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Posts posted by fightoffyour


    It's definitely been photoshopped to make it look bigger.


    Any idea what kind of software he would have used? I could do with some help, making a picture of similar shaped object, look bigger in a photo.


    Just use a coke can for scale, but get one of those tiny coke cans that they used to sell in Woolworths. Works every time.


    Seems that we're are Chery picking some foreign prospects after all


    We are are, are we?


    Alright lads I'm only just back from Glastonbury give me a break! :D

    • Like 2

    Thanks. Would be pretty sweet if this happened. Has had a lot of success with the heat. I actually bought one of their tops the other day :)


    Micky Arison is the guy who has Messi* in his team and is so tight, not wanting to pay,say Pique*, that Messi* decides to leave. 


    * actual names and sports may vary.



    • Like 1
  4. I'm wearing my lucky jacket, I've got a lucky hangover, and my lucky mate Steve is about to give me a lucky lift in his lucky car.

    Oh hello...

    Steve's decided he's not going to the match today. Steve's going to the garden centre with his girlfriend.

    Does he want to support a football club? Or does he want to build a conservatory?

  5. Wow. How have Hull not scored. This is what happens with teams at the bottom though - totally dominate and find themselves 2-0 down. Golden chances just won't go in. It's happened to us enough times too.




    hope its black with some yellow not vice versa

    Hope is a dangerous thing.

    A quote from Shawshank Redemption... said by a character called 'Red'.





    A type of Champagne..


    Cava -> John Carver -> best coach in the World -> we have the best away kit in the World


    Someone's broke a leg in training according to Kozak's tweets


    Last tweet April 19th? 


    He deleted them soon after.


    Turned out to be Seigrist, if anyone isn't reading the Kozak thread.

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