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best thing ever?


is this the best thing ever?  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. is this the best thing ever?

    • yes
    • no
    • dont care, but thought id vote anyway.

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Guest RantinRob

That was quite amusing actually, who are those guys? They're obviously **** mental.

Especially the bloke in the credits called "Mr Bollox"

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Guest RantinRob

You certainly are - you have access to film equipment and you'd rather dance around with dog masks on instead of doing amateur porn.

Mental indeed!

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Hi - I'm the other one that WAS wearing the Villa shirt :)

We've done a few videos before and I've managed to sneak the shirt in a couple of times now ;)

Supported them for about 18 years, I guess, but only get to go up a couple of times a season.

Thanks for watching, anyway :)

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You're just a perve Blandy :-)

There's now't pervy about wet dogs. What are you trying to say man!

A bit of canine moisture is perfectly normal......isn't it? OK so if you are going to have a damp dachsund then I like to see it on the soggy side of moist, but that's just aesthetics, not 'owt "funny" like.

A man can't soak his "St Bernard" or "moisturise his mongrel" these days without that kind of accusation being levvied. What is the world coming too?

I'm sure those lads are just putting an innocent liking of a bedraggled bassett into the form of dance (even if the music is that loud modern beat-music thing of which the yout' are so mystifyingly fond).

Woof woof.

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