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Everything posted by limpid

  1. I know - I've just finished watching the episodes...
  2. Tonight I want to get this.
  3. Farming? I've only been in once :-) Got to lookup the q for the recipe for the good mana pot before I go in again. My q log for BRS is starting to get annoying...
  4. Is it good to do the whole of scholo on your first go with about half done 4-man? ;-) The first PUG I've been in that pwned. I had to learn about Decurse the hard way. I reckon I need about 30 buttons now.
  5. Good day today, got 4th piece of Magister's, dropped in scholo.
  6. I thnk as it stands, I'm staying now. I'm not moving to another busy server.
  7. I want my robes from Drakki.
  8. I'm about 1/3 of the way through the q for Libram of Constitution, which will put 100HP on my epic head :-)
  9. Last time I saw a world boss, I was showing Sam the way to Stormwind. My snowball had almost no effect. I tripped over some grass and died.
  10. I thought I posted this earlier. Shrug. Clicky From left to right; some people, TRL, massive 750k dragon, me, some other people.
  11. Dan, you asked last night about my AoE. I've done a bit of reading and my talent build is quite different to the perceived wisdom on the mage forums. Certainly for fire damage, my AoE is probably better than most. I don't have PoM and I don't seem to miss it - everyone else seems to think it's mandatory. It's all going to change with the next patch though...
  12. Your button must have got a right battering. Me you and two priests and we pwned half of BRD... I've registered at the dasher's site, but I'm not going to apply until we've migrated.
  13. While I did all the work.
  14. Just a thought - do we need to buy a box for the expansion, or can we download it?
  15. One other thing - anyone know where there is a matrix of enchant type against armor? I want to try to work out which enchants I should put where.
  16. Anyway, it makes up for me never winning rolls in dungeons. I'm going to roll up an alt to play when no-one wants to do instances. Thinking about a mini-Nays. Any other suggestions? I think I'd get bored as a warrior or a one-buttoner and sam has a one-button alt already.
  17. I had no idea, just put it on :-) I realised a couple of days later when I saw an epicced priest wearing the same one.
  18. Yes and Yes. :-) My stuff:
  19. I will be migrating, regardless of TOG.
  20. What the heck are you linking greenie shite for?! Juju, come with us mate. It's not about just doing dungeons or whatever, it's about having a laugh with your mates. Its green, but its surprisingly good. Didnt know if it would be of use for Limpid who is running around with an "of the eagle" staff that dropped off a trashmob on a Tribute run we did. Me and Dan did the first couple of quests where that drops, and including selling the staff to a vendor we probably made 15gold for as many minutes questing. I'm running around with this.
  21. Where's the dashers site?
  22. Any plans for this week? I'm on call until Sunday, so I'll be online a lot...
  23. Siongest had spare slots in his bars! Was he a rogue or something?
  24. Sam. Surprised?
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