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Posts posted by PussEKatt

  1. Has anyone shopped with them before?

    I just bought a pricey laptop and the money was taken out immediately, but a few days after it was back in my account and the transaction had vanished, it has now been 10 days since I ordered and I now have the laptop and the money is still in my account.

    Have I just got lucky or are my expectations of it being taken out eventually the realistic outcome?

    Most companies work on a monthly basis,so if nothing has changed by the 1st of May then I would say "happy birthday"

    You could ask Dell if they can make McIdiot dissapear like that ( or is that wishful thinking )

  2. Well,I suppose 4-0 against an "Elite" team is no more than you would expect. I expect to see Young at the olympics, getting a gold for diving !

    Its not like Man U needed a penalty to beat us is it ?

    As far as the team is concerned, I thought the same as last week,lots of running around lots of energy and lots of commitment BUT no plan at all,no direction, no purpose to all that running around.And who is to blame for that .........McIdiot.

    I fear that next season will be our last in the Premier league !

  3. Only 3 wins away from bieng in the second tier ? We have only won 7 all season ?

    We could finish 8th with 2 good signings ? and who is going to discover those 2 good signings ?!

    Both of his points are still true though, despite what you have responded with.

    You are right,BUt as far as I can see I have responded with the truth !

  4. You have to be an incredibly bad team to get relegated from the premier league. We aren't quite that bad yet... But we're getting there

    Have people finally stopped getting hysterical over relegation yet? Or are some still expecting 3 of the teams below us to have championship winning form for the rest of the season?

    We're safe. We've been safe since fulham... Before that we were as good as safe since the first day of the season.

    People around here seriously overestimate the quality of the premier league. Look at how bad we are,and we're no more than 3 wins away from being in the second tier of clubs. We're dreadful, with a dreadful manager, but could very, very easily finish 8th next season with 2 good signings and a touch of luck. And that certainly wouldn't make us a good team, or the standard of the league any better

    Only 3 wins away from bieng in the second tier ? We have only won 7 all season ?

    We could finish 8th with 2 good signings ? and who is going to discover those 2 good signings ?!

    As far as luck goes, our's has been all bad since McIdiot took over !

  5. Hughes is doing a resonable job at QPR given the time he has had.

    11 games 11 points and conceded 20 goals, thats a slightly worse record than McLeish and he spent more than anyone in January. That is not doing a 'reasonable' job.

    I'm sorry, I did'nt realise that he has been there for 11 games already.how time flies.

    How about us, 32 games 35 points

  6. Its not about complying with Financial Fair Play as those regs only matter if you are in Europe and we are a very long way from that aren't we. The change in approach with wages was about stopping us going bust because we couldn't sustain it from income and Randy was no longer willing to foot the bill.

    The financial fair play thing is nothing but a handy excuse.

    So, he can't afford the wages of a team capable of finishing 6th and qualifying for europe every year.But he can afford the wages of a team finishing just above the drop zone every year ?

    So where does that leave us :?: :?: :?:

    Everything isn't as black and white as that though, is it?

    "He cant afford the wages of a team capable of finishing 6th"

    So how much does a team finishing 6th cost? There's no definitive answer on that, it's down to whatever manager is in place.

    I'm sure if we had a similar squad to Everton or Newcastle we could afford the wages which they pay out. That's because they don't have players like Heskey on 65k a week doing feck all. We need to get rid of these players before we can start again. Will Randy put money back into the club once the squad has been stripped of it's high earners? Only Randy knows that.

    That's it in a nutshell is'nt it ?

    Moyes spent nothing at all last transfer window yet Everton are 7th.

    McLeish spent millions and we are 15th ?

    Jelavic, Peinaar, Gibson, Donovan?

    In the January transfer window he spent $0

  7. Its not about complying with Financial Fair Play as those regs only matter if you are in Europe and we are a very long way from that aren't we. The change in approach with wages was about stopping us going bust because we couldn't sustain it from income and Randy was no longer willing to foot the bill.

    The financial fair play thing is nothing but a handy excuse.

    So, he can't afford the wages of a team capable of finishing 6th and qualifying for europe every year.But he can afford the wages of a team finishing just above the drop zone every year ?

    So where does that leave us :?: :?: :?:

    Everything isn't as black and white as that though, is it?

    "He cant afford the wages of a team capable of finishing 6th"

    So how much does a team finishing 6th cost? There's no definitive answer on that, it's down to whatever manager is in place.

    I'm sure if we had a similar squad to Everton or Newcastle we could afford the wages which they pay out. That's because they don't have players like Heskey on 65k a week doing feck all. We need to get rid of these players before we can start again. Will Randy put money back into the club once the squad has been stripped of it's high earners? Only Randy knows that.

    That's it in a nutshell is'nt it ?

    Moyes spent nothing at all last transfer window yet Everton are 7th.

    McStupid spent millions and we are 15th ?

  8. @morpheus:

    Can I ask you a few questions to get this thing streightened out ?

    1- Are the current Man U, Barcelona and Real Madrid teams good ? if yes then do they have good managers ?

    2-Was Liverpool under Shankley and Mercer good ? if yes were they good managers ?

    3- Is Aston Villa good ? if yes is McStupid a good manager ? if no ? is McStupid a good manager ?

    I can't think of any good teams that have bad managers,also I can't think of any bad teams that have good managers.

    Work it out. ?!

  9. Its not about complying with Financial Fair Play as those regs only matter if you are in Europe and we are a very long way from that aren't we. The change in approach with wages was about stopping us going bust because we couldn't sustain it from income and Randy was no longer willing to foot the bill.

    The financial fair play thing is nothing but a handy excuse.

    So, he can't afford the wages of a team capable of finishing 6th and qualifying for europe every year.But he can afford the wages of a team finishing just above the drop zone every year ?

    So where does that leave us :?: :?: :?:

  10. Back to work after a miserable grey pissing down all weekend bank holoiday, and now the sun wants to come out, kin typical.

    Just shows how strange human nature is.

    You are pissed off cause it is raining and I am pissed off cause the sun is shining ?!

    Its mid autumn and it was 33 digrees today and the forecast is for 36 later in the week.

  11. I support Villa, I've renewed. Those who haven't renewed - unless you've had a change of circumstances that means you can no longer afford a ticket, then just own up to being a fairweather fan who's only interested in Villa when they're winning. Don't sit on here spouting off about being a "fan" because you know what? You aren't. Fan is short for fanatic, and a fanatic does not give up on their team because the manager used to work for a neighbouring club.


    You sound like the sort of person that TV commercials are aimed at !

    Yes you are right fan is short for fanatic, but I think you are getting the meaning of fanatic mixed up with BLIND faith.

    Do you really think that the fans that do not renew their ST will not watch the games on TV or in the pub ? do you really think they will not bother to check the results or look at the league table ? you don't think they will read about Villa in the newspapers or listen on the radio ?

    The only difference between these fans and you is that they are withdrawing their fininancial support, no more,no less.In other words they are telling the club, yes I am a Villa supporter BUT I do not agree with the way the club is bieng run so until that changes for the better I am withdrawing my finincial support.They are not blindly following the club no matter what ?!

  12. Hopefully in the summer with our defence revamped and the signing of a quality centre mid then we will be more positive in our approach?

    And what is this hope based upon?

    His signings of cultured midfielders like Ferguson and Bowyer at Birmingham perhaps?

    Or is it perhaps based upon the excellent judgement he has shown in the transfer market since he has been our manager?

    Why didn't he go and get this star midfielder that is the answer to our problems last summer instead of wasting money on Jenas and Hutton and taking a punt on N'Zogbia?

    I don't see any reason to be optimistic that will go and find this creative player and even if he does I would fully expect him to utterly fail to get the best from him.


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