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Posts posted by Mr_Dogg

  1. 4 minutes ago, CVByrne said:

    No Pau. No points 

    United press will cause same problems we've had against Chelsea and Newcastle and they'll score off a turnover

    It will only end when Pau is back


    Do United even press?

  2. 24 minutes ago, stewiek2 said:

    West Ham doing a Sheffield United 🤣

    Now the hell they re so high in the league is beyond me!?

    I know they want Moyes sacked. But he's performing a minor miracle with this lot.

    Their squad is full of excellent players.

    • Like 1
  3. It seems to me that getting as many out to vote as possible, is what will win it for Biden. That's why the likes of Taylor Swift can influence, even though it doesn't seem serious at first glance.

  4. 1 hour ago, tinker said:

    The guy who wrote this is a Trump man, he was nominated to office by Trump, its propaganda, its dangerous to see this as fact. 

    Yep, Biden is too old, that is undeniable. But that is an absolute hand grenade, will have a huge affect.

    If Biden was re-elected, I believe he would be surrounded by people who could keep things under control, whereas Trump would just have yes men and lunatics.

    • Like 3
  5. 17 hours ago, Pinebro said:

    Sad to see such entitlement still.

    We have no divine right to challenge for CL places or win trophies.

    Only reason we are in the CL conversation is because of Emery.

    It's about ambition though, not just having a que sera, sera attitude. 

  6. The thing is good people can be bad dog owners, they can get a dog and not necessarily know how to handle it. The gun comparison does actually work.

  7. 15 minutes ago, romavillan said:

    Yeah, kind of agree but also if we go all out at full strength tonight and regardless of result are then really flat and knackered at United, isn't that worse than some fringe players contributing to a muted performance tonight?

    If they are flat and knackered on a Sunday after playing Wednesday, we have bigger problems.

  8. 4 hours ago, Marka Ragnos said:

    How come Ireland doesn't seem to have many forests? What happened to the trees? 

    The forests have been cleared over hundreds of years to make way for agriculture and to sell the timber. Ireland has a serious biodiversity issue right now.

    Regrowth has focused on cash crops such as Sitka spruce, which are grown and felled. Attempts are being made to re-plant native Irish trees through various initiatives.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 22 minutes ago, choffer said:

    I’ve got one episode left and I can’t bring myself to watch it because I’m enjoying it so much, I don’t want it to end. 
    Without having seen the final episode, I currently have the opposite feeling to you. For me, it’s got better with every episode. 
    Opinions, eh? ;)

    I just felt it got a bit chaotic but overall if felt fresh, and was enjoyable viewing.

  10. 52 minutes ago, Captain_Townsend said:

    Former Taoiseach John Bruton. In office 1994-97, died today aged 76.

    Was Taoiseach in the 'Rainbow Coalition', comprising three parties. He was by no means a hugely popular figure, despite doing a fairly solid job with the economy. He and UK PM at the time, John Major launched the framework documents in 1995, a blueprint for peace talks in Northern Ireland.

    Bruton is also Noteworthy for making a big effort to reach out to Unionist culture in Northern Ireland in an effort to reassure them they were not facing a "pan nationalist front".

    He got criticized for it, (although I was bit young to be paying attention then) but figures like him are what are needed going forward if talks of a united Ireland are to pick up.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 18 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

    I’m sure CT can give you a better answer, but from what I understand the Protestants in NI would originally be traced back to the English (on the most part). However it’s so long ago that a lot of those people wouldn’t know about their English heritage. Or if they did they’d still consider themselves Irish because it would be multiple generations ago. 

    We’re talking centuries

    They would say Northern Irish or British. Not many Northern Ireland protestants would call themselves Irish. 

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