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Everything posted by BleedClaretAndBlue

  1. If Schmeichel had control then Alisson has control
  2. Fulham is must win. Do we go with the same XI and hope for a repeat performance of that first half? Probably but football doesnt work that way. We are just a miserable football club im still pissed off all the momentum built under Jack and Deano has been stolen from us. How long have we suffered as a fanbase just to do that multiyear rebuild just to get back to a certain level only for City to keep taking our best and knocking us down again. We still haven’t recovered.
  3. The way teams have played against us this season we could have been challenging for Europe with a good manager
  4. Wow Dendoncker really cant run can he. Wolves have had us over
  5. Life of a Villa fan is just pain. McGregor opened pinheads cube
  6. We dont deserve this, we never do, but it ALWAYS happens
  7. + Wet Spam add in Southampton and Everton and its crazy how many poor teams (on the day) have played us this season and we simply havent picked up enough points
  8. Koulibaly to give away a pen. Kepa to scorpion save it
  9. I just feel like ive seen this movie a million times before. We get one good performance out of 5 games and still manage to lose it off a mistake and then revert to crapness in the following game to just lose again
  10. Best half of the season and we’re behind from an unforced error, typical. Its Spurs at home last season all over again. The chances stacking up not being converted will always kill you, we’re the masters at it before being sucker punched for the 2-0 Similar at Stamford Bridge last season where we were again the much better side and a Mings mistake killed us
  11. Cash even finding his man from a cross what a time to be alive
  12. Cant fault our attacking intent today. We just want this every week
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