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Posts posted by Raymond

  1. AVFC still two and a half years have still not replaced milner..the day we beat west ham at home was milners last game,since that day i challenge any one to convince me we have signed a player who has done more than milner for avfc since that day. MIDFIELD IS THE PROBLEM

    Said this at least 10 times.

  2. My favorite thing about the average football fan is their transfer mentality. "I've heard of him. He must be good."

    It is why we constantly hear about players like Joey Barton, NRC, ect in this thread.

    The reality is there are dozens and dozens of players who are better players and values than the "name" players. It is Lambert's job to find them.

    Unfortunately, I am not completely sold on Lambert's ability to spot a player.

  3. I do not think any manager could do anything with these players. Some of the problems with the squad fall at Lambert's feet, but I actually think the good majority of Lambert's signings (Benteke, Vlaar, Lowton, Westwood) have been positives.

    That being said, something had to change just to shake up the team. If Learner does not want to spend any money, he has to get rid of Lambert. If he wants to spend money, they need to do it now.

  4. Without offering top wages we won't get ready made Premier League (O'Neill type) signings, but even with our worst half season for a long time, we are only in the bottom three through goal difference and a dodgy penalty.

    We need to stay behind the team and give them a bit of confidence.

    Said this a week ago. The fact that we have been as bad as I think we can be and were still outside the drop zone gave me some comfort. After this week I have to say even that is gone.

    We need a new midfield. I have been saying it since Milner left, but maybe if I keep saying it a new midfield will magically appear like Bettlejuice.

  5. The wind will change.

    The one blessing is that it's still only January. We can rebuild our confidence with a goal or two and an addition or two and we'll slowly drag ourselves out of this.

    I think you are right. We desperately need a lift. A new player or two could be that lift, but I do not see it.

    If we do nothing this window, I will firmly join the anti-Lerner brigade.

  6. lambert out a better squad needed. You can say we played well but we never really looked like scoring I have no confidence in us at all. Barry Bannan I just despise.

    We never looked like scoring? Except the 6 times we very nearly did you mean?

    Awful chance conversion in this team. We are only above Newcastle in that stat.

  7. Whay to go randy... 6-7 years into the job and you sure are getting to grips with this soccer ball project!..

    Waste of space excuse of a man!.. **** off home coward your killing our club!.

    Calling someone a coward behind the glare of your computer screen is a level of irony I cannot express with words.

  8. Reading, Wigan, Southampton, Newcastle are the teams I'd say will be battling relegation with us. QPR is a question mark

    Sunderland are not any good either. Why does nobody talk about them as relegation material? MON love?

  9. Is relegation a possibility? Certainly, but I do not think anyone is saying that relegation is out of the question.

    What helps me sleep at night is I think the first half of the season went as poorly as it could have and we still are not in the bottom three at the half way point. If we even improve a little bit - with hopefully some new signings and Vlaar coming back from injury - we have a decent chance at staying up.

    You can call it optimism if you want to, but I can also tell you to **** off :).

  10. What we are facing now is exactly why PL did not spunk all his money one 2-3 players. We had and still have a thin squad. Think of what we would be right now if we had not added so many players this summer.

    January, I hope, will he different. It is not about finding a lot of players anymore. We need 3 or 4 players that can step right in and regulate KEA, Bannan, ect. to where they belong, the bench.

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