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Posts posted by AVTuco

  1. My power ratings are rather tentative at this point (between only counting the tail-end of last season* and European qualifiers; and not having enough games from the promoted sides to judge), but a prelimnary Monte Carlo simulation (1000 runs) gives us an average predicted finish of 7.2 with an upper quartile finish (25% chance of this finish or better) of 5th and a lower quartile finish of 9th.

    You need more than a thousand. Do 100.000 and then come back.

  2. If Delph could dribble and then release effectively then he would link midfield and attack better than any other midfielder we have.


    Any need? He was giving Delph a lot of praise

    Yeah, it's getting old.

  3. Delph was exceptional tonight, bring on Liverpool, after the first two games I would say Westwood should be looking over his should the most, thought he looked lost last night.

    Also Lowton needs to improve his positioning.

    My boy Matt needs to sharpen up a little. I think he was slow to react to us loosing possession, and therefore he was late. If he was quicker to react he'd had time to cut to the Chelski player even from that position. But yeah, he'll do better next time, no question.

  4. Hotel Viru is a big and in my opinion ok hotel in the center of everything in Tallinn. In the hotel you can take a tour in the KGB museum, which I would recommend (you don't have to live in the hotel but book beforehand). Other than that there is an old town just very close, you should visit that aswell. Tallinn is small, but maybe two-three days should go quick. And ladies are beautiful.

    Cheers for that. Seems like a cheap place as well... What you think of Budapest then??

    Tallinn is not as cheap as it was, but it's not bad. Helsinki is a bigger somewhat more expensive version of Tallinn, with older Russian, but not Soviet influence in architecture etc. The ferry over is a good idea. It used to be filled with drunken Finns, but not anymore. Mostly families. There are several different ferries (some take two hours, some longer) with different prices depending on timetables mostly.

    Sorry, I haven't been to Budapest.

  5. Hotel Viru is a big and in my opinion ok hotel in the center of everything in Tallinn. In the hotel you can take a tour in the KGB museum, which I would recommend (you don't have to live in the hotel but book beforehand). Other than that there is an old town just very close, you should visit that aswell. Tallinn is small, but maybe two-three days should go quick. And ladies are beautiful.

  6. dont say that im going budapest in couple weeks!

    if your going 4-5 days why not go visit boston lovely place

    Looking for European destinations. Yeah thought budapest was a dirty hole. I seen all the attractions and wasn't impressed. However the spa was amazing. Even though I didn't like it I want to go back. There has to be a reason everyone likes it. Sure I missed something as seemed nothing there. Couldn't find restaurants either

    Seems like a lovely place. You should go again.

  7. I still don't think he's said anything that bad, but if Gabby thinks he's a dick that's good enough for me. 



    Me neither. Nothing wrong with what he said. Badmouthing?? Ridiculous.


    He would have been better advised to say nothing.  But if he wants three minutes of notoriety in the pages of some arsewipe rag, at the expense of any reputation he might have had, then that's his decision.  A poor one, and badly advised, and he doesn't seem to have been told that if you spout for 20 minutes the journo will take the tastiest 20 seconds and use that.


    With that many years experience, with that much money to buy advisers, with an agent to represent your interests, should you come across as quite that stupid?

    I don't think we should be so hysterical over what our past players say after they leave. Unless it's clearly misplaced, which I don't think Darren's comments were.

    Anyway, I'm sure we'll get back to this next summer when the loan is about to be maturing and decisions about his next year are upon us (and Fulham) again.

  8. I still don't think he's said anything that bad, but if Gabby thinks he's a dick that's good enough for me. 



    Me neither. Nothing wrong with what he said. Badmouthing?? Ridiculous.

  9. Maybe we should care, just a little bit? We collapse too low when opposition puts pressure on, our marking is terrible at times, two against one is not always enough for us, and it looks to me like our defenders don't believe in themselves either.

    I like the acquisitions of Helenius and Tonev, but should we have put that money into our central defence to bring in more quality than Okore (I'm saying this because he wasn't even Lambert's second choice today)?

    I have no doubt Okore will be partnering Vlarr this season, Lambert has been saying Tonev & Okore have been short of match fitness. I think it's safe to assume that's the reason he threw Clark on instead.


    Easy on the negativity man. We won 3-1 at Arsenal.


    Some of you guys saying Luna looked shaky. Making your debut away from home against Walcott is never going to be easy. He was hardly going to keep the guy silent all match. To be honest Walcott didn't really get chance to create anything. The main danger for me came from Rosicky in the middle with the 1-2.

    Yes, we won, and I'm extremely happy about it. If my post looks too negative, I'm sorry about it. However, our defense just gives me gray hair. We could very easily concede 5 or 6 against Chelsea. But that's how it was always going to be this season - a wild ride.

    And I love our counterattacks and Lambert's attacking mindset. I don't question that at all. I just think our team could be in a little better balance.

    Some advice for you mate, get a good supply of Just For Men - you're going to need it!

    I don't think Lambert can do much more than he has with the defence. He got a new left back, who will improve with time, but likes to attack. He's got Okore waiting to get to match fitness and will come into the right side, meaning Vlaar playing left side and that will also need time to gel.

    Lambert likes his full backs to push forward and we have a bunch of midfielders who are all pretty much alike.

    Watching Lambert's Villa is going to be like watching Brazil. We'll be hoping to score more than the opposition. To be honest, I love watching Brazil play!

    Thanks for the advise mate... I'm not familiar with JFM, but maybe it'll help :)

    Ok, I'll give our defense a chance and shut up for now.

  10. Maybe we should care, just a little bit? We collapse too low when opposition puts pressure on, our marking is terrible at times, two against one is not always enough for us, and it looks to me like our defenders don't believe in themselves either.

    I like the acquisitions of Helenius and Tonev, but should we have put that money into our central defence to bring in more quality than Okore (I'm saying this because he wasn't even Lambert's second choice today)?

    I have no doubt Okore will be partnering Vlarr this season, Lambert has been saying Tonev & Okore have been short of match fitness. I think it's safe to assume that's the reason he threw Clark on instead.


    Easy on the negativity man. We won 3-1 at Arsenal.


    Some of you guys saying Luna looked shaky. Making your debut away from home against Walcott is never going to be easy. He was hardly going to keep the guy silent all match. To be honest Walcott didn't really get chance to create anything. The main danger for me came from Rosicky in the middle with the 1-2.

    Yes, we won, and I'm extremely happy about it. If my post looks too negative, I'm sorry about it. However, our defense just gives me gray hair. We could very easily concede 5 or 6 against Chelsea. But that's how it was always going to be this season - a wild ride.

    And I love our counterattacks and Lambert's attacking mindset. I don't question that at all. I just think our team could be in a little better balance.

  11. Maybe we should care, just a little bit? We collapse too low when opposition puts pressure on, our marking is terrible at times, two against one is not always enough for us, and it looks to me like our defenders don't believe in themselves either.

    I like the acquisitions of Helenius and Tonev, but should we have put that money into our central defence to bring in more quality than Okore (I'm saying this because he wasn't even Lambert's second choice today)?

  12. What a crazy game. Incredible. It was a battle. Our guys fought hard, and won. What more can you ask.

    For me MOTM is a race between Gabby and Guzan. I give the edge to Gabby.

    I am a supporter of Delph, but didn't rate his game as high as many others here. He was more inconsistent than the above two.

    Benteke, Weimann and Luna: not good in general, but then scored the goals needed for us. Luna's goal was extremely valuable. How do you rate a performance like that?

    Don't want to talk about the negatives, but there's ample room for improvement.

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