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Posts posted by Daweii

  1. 3 hours ago, villa4europe said:

    max payne remake has been announced

    i'll be playing it, feels almost like 3rd person shooters are dying off a bit, adventure in favour of the action

    (agree GarethRDR there is definitely room for a syphon filter reboot)

    I'm curious when we'll see Max Payne 1+2 Remake as they announced it mere minutes after the ink dried on signing the agreement. I think it'll be in pre-production for a while as they slowly work through their current projects. 

    Alan Wake 2 is in full-production and set for 2023 release, while Control's Multiplayer spin-off is also in full-production, no release window for that though.

    Then there is Control 2 which is likely still in pre-production, and then they have Project Vanguard for Tencent which is also at some stage of development, not much known about that one outside it being a live service game. 

    Hard to say where Max Payne 1+2 Remake fit in. I would love to see it as soon as possible, but Remedy are busier than almost any other studio in the industry right now. 

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Designer1 said:

    From my own experience you will need a minimum of 100 hours to really make the most of the game.

    You could go the critical path route and finish the main story in 35 hours (ish) but you would be missing out on about half of the games content.

    I have over 200 hours played and I'm still finding new areas in my second playthrough. 

    Not to mention going the critical path without much exploration would turn Elden Ring from a fun experience to a frustrating one. 

    I have figured out through multiple playthroughs that Stormveil Castle where the game directs the player to go first is a Level 30-40 area. Not saying it can't be done at Level 10 right off spawn, but there are bosses in that castle that I wouldn't want to fight at Level 10 with no estus upgrades, weapon upgrades or anything else. 

    On a first playthrough exploration is the whole game, as the exploration is what facilitates most players to beat the bosses on the critical path. 

    • Like 1
  3. 35 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

    New TR game announced today at the state of unreal event 

    The last game had ran out of steam which was a shame because the first 2 in that run were great 

    I have a feeling the new TR game will be combining the Crystal Dynamics-era origin timeline with the Core Design-era timeline from back in the day. 

    The most recent TR games were the origin story and I can see the new game being a remake/reimagining of Tomb Raider (1996) with the dinosaurs, flesh monsters and other horror oddities. 

    That said Shadow of the Tomb Raider was definitely the weakest entry of the recent trilogy. It was also the only game in the origin trilogy not made by Crystal Dynamics because they were off making Marvel Avengers. That went well. 😂

    • Like 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

    It's 2 nights now? Jesus Christ


    Less is more WWE, less is more

    2 nights at almost 4-hours per night. Each night also had a 2-hour pre-show so someone that watched it all would have given WWE almost 12-hours of their weekend. 

  5. Thoughts on Wrestlemania Night 2. (yes, I watched it)


    I'm only going to focus on the matches I gave a shit about. 

    Johnny Knoxville vs Sami Zayn was like watching a live episode of Jackass, it was very fun. I think the Jackass crew are a great fit for WWE as they get off on pain and guys like that make their opponents moves look a million bucks. The helluva kick to Wee Man was probably the best looking helluva kick ever because Wee Man just ate all of it with his nose, but that's the benefit of using a guy that used to kick himself in the face as a skit on TV. Overall that might have been my match of the night solely because of how fun and stupid it all was. 

    Edge vs AJ Styles was decent. I don't think it was the greatest match ever and I think the distraction finish hurt it quite a bit. I know the finish was to set up Edge's new Brood 2.0 style faction, but that could have been done on RAW where matches literally don't seem to matter. Have a rematch like WWE like to do and do the distraction finish then. 

    Pat McAfee vs Austin Theory was great fun. Pat McAfee is another non-roster member that puts a lot of WWE roster talent to shame. He was pretty blown up during this match given he was seemingly given like 4 weeks to train, but that leap to the top rope for the superplex was outrageous for a man of his size. My main takeaway after this match was the WWE roster need to step up. Logan Paul, Johnny Knoxville and Pat McAfee should not be putting on some of the better matches over the two nights. Unfortunately WWE kinda hurt this match mere minutes after it finished...

    Pat McAfee vs Vince McMahon. What in the actual **** was this all about? I get that this was probably Pat McAfee ticking off bucket list items, but this didn't work. Firstly how weak does Austin Theory look after this? He just lost to the guy that then lost in just under 4 minutes to a 76 year old that had 100% of the offensive. Secondly why book an angle like this if Vince McMahon literally can't take bumps anymore. It completely deflated what was a fun match before all of this. Thankfully Stone Cold came out to eventually tick off another one of Pat's bucket list items, but before we got to that Vince McMahon sold the worst stunner in the history of stunners. I don't know if he misread the situation, or just freaked out at the prospect of taking a stunner at 76 years old, but it was terrible and it rounded out a segment to forget. Fortunately Pat McAfee got his stunner which he sold amazingly and the segment ended on a high, but what a shit show until we got to that point. 

    It's typical that the one time in almost 20 years that I want Brock Lesnar to win is the time he doesn't win. Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar was not the best. I think it suffered from standard WWE heel antics. Too much cheating, and also too much no-selling. At one point after the kimura lock the camera microphone picked up Reigns saying, "my shoulder is out, my shoulder is out" and then 10 seconds later Reigns was no-selling an apparent dislocated shoulder to set up for his finisher. It's that kind of stuff that pulls me out of the match in the end. If your shoulder is gone then maybe don't push Lesnar with the arm connected to said dislocated shoulder. It's common sense, but I guess the "tribal chief" doesn't agree. 

    Like I did for Night 1 there were 92 minutes of wrestling on a 228 minute long Night 2. Pacing was still an issue on Night 2. I mean it took literally 20 minutes from the start of Night 2 for the bell to ring on the first match of the night. WWE can do a lot better. Just because you have 8+ hours to burn over a weekend doesn't mean you need to. 

    Overall I give this WM a 7/10. There were a lot of filler matches on both nights that were only there to give everyone a Wrestlemania moment and it hurts the overall product. 

  6. Thoughts on Wrestlemania Night 1.


    Very few highlights really.

    First major takeaway as someone that hasn't watched much WWE post-pandemic is WWE's larger than life production is obnoxious. I can't believe they found more places to put LED boards. The barricade? Really?

    The other major takeaway regarding production was Wrestlemania has gotten bloated. Night 1 was 4 hours and 4 minutes. Not every wrestler needed a special entrance. It feels like Wrestlemania is now the night where precise planning goes to die.

    As for the matches themselves;

    The opening tag match was average and the injury was unfortunate as Rick Boogs is a fun guy. 

    Have no interest in Happy Corbin (stupid name) so didn't care in the least about the match with Drew McIntyre. 

    Logan Paul put 90% of the NXT 2.0 roster to shame. He trained for a few weeks and is already a better wrestler than the majority of NXT 2.0's roster. The Miz turning on him likely because he has a bigger social media following would be totally on brand for The Miz. 

    Becky Lynch vs Bianca Belair was decent enough. I think they made it way too obvious that Belair was going to win given the whole storyline seemed to be Belair getting revenge for losing in 16 seconds. 

    Cody Rhodes vs Seth Rollins was the match of the night. It's the only reason I watched Wrestlemania to see how WWE would handle Cody Rhodes and it was a good re-debut. I likely won't follow his journey in WWE beyond this, but they didn't fumble it which is good. 

    Charlotte Flair is boring. She's a charisma vacuum that has brought down the quality of the product for many years now. Her match with Rousey was no different.   

    Steve Austin vs Kevin Owens was fun. It was definitely better than I was expecting given Stone Cold is held together by leg braces and duct tape. That said it was cool to see Steve Austin one last time, but again pacing was an issue. I didn't need 10 minutes of KO Show and I didn't need 8+ minutes after the match of Stone Cold doing his schtick. I get it you smash cans together and people cheer, that didn't need to go on for as long as it did. As I said earlier Wrestlemania used to be this tightly planned event, but now it's so much wasted time. 98 minutes of wrestling on a 244 minute show. 

    Not sure I'll be watching Night 2. I think the card for Night 2 is way weaker than Night 1 outside of maybe Edge vs AJ Styles. 


    • Like 1
  7. Summer Game Fest is still happening in June this year, and from what I've heard E3 Digital 2022 died because everyone sided with Summer Game Fest. 

    So we'll still have the usual conferences from Xbox, Ubisoft, Square Enix, Devolver Digital and others. There will also likely be Summer Game Fest: Kickoff Live happening again. 

    August will also have Opening Night Live. So E3 going away won't mean a whole lot. We'll still get the same info dump we always used to get, while those that only liked E3 for the conferences will still get those.  

    • Like 1
  8. 36 minutes ago, Delphouneso said:

    The Smelter Demon boss run might actually be worse than the run to Capra Demon. I'm noticing running through enemies generally seems way less effective in this game, I don't know whether there are more enemies, less bonfires, less shortcuts or something else but running back to your body rarely seems to end well.

    Another thing that feels off and I can't quite put my finger on why is the feedback when you get hit, it just seems to be lacking some how. I genuinely wouldn't know I'd taken damage half the time if I didn't notice my HP going down. 

    If you're playing the Scholar of the First Sin version of Dark Souls 2 then there are 100% more enemies.

    That specific version of Dark Souls 2 has no rhyme or reason to enemy placement. Every area from the original Dark Souls 2 has 5-10x the amount of enemies in Scholar of the First Sin. 

    • Thanks 1
  9. 33 minutes ago, hogso said:

    It's more the legacy stuff in the top tier I want to see the list of. And yes, it would be the JRPGs that I don't already own I'd want to play, for example, Persona 1 and 2 being on the list would be very interesting...and P3P (Persona 3 PSP with the female protag).

    I am very curious about that. There are currently 418 PS3 games on PS Now (according to the site I'm using), but up to 340 classic games will be in PS+ Premium. Classic games includes PS1, PS2, PS3 and PSP so I'm curious how many PS3 games they get rid of to make room for other generations. Selfishly as someone not super into game streaming I'd prefer the majority of the 340 to be the downloadable PS1, PS2 and PSP games. 

  10. Now that I've thought about it more I don't recall mine coming with one.

    I think I connected my PS5 controller with the same USB-C cable that I charge my phone with. Now was that because the controller didn't come with one? I have no idea anymore 😂

  11. 21 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

    Oh you know what annoyed me about the PS5, you need a USB cable to connect the controller when you first start the console, but they don't provide one.

    I mean I had one anyway, but still.

    I know it's to save on waste, but I don't like this trend of the tech industry just assuming people already have something.

    I know it's an issue that will solve itself over time because eventually everyone will have everything needed, but I still think the switch to not including things in the box was done too quickly. 

  12. 3 hours ago, lapal_fan said:

    Are the bosses in this anything like as challenging as the Valkyries in God of War?

    Sigrun especially..

    The bosses in Elden Ring are heavily dependent on numerous factors;

    • What class are you?
    • What is your playstyle? 
    • What is your level going into the fight?
    • How upgraded is your weapon?
    • Have you levelled up efficiently?
    • Is it a main boss, or an optional boss? (optional bosses are usually 10x harder)

    Everyone has bosses in Elden Ring that annihilated them. @Designer1 has PTSD from the boss Maliketh for instance. There are some very very hard bosses in Elden Ring.

    That said I think it's hard to say because God of War is a very tailored experience. It's way more linear and there are way less options for the player overall. It would also depend what difficulty you're fighting Sigrun on because God of War has multiple difficulties. I'm not sure the two games bosses are comparable in the end given all the variables.

    PS. What I can say is if you're after challenging bosses then Elden Ring likely won't disappoint. 

    • Like 2
  13. Returnal has probably the second best use of the haptics/adaptive triggers especially the triggers.

    Returnal splits the L2 and R2 into 4 separate inputs by using the trigger tension to create a button on top of button.  

    So tapping R2 and hitting the initial point of resistance single fires the weapon, while pushing past that initial point of resistance is fully auto. 

    L2 works the same. Lightly pressing L2 to the initial point of resistance is aim down sights, while pushing past that point activates the weapons special attack. 

    It was a very creative use of the PS5 controllers functionality in a way that was more than just, "the trigger gets heavier the more the spring coils" which is still cool, but it's pretty clever to use the trigger tension to split a button into two. 

    • Like 1
  14. On 22/03/2022 at 10:52, Wainy316 said:

    Watch **** Microsoft go and buy up CD Projekt RED now and make it an XBox exclusive.

    I think CD Projekt prefer their independence as they also run a pretty large gaming store on PC in the form of GOG.com.

    Selling to Microsoft would give them complete financial security to make whatever they wanted, but it would come at a cost and that cost would likely be shutting down GOG.com. 

  15. 7 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

    There's a YouTuber I watch who plays Gran Turismo and his last couple of videos have been of races he did over the last couple of weeks because he said the game was offline at the moment. Dunno if it's an issue or planned or what

    The game has had a lot of downtime recently. Not sure what the cause of the current downtime is, but just a few days ago the game was down for 30 hours because the patch to nerf event payouts had a serious undisclosed bug in it. 

  16. 16 hours ago, villa4europe said:

    Further to what @Daweii said in the GT thread, Sony have bought a new studio, Haven and they're working a new AAA multiplayer IP for them

    The woman who runs the studio is ex assasins creed, watch dogs, far cry 4 and then also battlefront for EA

    I'm curious to see what this project winds up being. 

    Not a fan of Sony going all in on live service games though. The last definitive statement from Sony on the number of first party games in development was 25 games (pre-GT7/Horizon 2 release). If 10 of those are live service multiplayer then that's a massive amount of their single player identity gone. 

    Very curious to see how this goes. I am sure Sony won't be affected in the slightest as live service gaming is where the money is, but those PlayStation fans that love Sony's AAA single player games might have less of them to play going forward which would be a shame. 

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