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Posts posted by Ginko

  1. 17 hours ago, villarule123 said:

    So I had a go on a mate's Switch last night and I loved it. The handheld mode is flawless and Mario Kart looked amazing. Didn't see it in docked mode.

    It could be so much better though. If it had more power, a decent online system and backwards compatibility for 3DS games, Wii games etc it could be bigger than the PS4 IMO. Why do they make these decisions?

    Because that would mean improved, more expensive hardware which would either mean they price most gamers out of buying their system over an Xbox or PS4 or they keep the price low and make less of a profit on it, if any at all.

    They're not stupid. They realise they hold a number of cards regarding to the sheer amount of IP only available on the Nintendo platform and that's what will get people buying their consoles whilst ensuring they make a tidy profit.

    As long as they improve the hardware a little from the last generation and offer a huge Mario and Zelda game they know the product will sell, that and introducing some new gimmick in the hope that's enough to cover for the fact they're so far behind Microsoft and Sony in regards to online play and home media.

    • Like 1
  2. I neither have the skill nor the patience for fighting games anymore.

    Playing against mates of a similar level is fun, there's a bar in Notts that has a PS One and Tekken 3 on it which I play on with my friends, but as for any new games and playing online... not a chance.

  3. Played this a few times and haven't gotten too far yet, but I'm hoping the gameplay sections improve soon. Well, not even that, but the amount of cutscenes early on is a bit too much and the only gameplay so far is running around talking to people and some very quick battles where I've had tutorial after tutorial holding my hand the entire time.

    Assume it lets me off the leash n the not too distant future. I've just gotten to the bit where Ryuji awakened his Persona.

    • Like 1
  4. On 27/04/2017 at 14:31, dont_do_it_doug. said:

    In all fairness I would say Burton is more Stoke than it is Birmingham, in so many ways. 

    Agree with the wider issue though, we haven't done nearly enough over the years. 

    Eh, maybe, though I'm from Lichfield which is fifteen minutes down the A38 from Burton and we were all Villa fans when I was growing up so it shouldn't be too hard to reach that little bit further.

    • Like 1
  5. Loved Stardew Valley. Unlocked all the areas, did all the mines, most of the Community Centre and went with Penny in the end (though my heart said Leah, Penny was just easier to please).

    Got a high-yielding farm running smoothly and then there just wasn't much left to do after that. I had a terrible ethical quandary in that I got bored soon after I had a kid. I did have one great glitch where on the first day the baby appeared I couldn't see him anywhere in the house. He was tucked away in the top corner and it looked like he was hiding on the ceiling like some sort of demon bat baby. Freaked me out before I realised and laughed my ass off.

    • Like 1
  6. 20 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

    I enjoyed S2 but it isn't a patch on season 1.

    It tries to be way too clever for it's own good.

    So did season one but McConnaughey and Harrelson and the dirty south setting made up for it and then some.

    The writing on that show is some of the most unnatural, pretentious twaddle you're ever likely to hear, but season one still worked well. Season two has no saving grace. None of the actors shone (Rachel McAdams is particularly awful), it's a dreadfully dull storyline and the setting is hollow and characterless.

    Personally think the creator got insanely lucky with season one and was found out on season two.

  7. So tonight was the final week of the Hypnotica season of film they've been showing in the gallery near work. Tonight's showing was:

    Shock Corridor (1963)

    Genuinely one of the worst films I've ever seen, but qualifies for 'so bad it's good' status.

    I'm not very forgiving of old movies because I'm a spoilt millennial, but this film was just awful. Their grasp of mental health is laughably ignorant, the actor don't so much as chew the scenery as scoff it down, the dialogue is unnatural and cheesy and there are just so many other bonkers things that literally make zero sense.

    Still enjoyable from a comedic point of view. There's a scene where the undercover journalist mistakenly walks into the female psych ward and gets confronted by a bunch of inmates. The guy's internal monologue then says 'Oh God... Nymphos!' And he's then mauled by about five women. I like to think the actor wrote that scene himself and strong-armed the director to put it in.

    But yeah, truly awful -1/10

  8. I noticed that in Pointless too. I guess they feel you get straight into the action and split the contestant bits into more manageable chunks.

    I get why they do it and I'm sure with many people it works to empathise with the contestants and enjoy the ride more, but it is tedious.

    I know it's not the same thing, but the Cats Does Countdown intro grates on me a bit. The show is on for a good twenty minutes before the first round! I recognise I'm in the minority in that I watch the show as much for the game as the comedy (and Rachel Riley of course) but it still bugs me.

  9. 1 hour ago, Stevo985 said:

    Speaking of gameshow contestants, that part of every (most?) quiz shows where they spend a chunk of time introducing the contestants and asking about them etc.

    Does anyone give a shit?

    Part of the reason I can't stand Deal or No Deal is the sheer amount of absolute bollocks you have to listen to from the contestant's mouth, whether it's some bullshit sob story they tell you to get on their side and justify their greed as they refuse thousands of pounds in the hope they win big, to the nonsense 'systems' they seem to think they have because they have some psychic power that can help them in a game of absolute random chance and no skill involved whatsoever. And then it's presented by that jizz-rag Noel Edmonds who I'm convinced is an android.

    And the worst part is I'm tempted to watch it for the sheer potential of schadenfreuding my arse off whilst Kelly, full-time mum from Bradford opens up the big money boxes and seeing her piggy little features drop when the £50k box disappears.

    • Like 2
  10. 19 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

    Finding out the stunning girl at work has a massive thing for me. 

    Can't do anything about it, but it's nice to know!

    (And yes, this is a brag. Deal with it)

    Hey, I had something similar today in that a friend of mine from work who recently split from her longterm boyfriend expressed an interest and she's way too pretty for me.

    Not quite as obvious as yours telling you she wants to bang you, but I'm neither bald nor muscly, so.

    Either way, hi-five!

    • Like 1
  11. Watched The Secret Life of Walter Mitty earlier. Really enjoyed it. Good things seem to happen when comedic actors turn to more dramatic roles with more subtle humour.

    Stiller's performance is good and he also directed so he gets double praise. Reminded me very much of Will Ferrell in Stranger Than Fiction which is another good little film.

    The Benjamin Button bit is hilarious.

    • Like 1
  12. Started watching Mad Men since it's now on Netflix. Three episodes in and it's very good. I can see why it might not appeal to some, but I'm enjoying it so far. I'm also in a similar field occupation-wise so it's interesting to learn about some of the great advertising campaigns through history.

    I feel like I'm getting lung cancer and liver failure just by watching it though, Jesus. Oh and the sheer misogyny, were things really that bad back then?

  13. 5 hours ago, Designer1 said:

    It's well worth the effort to track a copy down mate.

    It's gaming gold as far as I'm concerned. 

    Yeah I just realised I can download it from the PSN Store so no need to wait anymore! I'll start it tomorrow ^_^

    • Like 2
  14. Completed it today. I got all the Divine Beasts and memories so I received the true ending (though it was still a bit meh) but I didn't 100% in regards to the shrines (98/120), side quests and Koroks because I felt the urge to finish it rising and my interest waning.

    Great game. Doesn't top Ocarina but that game will always be rather special to me. I still feel the Divine Beast dungeons were a bit crap, short and samey and I enjoyed the shrines but none of them made up for dedicated dungeons with different aesthetics, moods and puzzles. That's what Zelda is to me, so not having that was quite a negative.

    The immense open world however was an absolute treat and I spent many an hour exploring and discovering. Storywise it was less focused due to the open-world and non-linear format, but it's not like it really suffered as Zelda games more or less have the same core story and they're never going to win any awards for the narrative.

    So yes, very enjoyable though far from perfect: 8.5/10

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