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Posts posted by pacbuddies

  1. 3 minutes ago, The Fun Factory said:

    As a fan you are always greedy and you do wonder how West Spam have ended up 10 points and 5 places above us, and we are 10 points and 1 place above Brucey's Newcastle.

    Everton have tanked again 5-0 on your last game does not bode well for them. I think we are in a good shout next season to firmly establish ourselves as a top 10 team. I can't see West Ham or Leeds having as good as a season as this year, and nobody below us scares me now that Nuno is leaving Wolves.

    Europa League qualification has to be the minimum next season especially if we spend another absolute fortune in the close season.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 minute ago, sheepyvillian said:

    Don't make me look for it. Take some responsibility. 

    You raised it not me. If I did say it at the time of appointment it was likely because of his record of promotions out of that division. However, I wouldn't have continued to support him like the 'Blind Faith' wallers on here once I realised that he wasn't going to cut it in the job. I was pleased with Smith's appointment as I believed he could get us promoted but I am also smart enough to realise that at PL level he is naive and doesn't have what it takes to take us to the next level. It's called 'Being able to see the wood for the trees'! You should try it some time.

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