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Posts posted by Mr_Dogg

  1. 30 minutes ago, HongKongVillan said:


    Ruben Dias - he was superb when he first came. Remember why Pep signed him? they were having a bit of a shit start and losing at (home?) to Leicester by some shit high score. Pep found a solution though, spend £50m on Dias and he did solve that problem. For me , he seems to have gone backwards for the last 2 seasons.

    Laporte - again quite underwhelming since he joined City

    Cancelo - great at first, prob fell out with Pep hence the swift departure?

    Doku - even he is less exciting (ok he only just came back from injury time will tell)

    Leory Sane - he was again exciting to be begin with, complete fell off towards the end of his City career

    Kalvin Phillips - i dont need to  explain


    Probably have missed a few, but if i look at the positives, i would say, Stone, Walker are the two main one that I think has improved under him. I try not to include KDB, Silva and Rodri as they have just kept up with standard, not improved.

    Dias has injury problems. Doku is doing great. 🤨

    Phillips was never good enough, that was undoubtedly a bad signing

    The rest are all attitude issues. Laporte isn't even there anymore.

  2. 11 hours ago, HongKongVillan said:

    I couldn't help but went for Pep.

    Spends billions on talented players, probably more players have gone backwards then those who held to their standard under his tenure. The narratives of him improving players is a complete myth. 

    We will never find out how he would be like if there is no resource available. But my gut feel is that he would be similar to a Tony Adam, or an ex Liverpool player. He will ask league two standard players to play in unfamiliar positions, pinging 60 yard passes etc, and hope for that moment of magic. Not one that would be able to maximise output

    There is only one player gone backwards under Guardiola, someone we know well. Other than that, strange take.

  3. 29 minutes ago, villa89 said:

    Britain voted in Boris Johnson in a landslide victory. Never under estimate how stupid the electorate is. 

    Well, yeah but people vote for their candidate or party. Here they are 100% supporting trump.

  4. 15 hours ago, mjmooney said:

    They will need to be Bold if they are to stem the Tide of attacks. At least they don't have any really Flash players like Robin Van Persil. 

    We need to be mindful of Ariel attacks. I'll take Comfort in Konsa being back, they won't bleach our defence too easily.

    • Like 2
  5. 6 hours ago, Villaphan04 said:

    one of my friends is one of these people. he voted for Biden in '20 as he disagreed with the way that Trump handled COVID and now is going to Trump as he does not like the way Biden is running/handling the nation currently (specifically on immigration). 

    But Trump and cronies blocked an immigration reform bill from Biden and co. Mad logic.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Genie said:

    If you don’t like the prediction find a different poll 

    Well more like take an amalgam of numerous polls.

    Although they are almost worthless.

  7. 52 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

    If the story is legit, and that’s a sizeable if, then perhaps it’s an illustration of ‘our’ news versus news around the world. We would think it crazy to go to Russia on our holibobs because we see pictures from the frontline and magnakarl’s kill stats. 

    But perhaps the news in India isn’t quite so involved and the seven guys aren’t that interested and there are lots of places that aren’t as poorly rated on trip advisor as Kharkiv.

    So I guess it’s just as possible some Indians could go to Russia, as some English guys could accidentally go to Colima in Mexico with a murder rate of 2%.




    Ya, I don't think it's such a crazy story, Moscow is quite the place  especially if you are somewhat wealthy.

  8. 7 hours ago, Marka Ragnos said:

    You have to understand, I was at church every Sunday as a kid without fail, did all the big milestone ritual events, etc. I was immersed. It means a lot to me. I imagine it's similar -- and I doubt this will surprise you -- to "Cultural Judaism," following the Levitical dietary edicts, etc., but not really trying to hit people over the head with dogma. There's an emotional connection to the habits etc. But it's not what I consider the important part of my choice to believe. Do I do confession? Sometimes, yes. Take communion? Yes, sometimes. But my own beliefs run a lot deeper than those rituals for me. They're more or less comforting routines of a shared community. My English dad is an atheist, as I said, but he never prevented us from being Catholic. I think he was happy to have Sunday mornings to himself after a hard work week. He'd make his bubble and squeak and listen to the BBC World Service.

    I was born and raised a catholic. Confession, communion, confirmation etc. I am culturally a catholic. But I don't believe in any of it since I was about 10. It's just stories.

    I feel like you are conflicted, holding on to your community and upbringing. No offence intended with anything.

    • Like 1
  9. 13 minutes ago, Marka Ragnos said:

    Yes, I hear you. Got it now.

    I speak only for myself, but I guess I don’t really see it as a core story, but I’m not seeking coherence either — again, I’m not much of a theologian. To me it has the hallmarks of a tale built up from a very early first century reference by Paul — and lots of virgin birth mythology? But I still use the rosary sometimes, so … 

    I don't understand how someone who appears so curious and open minded can still believe in a god.

  10. 31 minutes ago, OutByEaster? said:

    I kinda suspect that there are an enormous amount of footballers who are doped to the gills - at the highest level I really wouldn't be surprised if it's just about everybody.

    I think Pogba might be guilty of upsetting the wrong Italian somewhere and I would imagine there are a fair few footballers being a bit nicer to their owners and chairmen this morning.


    Doping is simply about using the drugs that aren't banned yet. 

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  11. Just now, villa4europe said:

    3 highest PL english scorers so im guessing thats where its coming from

    dont think i saw a single response saying solanke who actually has more goals

    a few went for bowen because of his position but id say that makes him more in competition with grealish, gordon, palmer, barnes etc 

    majority were saying ollie and a lot of people were pointing out his assists and overall work rate + contribution makes him head and shoulders above the other 2 - which is the right answer

    All on the same goals, Watkins destroying them for assists.

  12. 3 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

    Saw a thing on Facebook earlier with start, bench, sell and it was Ollie, Bowen and solanke 

    Was surprised by how many went with that obvious order and how much praise Ollie was getting in general 

    Was also surprised by seemingly around 30% of the comments also made reference to big nose picking rashford over those 3 regardless 

    People have clocked on to him 

    🤨 is that even a debate?

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