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Everything posted by pacbuddies

  1. Smith out thought by Wilder! Nuno should have a field day on Saturday then!
  2. This is so embarassing. Losing to one of the worst sides ever to grace the Premier League. Smith should be ashamed.
  3. Losing to the bottom team who have 11 points, have lost over 20 games already, have only scored 16 goals all season and are playing with 10 men. You couldn't make it up! Pathetic!
  4. You only look for my posts when we lose (BTW we haven't lost yet so you're looking for them a bit early)
  5. 4-4-2 with Watkins & Davis up top, Nakamba, McGinn, El Ghazi and Traore in midfield.
  6. Clearly Smith didn't watch them against Liverpool at the weekend and see how easy it is to dominate them.
  7. Only because Ramsdale played out of his skin in the first half. Sheffield are piss poor all over the park. Their defence gets tied in knots when players run at them, their midfield has no quality or creativity and their forward line is as potent as a chocolate button.
  8. Surely Ramsdale cannot play like this two games on the trot!
  9. Don't hold your breath, Bielsa will outsmart clueless Deano again!
  10. Drop McGinn, Barkley & Luiz and bring in Sanson, Makamba & Ramsey.
  11. Smith will keep playing Barkley no matter how shit he plays as he doesn't have the bottle to drop him!
  12. Leicester played away in Europe on Thursday and we've had a week off yet they look fitter, faster and more up for it than us. Who is to blame for that?
  13. Not the first time. Same shit at Brighton last time out. Do you think he's doing a cracking job then?
  14. Another rubbish performance. And so begins our inevitable slide down the table as Smith shows his naivety in team selection, tactics and in game management.
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