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Posts posted by TezzRexx

  1. McLeish took the easy but more limited approach of hoofball. That will make you harder to beat but it's boring as hell and won't really get you anywhere. Lambert's trying to get us playing a more progressive game and while results are worse now they will improve vastly if it works. We've needed this change for years. We all knew that it would take a bit of pain.

    And it was that style of a football, and a lack of turning draws into wins that nearly got us relegated. If Wolves hadn't of imploded, I reckon we would have gone down.

  2. I don't think we will get relegated, yes we have been a bit shit results wise BUT the preformances have been a lot better.... give the team time, we need continuity not sack and repeat every sodding season!!!

    All of this.

  3. Personally, I think Bent got dropped purely on form basis. The ankle injury was Bent's first ever major injury and hadn't kicked a ball competitively since February so it's probably taken him a bit longer than we'd expect another player who's had 1 or 2 major injuries in the past to get back up to form. It takes a lot out of you and takes a while for your movement, pace, reading of the game etc to come back.

    Depending on this ankle set back, I reckon he'll come back into the team sooner rather than later.

  4. Already has - got stuffed 4-1

    And as a sub against Swansea, 2-0. Played very well together in both games I recall, and if Bent had slotted him Benteke's curled pass, probably would've been game over.

  5. Yeah, still feel that we're playing well, just not having the rub of the green at the moment.

    Also, playing more attacking this season, we were bound to lose more than draw, but I think we'll win more too.

  6. Lambert's going nowhere, even if he got us relegated I think he'd keep his job, and rightfully so. Regardless of who's in charge, we'd been ripe for a relegation battle, if not worse.

    Whatever happens this season, we may aswell stick with Lambert and let him build his squad for the future.

    At least PL would know how to win that league.

    But I have every faith in Lambert, and once we get a rub of the green, the we'll be fine and steady.

  7. Really hope this ^

    I think that will tbh. Even McLeish figured out that we needed a talented second striker to help Bent along, and brought in Keane, which worked.

    I can see PL approaching Randy with this the top of his list, along with an established Midfielder. (Come back Milner!)

  8. Paul Lambert's statistics are quite similar so far compared to his last season.

    Also, we have proven on occasion this season so far, that we have a lot of quality, especially for a (mostly young, Prem League inexperienced) team that is still getting to know each other and are willing to work very hard to make games into positive results.

    All of PL's signings have impressed me so far from what I have seen of them and I strongly believe that results will only get better.

  9. I fully expect Gabby and Bent up front next game, it seems like you play well under PL you get to play again, play badly and you're out and waiting for your next opportunity. It really is the way it should be. Competition for places is a great thing.

    This ^

    Also, Albrighton had a decent game today but don't forget this is his first league start this season since being injured, been out for a while too. More to come I think.

    Villa looked good overall today and I'm disspointed with a draw if I'm honest as we had most of the game, just need to put more chances away.

  10. So, with Ireland likely to be out with a broken arm... Could this work?

    ---------Guzan/Given-------- (form dependant)





  11. Let's face it, if we do get relegated, it's not because Lambert brought in some youth players. It's been coming, since 2010. It's been too drastic of a change to cut the wage bill so dramatically in 2 years, and appoint 2 wrong managers at both the wrong times and sell our best players year on year.

  12. PL on Gabby at the presser: "Gabby has been injured and then was on the bench. You need everybody at the football club going the same way."

    Sensing Gabby didn't come on last weekend due to PL being unhappy with him? Anything to do with his trip to NY?

  13. Excellent performance, sun, atmosphere and winning; what's not to like?

    Guzan - 8 - An absolutely fantastic save in the first half and a really good solid performance throughout. He's staying in the team.

    Lowton - 8 - Bang. Great goal and another solid performance. He looks a good un.

    Clark - 7 - Needs to wise up a bit on those rash challenges and keep out of the book, but he looked solid enough.

    Vlaar - 8 - Big. Big fella, big heart, brave - it was an excellent performance today and if he keeps this up, he can join a long and famous list of CB's we have loved. Oo ah indeed.

    Lichaj - 7 - Did nothing wrong, and sometimes for a defender that's more than enough.

    Ireland and Bannan - 7 - Both ticked along very nicely, moved the ball about and helped us tick - they're quite similar in some ways, but oddly enough they seem to be at their best when they're together.

    El Ahmadi - 7 - Not quite up to the promise he's shown so far, but he had another good game and he fits right in.

    Holman - 8 - Probably the least talented on the ball of our midfield quartet - you can overcome that though if you're the Tazmanian devil. Took the lead whenever they had the ball. This bloke works so hard it's difficult to believe he's Australian.

    Weimann - 7 - Busy and sharp, be nice to see him score again, but he works defenders and he's always available for the ball.

    Bent - 5 - Very often our moves broke down on him and I think he was lucky to stay on for ninety. We play with hustle and with quickness of mind and quickness of feet; Bent's a classy finisher, but I'm not sure he currently merits a starting place.


    Westwood - ? - Unfortunately for him, the other sub kinda took the eye and I'm afraid I don't remember much of him. Sorry.

    Benteke - 8 - Bustling, big and a real presence. He's got an excellent touch too and he seems to hold on to the ball very well. Missed a sitter and scored on his debut - a fine twenty minute introduction, can we see more please?

    Nzogbia - 7 - Seemed to enjoy himself and seems to like the idea of aiming balls at Benteke. That might work you know.

    The ref, Lee Mason was shoddy and more than a little unpredictable in his card distribution, can we see him less please?

    And finally, a word for Nathan Dyer who capped his ninety minutes of niggling and moaning with an absolutely shameful dive in our box; that word is prick.

    EXACTLY This.

    I voted Holman MOTM for his workrate alone. His first touch can be sloppy, but he's not a headless chicken. He linked up play well at times, at others he was just a thorn in Swansea's side!

    To add to your word on Nathan Dyer. I absolutely loved watching Concrete Ron angrily tower over him after he dived. I'm really hoping that's on Match of the Day later!

    Ooh Ahh Ron Vlaar!

    All of This! ^

    I love Lambert's motions too! To jumping on the pitch, pumping his fist at the Benteke goal, to chucking his bottle of water in anger and crouching, holding his head when we nearly concede! ♥

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