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Posts posted by islingtonclaret

  1. I think saying it's like their cup final makes us look like arrogant rocket polishers to be fair. It's a semi-final if anything for us, considering we're in a mess, **** the Blues game up, **** up in Europe and are on a right downer.

    Having said that, we scraped past them and have full bragging rights, so I guess we're "The Pride of the Midlands" again.

  2. I'm trying and trying and it's getting so hard to believe the excuses.

    MON's squad, not Houllier's


    Luck - see Spurs game etc.

    Every has bad patches. But this one is really quite alarming. You might be ravaged by problems, but the drubbing by Newcastle and being played off the pitch by a Plop side that did not have the three players that "make" their team makes my nerves jingle. Half of the players don't look like they give a shit. At least at Christmas last year when I froze my bollocks off at Villa Park we totally outplayed Liverpool for 93 mins until they got lucky with how the ball fell to Torres. I don't see much to be positive about tonight, and I'm not even one of the stereotypical winging fans.

  3. 1) Why can't we take a throw in? Throw it to one of your players, pass it back

    2) Why can't we pass a ball?

    3) Why can't we defend against set pieces at all?

    4) Why can't Stephen Ireland DO ANYTHING at the moment?

    Really, really wanting to give some leeway to Houllier, and have done since he took over. Patience is really, really running short. And I have a lot of patience.

  4. Blimey, that RedCafe place is bonkers.

    Just clicked on another thread to be nosey, and there's 13 pages where the original question was why Irish people don't support Irish clubs and it's decended into infighting about "I'm more Manc than you" "Who cares if I'm from London?" blah blah.

    Ah, to have the luxury of supporting a club so large that it comes to handbags about who is the biggest fan.

  5. Absolute disaster for United, who no doubt will get the run of the green from the press who will label them heroes for their comeback that covers up the fact they are simply not title contenders at the moment.

    We really looked good, I'm chuffed for our young 'uns who put a great shift in. As previously said before the match, I always expect us to lose this one, so a point is a good result.

  6. This isn't in the right topic, but I don't know where else to post it.

    If the topic's title was "Don't recommend me a film", I'll go for the day after tomorrow which is on at the moment.

    A two hour advert for Rupert Murdoch. Painful.


    Bah, should have noticed that. I'm sure I can come up with some recommendations

  7. This isn't in the right topic, but I don't know where else to post it.

    If the topic's title was "Don't recommend me a film", I'll go for the day after tomorrow which is on at the moment.

    A two hour advert for Rupert Murdoch. Painful.

  8. ...or is it West Midlands Police?

    I had to listen on the radio to Gabby slotting in the 5th in 2008, and watching the game on MOTD didn't really do justice.

    Fair enough, if the old bill move the match to 12pm Sky can't show it, but the game at the Sty is at 12pm as well!! So we're not going to be able to watch EITHER derby game?

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