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Verdun ?


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Anyone tried the early open Betaversion of this yet? The download did't take much time? Been greenlighted on Steam,and I recall some people were looking forward to a WWI Trench shooter.




I've played a few mins. First impressions were ok, but I have been playing a bit of Rising storm (The expansion for Red Orchestra 2 set in the East, Yanks vs Japs) recently, so its the kindof thing that appeals to me.



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Its "sort of" trenches, there are trenches but then it's more like Red Orchestra2 without buildings.  So you can be in a trench and its like a FPS, and then as you climb out and across to the the enemy, more into a lumpy bumpy open setting.


The joy is that wwI weapons being slightly less accurate, the game seems less about camping from the back hidden, dying from the guy you never saw, and heading out towards the enemy. 

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