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Posts posted by Valhalla

  1. I like paul. Make no mistske they dropped a very sizeable bollock last time, but he seems to be the type of chap a manager can get on witht and work well alongside.

    I also like the macron kit deal, as ceo i assume he had a big hand in that too. We just need to be a bit more sensible in the future.

  2. I have a man crush on paul lambert. I have never been to scotland or been friends with a scottish person, which is probably why i have a soft spot for the country and the people.

    He hasn`t made one attempt to lower expectation to make life easier for himself, instead he wants to try and match it, thats what we need. He is like o`neill, but more likeable and with tactics.

    I love the man already.

  3. Ohhhhhh, didn't see the "I don't like the design we've had for the majority of our 138 year history" comment coming.

    Must try harder.

    It`s a different opinion, you must try harder to deal with them.


    I actually thought you were joking :D

    lol, nope, i just talk shit quite a lot.

  4. Ohhhhhh, didn't see the "I don't like the design we've had for the majority of our 138 year history" comment coming.

    Must try harder.

    It`s a different opinion, you must try harder to deal with them.

  5. More claret body blue sleeves, i have about 7 shirts that all look the same. Won`t be buying the home one, have to wait and see what the away one looks like.

    Although after watching the video, if it has those blue collars i shall be buying it. Like that a lot.

  6. Can't believe the stupidity of what I've just seen.

    Two little kids told to stop kicking their brand new Villa ball in the car park while waiting to see Lambert! Not even close to cars or people and doing no harm to anyone. This from a club security guy, lost for words at that.

    I`m liking this tough new lambert regime already.

  7. Highly unlikely that it will be a shirt seeing as we are about a week away from the launch of the new one, I can't see them giving Nike the publicity.

    So the obligatory scarf shot seems likely although if I had to guess it will be at BMH rather than at Villa Park.

    I hope we get more than that. 'he who shall not be named' got the full whack. Scarf and shirt on the Holte steps. Scarf inside the stadium in front of the Holte. Lambert deserves at least that! I want them to make a big deal out of this.

    Lambert isn`t the type to want a big deal made of it. He is old school.

  8. Laughable really, its obvious some people just like to vent their misery online, if you just want to moan then moan about something important, still whining about the stats of a manager who has been sacked weeks ago is pointless.

    Me personally, i am glad that man is out of my life, why talk about him when i don`t have to anymore?

    Welcome mr lambert.

  9. Gabby is 25 in his prime best years ahead of him if we sell him onto Sunderland im telling you now we will regret it

    If gabby had been playing for another club the way he has been for us would you want to sign him? He has been championship standard for two seasons now and is most likely one of our highest earners.

    I would like it if he stays but i won`t be bothered if he goes.

    As for holt, i think he is a bit too old. But if the manager can get 2 good seasons out of him for a decent price, and providing he is on a sensible wage then i would be in favour of signing him.

    Whatever we do in the lambert era has to be sustainable, we don`t need anymore boom and bust tactics from the manager or the board.

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