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Posts posted by Ginko

  1. The Man Who Fell to Earth was on last night at the local contemporary gallery so my friends and I went.

    I love Bowie, but this film is absolute shite. I know it's of its time being from the early seventies but Jesus film and visual storytelling have come a long way since then.

    They took an alien film and made it about corporations and the government. The flashbacks to his home planet are laughably bad and their interpretation of alien life is just ridiculous and embarrassing.

    The story is cack and it goes on for far too long. After seeing Don't Look Now and realising what a steaming turd that film is, my opinion is Nicholas Roeg is a garbage director who stole a living.

    Needless to say, I didn't like it.

    Baby Driver next week though. Really excited for that.

  2. I remember seeing the trailer for Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and laughing my ass off thinking it was a ridiculous idea. Then when it came out I went to go see Cowboys and Aliens but it had sold out so I begrudgingly saw Dawn instead.

    Bloody loved it. Saw Cowboys and  Aliens the week after and well, we all know how forgettable that film is.

    Looking forward to the new one a lot.

  3. 1 hour ago, TRO said:

    Its interesting to hear different views.....I think He is right to be looking at the back, here is my reasoning:

    • Statistically you would naturally think we have been defensively good, but equally your attacks should start at the back too.....thats what good teams do.
    • We have sat too deep because we have not been good enough with the ball ( presumably ) to push out from defence and push the midfield forward.....Our defenders have basically been glorified stoppers......We have merely defended in NUMBERS and that has had a negative effect on our midfield and forwards
    • We need defenders of a higher calibre who can help the midfield dictate play and help close the gaps that the opposition want to exploit.....and we have to deny them that.
    • Players in the past like Macca, Southgate, Eghiogu, Jonssen, Laursen, Mellberg, were able to dominate their position and NOT just stop goals.The most natural tendency on a football field is to sit deep and defend and in order to move forward without creating gaping holes is reliant on good defenders who can play too.

    No I think Steve Bruce is barking up the right tree.

    Perfectly logical reasoning and I'm not averse to improving our defensive options with players comfortable with the ball and building from the back, I just think we have other more pressing issues. 

    I also think ball-playing centre backs are less of an issue in the Championship though it'd obviously be preferable if we could get a couple, I'm just not sure Terry is the answer considering his age.

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  4. I'd be amazed if Terry signs for anyone this early in the window, but especially for a club in the Championship. 

    You'd think he'd wait around till there's a few weeks in the window left and see what offers come his way.

    Kinda hope we don't sign him to be honest. That's nothing against him personally though I'm not a fan of his, and not to say he wasn't a great player, but at his age, the wages he'd be on and the current state of our squad, I just don't think he's the answer. We need to bring in players further up the pitch and a solid goalkeeper, defence is arguably our strongest area. 

    If he does join I hope we have plans to strengthen in the positions we really need it though the reported lack of funds is worrying.

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  5. 10 minutes ago, Michael118 said:

    According to The Sun Middlesbrough want 20m for him. That's a lot of money to ask for a player that's 'purely a sprinter'.

    Chelsea, West Ham, Newcastle all interested in signing him.

    He'll prove you wrong as would Bacuna if he got a move to say West Ham or Newcastle.

    Club in vastly overpricing their player shocker. If he was as good as you say he is they wouldn't want to sell him at all.

    As for your Bacuna comment: absolutely mental. He wouldn't get within a mile of either of those teams' midfield. 

  6. Another one in the 'once you're dead you're dead' camp and you return to the nothingness you didn't know before you were born. I'd love to be proven wrong.

    Gives me an excuse to post my favourite song from The Book of Mormon, though:


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  7. It looks like a Villa kit, sure, but that pinky 'claret' is still **** ugly. That's my only gripe with it.

    That being said, I don't think those shirts have officially been declared as legit, have they? 

  8. So last weekend I went camping near Matlock in Derbyshire and into Matlock Bath where a friend told me local boys Shane Meadows and Paddy Considine has filmed Dead Man's Shoes which I'd never watched but had heard good things about.

    Well, I watched it last night and I have to say I was pretty disappointed. I expected something darker and deeper and it just felt a bit like a pretty decent student film in the end. There was no real character work done so I didn't feel anything for anyone except for maybe Toby Kebbel's character (he was the best part of the film for me).

    The story was a bit silly (why did no one call the police if they knew they were going to be murderered?) and the twist at the end didn't have any effect on me, neither did the ending itself which also seemed daft. I think it was trying too hard, but perhaps I'm being a bit unfair as I was expecting something akin to In Bruges which is one of my favourite films - 6/10 WNB (again)

    I then treated myself to watching In Bruges again afterwards. Such a great fil'um that has you laugh out loud one minute and gets you in the feels the next. So many memorable and quotable bits and the cast is bloody brilliant - 9.5/10 WB (again and again)


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  9. Don't get the hate for Tom Cruise to be honest. I know he's a Scientologist and I have very strong feelings towards them, but I just judge Cruise by his acting and how he comes across in interviews. From them he seems like a decent chap, if a little strange, but as Xela said, incredibly dedicated to his work and very professional. I like a lot of his films.

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  10. 2 hours ago, Xela said:

    Suicide Squad

    I quite liked it but had low expectations to begin wth. I do actually prefer the DC stuff to Marvel, and that's not me being contrary, it just seems and feels darker. 

    The soundtrack did feel a bit shoehorned in though. 

    Oh and Harley Quinn's arse:


    Came back to see my dad this weekend and he made me watch it. It was as awful as everyone says. Badly paced, crappy dialogue, boring characters that you don't spend enough time getting know so you don't care about them, crappy villains, one of whom is played by Cara Delevigne who proved she is definitely not an actor (and she does nothing for me, don't get the fuss, Margot Robbie on the other hand...), music that is shoehorned in and just gives scenes a weird vibe, a really shit take on Joker, a seriously unlikable commander who kills innocent people working for her and is the true villain of the piece that doesn't get any kind of comeuppance, a weak, pussy-whipped soldier-type who gets walked all over despite supposedly being the best army bad-ass they have and he didn't even have the decency to die in the end.

    Add to that a really lame anti-hero who killed his wife and kids because he got a little upset one time that's used as a get-out-of-jail-free card at the end just to balance the fact that a crackshot, a crazy hottie with a baseball bat, a sterotypical drunk Aussie with **** boomerangs, the smallest and lamest looking iteration of Killer Croc who pretty much does naff all anyway, and a rather small, unintimidating Japanese girl with a samurai sword girl (it can be done, they should have watched Sin City) and the aforementioned weak-ass army douche had absolutely zero chance against two ancient Egyptian gods with a whole host of actual powers.

    It's boring and just terrible storytelling. Worse than Batman V Superman for me.




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  11. 1 minute ago, Ingram85 said:

    I agree but I was still more interested in his A5 concept than any of this convoluted prequel nonsense Scott has conjured up.

    In fairness I know nothing about what ideas he had and what he intended to explore, I just have no faith he'd make anything good.

  12. 9 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

    watching aliens last night i was thinking why do they keep trying to do deep powerful meaningful alien films full of convoluted theories and themes and references no one cares about, make a horror film or make an action film, id say both films are top of their genre, use what you've got which is probably the greatest alien villain ever created (albeit the ripley character which is awesome has now gone)

    the new films are kind of nothing of anything, not action, not horror, maybe hard core sci-fi but thats now a crowded market

    did think when they all talked about "its another bug hunt" that could be something interesting, they've never revisited the marines which is a massive shame

    See, films need a theme, I have no problem with that. A film without a theme is empty. But you're right in that Prometheus and Covenant have a theme that no one cares about because it's completely unrelatable. The majority of people don't have God complexes and even those who do don't go anywhere near the extent to which these films do.

    A story which is so fantastical and unfamiliar needs a recognisable theme that people can vibe with. Other than that, no one ever watched Alien and partway through wondered where the Xenomorph came from. It's a question pretty much no one asked and no one cared about.

    It'd be like making a prequel to Jaws that delved into the shark's past. I haven't seen any of the sequels so perhaps this film exists and I'm unaware of it. Or perhaps that's what Deep Blue Sea was trying to be. Either way, if that film did exist, it would suck because, like the origins of the Xenomorph, it doesn't **** matter.

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  13. I really enjoyed District 9 but everything since then has just made me feel that it was beginner's luck. I doubt he would have done better, we just would have had another bad Alien film with funny accents and Sharlito Copley running around before hopefully getting eviscerated by a Xenomorph.

    Should have let Villeneuve or Nolan have a crack at it or just left it well enough alone, but oh well.

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