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Posts posted by AValon

  1. Well on board with it as a long term appointment, if the funding is actually there, but am slightly concerned Moyes is the immediate candidate to bounce us back up to the Prem. Does he have the gristle? Hopefully he does.

  2. I don't see any of 'the above' matching the criteria Dr Xia has laid out in his grand scheme for world domination. 

    I hope, when all the furore of the take-over has died down, that the reality of our shitty position makes him appoint wisely. We need to rebuild and it won't be a quick fix, so hopefully he walks before running.

  3. 11 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

    I'm not condemning him, but I'm massively uncomfortable with this. I see our government closing down the British steel industry in the rush to suck up to a country that seems to be gearing up to control the world economy. Now I see the Chinese have decided to dominate world football. Well, fine, I lost interest in world football many years ago. The money aspect of the game, the Sky hegemony, ticket prices out of reach of the average punter, players' wages that are frankly disgusting, English clubs owned by Arab sheikhs and Russian oligarchs. It stinks. All I had was Aston Villa, Birmingham's proudest. I thought we were better than that. This is the club whose players refused to salute Hitler. We knew that the worst thing that could happen wasn't playing in the third division, it was losing the soul of the club. That process has sadly been accelerating since the birth of the Premier League. All I see on this thread is hysteria about money. Money, and shut your eyes to everything else. Rename Villa Park? Sure, think of the money. This used to be Aston Villa. Now it it seems it's just another PLC. I'm not celebrating this morning, I'm sad, very sad. I'm not saying I'm walking away from it all, I'll follow what happens with interest, and no doubt I'll be pleased if we can start winning games, but it's not MY Aston Villa any more. 

    I bet you still got 70's wallpaper up in your house....eh,go on admit it?

  4. We've nothing to lose anymore, unlike the toon. They can crack as many gags as they like or stick up any number of banners, but there'll only be one lot chewing their nails if the unthinkable does happen and we score.


  5. A meat pie too far!

    However sincere the apology may or may not be, the fact and the manner in which we were relegated show his and others lack of effort for the club. Thanks Gabby, but yer horse has well and truly bolted.

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  6. He should definitely be given some part on the coaching staff. If someone like Stan can't motivate players then no-one can. 

    And if there is'nt a post.....create one. 

    Oh and Gabby, theres a new Mr Villa in town and this ones the real deal.

    • Like 1
  7. God I love this guy, what a true grit professional. But play football again, I'd be cringing every time someone went in hard on him.

    If the others had only a sprinkling of Stans commitment, we would never have ended up taking the drop.

    He definitely needs to remain at the club in some capacity though, if only as an example of what it is to play your heart out for that club.

    • Like 2
  8. I'd like to think this recent humiliating show was just some sad has-been in the twilight of his career narrowly clinging on to the vestiges of fame.

    It is'nt. Agbonlahor has been quite literally 'winging' it for years, living the life of luxury, while turning out every now and then to huff and puff his way round the ground for 90mins. 

    Football, over the years, has been full of party animals. Real talents, who played hard and partied harder. And he could'nt hold a light to any of them.

    Times up, son. Shut the door on your way out.

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