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Everything posted by abdulaziz1

  1. Yes, I'm just trying to get the exact informations with more details. But I'd say from what I know it's either Al-Baltan finalized everything with Villa, or atleast he's in front of the race. Anyway they've been negotiating for about 6 months or more from what I knew. Is it possible that this could have even been the reason for Al-Baltan announcing he'd leave last year? Sorry for the questions pal, it seems you're our only link! No problem mate. I'm not sure they've been negotiating since that time, I think he had plans to but an English team (But I think it was a championship team) But I don't know why he didn't, still trying to gather more informations.
  2. I'd say yes, It's somehow related. I've been told last time that it's in the last stages, Which could go with what "midian" said. Cheers bro, it looks like he flew in to London and did the Arsenal tour/saw a member of the family (judging by the photos). Following that, he stayed in Birmingham for a while before going over to Manchester for a stadium tour. Wonder if he has flown home now. I know it could be a holiday per se, but the Birmingham leg doesn't make sense. Family here? Sure, viable, but that would mean Al-Baltan has family here too which we surely would have known about already. It all just seems too coincidental to me: Al-Baltan states he wants to leave his position at Al Shabab and purchase a Premier League club, then the rumours begin about Lerner selling up before he eventually makes a statement saying he'll be doing just that. Al-Baltan leaves his position at Al Shabab not long after and now his nephew, who is also involved in Al Shabab, pops up in Birmingham. This combined with what Abdul and a few other Saudi folk on Twitter have been saying for a while makes me believe that this is the real deal. I heard he have a house in Birmingham but I'm not so sure about that. Anyway I think there is more than 80% chance for Al-Baltan to finalize the takeover, That's if it's not yet finalized. Put it that way, I'm sure Al-Baltan is interested + I'm sure he's negotiating and in the last stages and it took began months ago. But I don't know details which would let me say more things. Details about who's his partners, What's his plans, When would the takeover finalized? .... etc I think the price is near to 150 than the 200.
  3. Yes, I'm just trying to get the exact informations with more details. But I'd say from what I know it's either Al-Baltan finalized everything with Villa, or atleast he's in front of the race. Anyway they've been negotiating for about 6 months or more from what I knew.
  4. I'd say yes, It's somehow related. I've been told last time that it's in the last stages, Which could go with what "midian" said.
  5. Tariq Al Nofal is the Nephew of Khaled Al-Baltan.
  6. Although I wanted Bosnia and Honduras to win, But Yesterday was my best prediction day! Before that I've only had two points !
  7. Oops , I haven't realized that ! I might have been sleepy lol. Australia 0 v Netherlands 3 ! Sorry for the mistake. >_<
  8. Iran v Nigeria 1-2 Germany v Portugal 2-1 Ghana v USA 2-1 Belgium v Algeria 2-0 Russia v South Korea 2-1 Brazil v Mexico 3-0 Australia v Netherlands 3-0 Spain v Chile 2-1 Cameroon v Croatia 0-2
  9. I wanted Honduras to win, But it's a good result atleast would give me couple of points in the prediction thread.
  10. Good win ! Hoping for better performances.
  11. He is a prince who have some experience with clubs here in Saudi. He is business man but I dont think he is Super rich. He bought 51% from the club. I remember one with Portsmoth but not sure about him. I dont think there are more though. He is a prince who have some experience with clubs here in Saudi. He is business man but I dont think he is Super rich. He bought 51% from the club. I remember one with Portsmoth but not sure about him. I dont think there are more though.
  12. The information ive got says that he has being negotiating for couple of months. I think Lerner was putting it unofficialy for sale as Mantis said.
  13. Iran v Nigeria 1-2 Germany v Portugal 2-1 Ghana v USA 2-1 Belgium v Algeria 2-0 Russia v South Korea 2-1
  14. Colombia is one of teams in the WC. Hopefully they could make it! Falcao is a big loss too. Hoping for a win today !
  15. I think Chile does have a good chance of qualifying this group. Although yesterday result everybody thought Australia would melt down, But they've played quite good. I heard they were doing ok in friendlies. If Chile could go with something like 5-3-2, I think they could somehow cover their mistakes and probably play a nervy spain side. If they somehow got a goal and tried to focus on countering with Sanchez I think they have a good chance to have a result. Spain defence couldn't cope with quick players (Where are you Gabby lol).
  16. No problem. Just hoping things goes ok and the right way.
  17. Yes they were but also he used to pay. Put it that way. The country backs the clubs with some amount of money plus tv rights....etc But still the presdent of the club pays from his pocket without a return. Could be princes or business men who want the show or loving their clubs. Plus the prince system here is different than you think. Not all princes are that wealthy. I wanted to write more explaination but I dont like writing in smart phones.
  18. Not sure how reliable Dawri Plus are. Not far from what I've heard, He had the thinking of buying a club since more than a year. But things hasn't work with him. Now that he left Al-Shabab he might have take it seriously.
  19. I'd say he's an ok business man. I don't know if he's more than 1 or 2b pounds, Could be more or less (His wealth is unknown but he's known by one of the most people who have money in sporting here in Saudi). I'm not sure what his plannings exactly I'm still trying to figure, But I think he's knowing what he's doing,Although I'm only afraid wether he'll deal well in the European leagues or not because it's totally different than here. He seems to have couple of partners so that might make me more comfortable. Because I think it's very hard for him to spend a lot only by himself. Thanks for the information. Hopefully Khaled appoints an experienced CEO to help him adjust to the league. Do you think Baltan will bring in his own people? No I don't think he's going to bring his own people. I'd be very worried if that was the case. It's totally different between here and Europe in general. To me I would be happy if Faulkner stays. He's experienced and knows what the mistakes they have done before. We don't want do the same way again and again.
  20. Just what I wrote in my first two posts a page ago. He seem to be in the last stages of negotiations, And they're hopeful to finish in a near time. Although I still don't have more details than that. And I'm not sure exactly what's the "Near time" they're actually talking about. What makes me feel comfortable about this and actually posting whenever I have more informations is : 1-The source is very very good and He's near to him. 2-Al-Baltan say it publicly that he's planning to buy an English team (I don't remember if he said a premier league or just any English team). 3-The guy who I've asked him doesn't know English nor knows England as I've said above, So when I asked him he told me that Al-Baltan is planning to buy Aston Villa, Then he asked me if it's the club that is located in Birmingham (I think he mistaked pronouncing it too). 4-Lerner usually doesn't announce something unless he's sure about, We're hearing since 3 year or more that he's planning to sell, Yet he only announced it this time. We were in a worse position last season and the season before, He didn't came out and say it's time to get our strength together and talking about selling after the season ending. I think the club usually say what they did or what they've almost finished. So If I combind all of this, I could think that there is a good chance Al-Baltan would end up the one who's buying the team.
  21. Exactly, this club won't say anything on public. Even with the ten days with Benteke last summer, They've only said (The asking price) without saying the number publicly publicly. Players like Bacuna we haven't heard of them before more that 24 hours from his signings. And that was from foreign sources (same goes with other players).
  22. Thanks Abdul, fingers crossed, can you think of any reasons why he would be interested in the first place? Besides enjoying football I mean, e.g. Man City owners own the Etihad group and wanted to use the club to further promote their brands. No problem mate. I'm not sure but I think he likes to take challenges and he found the Saudi league still needing some improvements, I also heard he owns a house in Birmingham (although I'm not sure about this one because the guy who told me doesn't know England very well nor English so could easily make an easy mistake about the city).
  23. I'd say he's an ok business man. I don't know if he's more than 1 or 2b pounds, Could be more or less (His wealth is unknown but he's known by one of the most people who have money in sporting here in Saudi). I'm not sure what his plannings exactly I'm still trying to figure, But I think he's knowing what he's doing,Although I'm only afraid wether he'll deal well in the European leagues or not because it's totally different than here. He seems to have couple of partners so that might make me more comfortable. Because I think it's very hard for him to spend a lot only by himself.
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