11. Saying Messi needs to win the world cup to be the GOAT is like saying Federer needs to win the Olympics singles or Tiger Woods needs to win the World match play. They've stood head and shoulders above everyone at a higher standard of competition, winning every last thing would cement their status but can't really be held against them.

    IMO the standard of football at international tournaments is nowhere near CL level or major club level. They are played over a short space of time by squads that spend only a few days a year together. If you need to win one to be in the argument for GOAT then Best & Weah must be shite cause they never even played in one.

  12. Arsenal have sold Toure, Clichy, Song, Fabregas, Nasri, Eboue, Adebayor & Van Persie in the last 3 seasons. Pretty much a full team.

    At least two of those players we lost were shit, one is battling more serious problems than 0 points from 2 games and the two you mentioned could still make an impact this season.

  13. Did anyone see the Panorama investigation in regard to protein shakes?

    I saw that documentary and to be honest, they didn't really focus on protein shakes.

    Wash your mouth out. Panorama is about as much a documentary as Jeremy Kyle is a debating society. :P

    Today on Panorama we've decided something is bad and we'll be flying round the world on licence payers money to interview several people with a chip on their shoulder and not even attempt to use relevant scientific research or give a balanced report.

    RE Supplement Shakes - Hitting your macros is what is really important. Ideally you can do it with food but shakes are essentially fine. If buying hand reared quail scrotum fillets makes you happy then do that, most people can't be arsed.

    Just do your research, don't buy products with wankerish names like Synthamatic or Pumpmax pro, whey isolate and oatz bro.

  14. The most useful service that conspiracy theories provide is the outing of idiots and nutters. I'm sure most of you who've been here for a while didn't really need help identifying but it's quite useful for us new people.

  15. but i'd acually give Sonnen the edge because of his psychological warfare which would probably work against a naive and still relatively inexperinced fighter like Jones.


    What? The last time we saw him at LHW he didn't even break 200lbs, 10 inch reach disadvantage, coming off a TKO loss last month, 8 days notice. He doesn't even have enough power to have a punchers chance. With a full camp I'd give him a 20% of winning, without one I'd say more like 5%.

    Any perceived "psychological warfare" is for marketing purposes and Jones is too arrogant to believe anyone could beat him anyway. Jones' inexperience has led him to the best run in the LHW division for years.

    Greg Jackson is trying to be regarded as wise and insightful, he just **** up big time.

  16. Actually knows how to sell a fight too. Instead of saying "oh I don't mind who I fight next" in her post-fight interview she called out Cyborg. 90% of MMA fighters should take note.

    Well to be fair there is literally only one woman left to fight before she's cleaned out the entire sport. Calling someone out only really makes sense if you're fighting for a title and 90% of fighters aren't doing that.

    They need to start waving money at Kyra Gracie pronto. That fight would make a **** killing and she sure as hell wouldn't get armlocked.

  17. My girlfriend goes spinning class (all on bikes) and I went with her...Only went for the crack.

    There is a spinning class going on in my gym one of the days I lift. They are across the other side of the gym and face the other way.

    I too only take an interest because of the crack.

  18. If your only goal is a 1/2 marathon by next summer just run for 90 minutes as far as you can, three times a week. If you can't run for 90 minutes, just run for as long as you can until you reach 90 minutes. Reaching a running based goal is really simple, it doesn't matter where you start from, even if you can only jog for 20 minutes to start with. Consistency will bring results as long as you increase the length/speed of your runs regularly.

    Eat at a caloric deficit and the fat will come off. I wouldn't bother with the various reps totalling 120, it sounds like a waste of time IMO.

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