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Posts posted by Craigy1874

  1. 2 minutes ago, Richard said:

    Brian I am not making about me.  If I was I would have said as such.  Quite obviously I have made a general point in my post you have quoted.  In fact I culd use your point to say case proved because you have read it and assumed one thing!

    Using peoples names like that is so demeaning.

  2. 13 minutes ago, Richard said:

    Brian the argument seems to be he is perfect as he has been promoted four times.  I'm merely pointing out that is false narrative.

    Aww not that bullshit term again!  I though that gone along with the old regime :(

    • Like 1
  3. Also got to love this recommendation on his profile:


    Very tubby person! who ate lots of pies! struggled for fitness! excellent charactor,laid back but new when to push on, good sence of humour,very reliable,great team player and individual-recommend to anyone.-Ian Atkins

  4. @Johnnyp

    All of the fans who want footballing philosophies and all that shite.

    Our players can barely defend, pass or score a goal.

    We need to get back to basics, maybe even a bloody 4-4-2.  Get the basics sorted, then the confidence returns and we move on from there.

  5. 33 minutes ago, TRO said:


    We want a manager that can implement the very basic ingredients of attempting to win a football match.....This head in the clouds stuff has to stop, we are in a serious situation and need a manager who can identify with this and get on the training ground and get this team back to functioning to carry out the fundamentals.





    You have hit the nail on the head, this is exactly what we need!  Someone who can make us do the basics, THEN take it from there.

    Too many people want to run before they can walk.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, lapal_fan said:

    What's the average height of CBs in the Championship?

    You're right though, with Okore's and Elphick's combined height of 6 inches, balls in our box could become a problem.

    Height isn't everything for heading a ball though.

    Cannavaro and Larsson were two great headers of a ball and both were short.

    • Like 1
  7. Who gives a shit about the 'spirit' of the law?

    abide by the rules as they are written and use all legal loopholes possible to get us competing at the top again. 

    I for one hope we now have some people smart enough to do this now. And sometimes to be smart u need to sail very close to the wind but as long as we stay 'legal' i'm happy. 

    • Like 3
  8. I hope the manager is given total free rein to get rid of who he wants (or banish them to the reserves). 

    I also really hope he doesnt get fooled into keeping, in particular, gabby lescott and richards. 

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