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Posts posted by Ginko

  1. 1 minute ago, Demitri_C said:

    I cant believe they have not sacked him uet

    They might have done, but we'll not hear anything before 9am and even then probably not until lunchtime.

    Not that I think he'll go, though I hope does.

  2. I reckon I could nail the general area where someone was from by listening to their accent, sure. In most cases at least.

    I've also grown up around enough American TV that I could distinguish between a fair few of their accents, but not all of them. I can recognise a New York, Boston, Californian, Texan, Louisiana...an, North Dakotan and have a shot at recognising a generic mid-western accent, I'd say. But I'd struggle with a number of others.

  3. Fair enough, I know what you're saying, but in my experience the guys I know who complain about it (and it is only guys that I've ever heard talk about it though I don't doubt women have the same complaint) do so in such a way like they're being treated unfairly, like it's anything other than the woman just not fancying them in return.

    There's a song by Thundercat that I really like called Friendzone. I only like the music, the lyrics are not only awful (but he's always been a shit lyricist anyway) but a load of old bollocks. It sums up how some of the guys I've encountered feel about it though:



  4. I'm just saying it's daft that people give this sort of thing a name, like men or women think to themselves, nah, I'm going to put them in the friendzone.

    You just don't fancy them like they fancy you is all. It's been going on for centuries, yet no one made it into something it isn't. 

    I was also relating it to my current experience, in that my girlfriend and I were friends first and then the attraction grew. Nether of us out each other in the friendzone, just like neither of us thought about it when we decided we liked each other. It's a silly notion that people create when they don't fancy someone that fancies them in return.

    But we can stop going back and forth if you like.

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  5. 19 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

    That's not the friendzone. That's being friends with a female. 

    The friendzone is when you're friends with a girl but you want to be in a relationship. They don't. Yet you're too smitten with them to cut the friendship off. So you just continue being friends even though it makes you miserable, in some vain hope that she'll suddenly change her mind and fall for you. 


    It's horrible. 

    I wasn't describing the friendzone, I was merely stating men and women can be friends.

    I've certainly been in the situation a couple of times before where I've had feelings for a female friend and whilst initially some stuff did happen, eventually she preferred me as a friend. Obviously I did the whole 'I'll show her what a good guy I am and she'll fall for me', but neither time did it work out.

    I just think it's a bit of a silly notion is all and men sound pretty whiny when they complain about it. It sucks when your feelings are unrequited, but that's all it is. From the girl's perspective, it's not like they think 'well I fancy him but we're such good mates it'd be a shame to jeopardise it'. That's just some crap they tell themselves and you to try and make you (and themselves) feel better about the awkward situation.

    The simple truth is they just don't fancy you enough. It may be physical, in which case there's nothing you can do about it. It may be something daft like she needs more of a challenge and you're too nice and therefore not exciting enough. If that's the case the she's not worth it and not right for you. Even if she did give it a chance it probably wouldn't work out. 

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  6. 5 hours ago, Tegis said:

    That will be my old codger barrier. No way will there ever be a device in my house that purposefully listens to every conversation I have. (Yes, I know my phone can sort of hear me at the moment but not to that level)

    That's not what you were saying yesterday in your kitchen...


  7. 5 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

    Your story is great because usually once you are friend zoned thats it. 

    Thanks dude, but personally I think the friendzone is a bit of a myth. I'm sure a lot of girls probably believe in it too, which perpetuates it, but they're not really the kind of girls I'd want to date anyway. If they need to play games like that to keep things exciting then it's really not going to work out. I prefer to keep things interesting and exciting by just doing fun things together and having a laugh. None of this 'who should text first' bullshit. It does my head in. Any girl who wants to do that can quite happily put me in the friendzone.

    I'm not saying it always works out if you're friends first. Sometimes it's just obvious there isn't a spark there and you can absolutely be good friends with a girl and that's that. As for me and my missus (can I call her that after two weeks official? I dunno) like I said, there was an initial spark and attraction from both of us but we didn't tell each other because of other things. Our attraction just grew stronger the better friends we became though. She's in the minority in my experience, but she's exactly the same as me in that regard which just makes us a really good match.

    As I stressed earlier, I'm no expert, but if friendzoning was a thing that applied to every woman then I'd probably go live on a mountain somewhere as a hermit.

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  8. Update on my situation with the new lady friend: Just under two weeks in and it's still amazing. She's staying over at mine for the first time tonight. Can't **** wait...

    Also, just to weigh in on the dating scene conversation, I was on a couple of sites and met maybe a couple of nice enough girls there though I wasn't really trying as hard as I could have. No spark though, it really is a tough one. Personally I find it much better to know the girl first in real life and then I gradually become more and more attracted to them and it goes from there. My current girlfriend and I have been friends for over two years, despite being attracted to each other initially though certain things were in the way. Now was just the right time for us.

    I'm no expert by any stretch, I've gotten lucky with this one. The traditional dating scene is not really my thing though.

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  9. On 02/08/2017 at 22:51, Ingram85 said:

    Anyone ever been with a girl who through no fault of her own gets a lot of male attention? Its a potential confidence shatterer for me as I'm quite down on myself looks wise and she is quite a stunning girl to me. I know every girl gets their fair share of blokes trying it on but I think its a daily occurrence for her. Not sure if I'll be able to handle it tbh, think over time it would wear me down.

    I remember seeing a couple of pictures of you, dude. You're a good looking lad! Have more confidence in yourself, women like it. #ghey4Ingram

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