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Everything posted by HackneyVillain

  1. Whilst I don't want him he is highly regarded in the game and not just by fellow Scots. Also he really doesn't deserve the personal abuse he's received. He's acknowledged within the game as one of the few genuinely decent people in the game and as a man I think he will be a good ambassador for the club. In my book thats a positive and I'm sure it was a plus for Randy. FWIW I don't think they would have been relegated were it not for the cup run, it was as if their season ended there. When their own fans started to say things like 'we could get relegated but its still been the best season in years' its inevitable the players relaxed. I'll give him a chance but I would expect to see a different approach to the game than he utilised with sha.
  2. Why not say Frank Rijkaard or Louis van Gaal? Both have managed smaller clubs than ours. They are unemployed. I would have hoped both would have been approached, they could only say no. But discounting those 2 I would have gone for Sanchez Flores.
  3. Well I didn't want him but he's here. I honestly believe he was the only interviewee. Welcome Big Eck - make me eat my words and never again question the wisdom of the board.
  4. Wenger Mancini Ancelotti Mourinho Benitez Hiddink I think he meant which we could employ right now. Benitez Ranieri I don't know if the rumours are true about Benitez but a 30m kitty doesn't seem totally unreasonable given the number of shirts that need filling. The appointment of AM is financial suicide so it must mean we aren't that strapped for cash!
  5. Wenger Mancini Ancelotti Mourinho Benitez Hiddink
  6. Thing is thats not the level of market we are in. If youre looking at a ford focus - your alternative might be a vauxhall zafira - its unlikley to be a BMW So if we don't get Mcleish - we are down to simon grayson, Alan Curbishley or Gary Mcallister - it would be unlikley to bring Rikard or even hughes into the frame ? Reports suggest Rijkaard contacted the club to tell them he would be interested. The reports made it into the Times not just the usual twitter rumours. I'm not saying they are true but I would hope the club would at least find out, if they did and its bs then fine. My big fear is that they didn't or wouldn't make the call.
  7. I'd imagine they are! AM must be delighted to be in the running and as far as we can work out he's the only one in the running. Neither side has anything to negotiate with!
  8. Mark Hughes? Rijkaard. I honestly think the time is right for a proper rebuilding and he could be the man to do it. Would help attract a good calibre of player, gets the ball on the floor and gives youth a break. Its ambitious but isn't that what we all want from the club?
  9. Can't say for sure, I'm just piecing things together from bits heard from various people here and there and mostly from stuff in the media. My guess on that is that we didn't but I really wouldn't know for sure That's my guess too. :? :?
  10. Do you think there really was a shortlist? The speed with which they have pounced on AM makes me suspect its done and dusted and he is the only candidate in the running. I know I shouldn't believe the press but I didn't belive we would ever be in for AM... I think you'll find the shortlist was exhausted well before McLeish became available. Couldn't reach agreement with any of them. They may still have been working on the odd one but in forlorn hope more than anything. Cheers for the reply. Ok, lets take the man who seems to be third favourite with the fans after Ancelotti and Moyes - Rijkaard. Do you think we ever made contact? I think the main problem with AM isn't his recent past but we all see these more glamorous names and think 'I'd have a piece of that at VP' and so naturally feel we're selling ourselves short so I'd love to know who was under consideration and who they actually succeeded in talking to.
  11. Do you think there really was a shortlist? The speed with which they have pounced on AM makes me suspect its done and dusted and he is the only candidate in the running. I know I shouldn't believe the press but I didn't belive we would ever be in for AM...
  12. Cheers, can't say I disagree with any of it other than the mention of Allardyce, FWIW McLeish > Allardyce for me.
  13. IF the reports are true (he's on his way for or already in talks and will be appointed later today) then that must mean he's the only candidate in the running. Pretty shocking state of affairs and one I hope isn't true. IF he is appointed I won't stop supporting the club but my expectations will have been significantly lowered.
  14. General, If AM is appointed (and it does seem inevitable, indeed he might be the only candidate by all accounts) and it goes wrong (again it seems inevitable) will you still seek the advice of your advisors for the next appointment? I do appreciate everything Randy has done for us so far but this really is make or break I'm afraid and I can't help feeling along with most of the fanbase you are being badly advised. Irrespective of his recent past AM will not get the 'feel good' factor back to VP and the fans and Board will be at loggerheads, hardly the 'shared vision' the Official Statement mentions. Just as a reminder the statement reads "as we know that without a shared vision any appointment, however attractive, will ultimately fail."
  15. McLaren, Martinez, McLeish - honestly how did we get to that list of potential interviewees? I can't believe the club are paying people to come up with these names.
  16. General, add Mourinho to that list. Surely experience of a top European league is enough?
  17. I don't think its that people don't care about our image but rather many of us aren't getting worked up by the press. They have a job to do and need to get the copy in on time, when nothing comes out of VP its easier and more sensationalist to say its a shambles rather than publish something along the lines of 'no word from the club but I bet they are quietly and efficiently going about their business'. We know how the club works and rightly or wrongly that won't change. I'd prefer the media to report more positively but it won't happen until we appoint someone.... and then maybe it still won't happen. Such is life.
  18. link How come Bilbao are going after bigger fish than us??? I think part of the problem must be the team of advisors who have decided that managers without Premier League are too much of a risk. Otherwise it makes absolutely no sense for us to look at AM when Rijkaard and van Gaal are unemployed. If we enquired and they turned us down then fine but I hope we did at least enquire. If after the interview they don't fit then move on. I'm not pressing the panic button just yet and think AM would manage mid-table mediocrity fairly comfortably given our resources. I'd just hope for more ambition that's all.
  19. I don't think AM would do a bad job actually (as in we'd be mid-table, nothing more nothing less) but I struggle to see the attraction to the Board, boring football, no evident youth policy, questionable record in the transfer market... even if he was interviewed I couldn't see him getting the nod. He always seemed too decent for the noses and I can see why that would appeal to Randy but no, can't see it. If he does come though I won't throw a hissy fit and turn my back on the club.
  20. I really do hope you are £200 richer soon! I know people say he doesn't seem like the right fit but he'd put a bit of excitement back into VP. If its true that he's interested (I know that may not really be the case) I really can't see why we wouldn't at least interview him.
  21. :drowsy: Apparently he got that from the Everton PR guys....They're not going to say he's resigning the next day are they, they may not even know. I'd say they are more likely to know than some 'ITK' on Twitter. It also wouldn't surprise me if i wasn't Moyes himself who said it. I just don't think this one is happening.
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