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Posts posted by AstonMartyn88

  1. I just ignore the skellies and dodge them if I can then go straight for the guys controlling them.

    Yeah, after I did what I always do when I first encounter a boss (panic, miss buttons, swear, run around a bit, panic, swear a bit more, miss more buttons, open my inventory for no reason and then die)

    Nice to see someone using the same tactics as me in an initial boss encounter

    • Like 2
  2. It's taken me 2.5 months of playing virtually everyday but I am at the final boss. Never got this far on DS1.

    On a side note, I see the daily mail are jumping up and down that the kid who murdered his teacher "was obsessed with dark souls"

  3. I'll get shot-down in flames for this but I think the most sensible thing to do to take us to the next level and to compete in the big league is to form a single team in Birmingham and take over the scum. It would take 1-2 generations but in the longer term it would unit the city and give us regular crowds of 55,000 and for big games into the 70,000s.

    The team name would be a merger of the two clubs; Aston Villa from our side and FC from BCFC giving us Aston Villa FC!

    Would probs have to be Birmingham United if you want the whole city to be under one team...

    Just threw up in my mouth reading that name

    • Like 4
  4. Executioner's Chariot is incredibly annoying

    I felt the same way when I first fought him but he is actually one of the easiest bosses. First run along the left wall and just hide in the area that goes into the wall to hide from the chariot (Get a shield that blocks 100% physical dmg and just hold that up). Repeat along the left and kill the mage this time. Wait for chariot to pass and run to right wall now and hide. Then run along the right to find another opening. Repeat until you get the mage. Across from the mage is a lever, just pull that and the boss will fall off the chariot and you fight the horse who is pretty simple.

    Are you playing on xbox? If so I might be able to help you.

    This topic seems to be my lucky charm - 5 minutes after I complained about EC I beat it, likewise with no mans wharf. I'm having more fun on this one than DS1 although I suspect that's something to do with the fact I haven't as yet spent 2 months stuck on one boss as I did with smough and ornstein.

    I'm doing a strength/dex build which suits my play style (no finesse, swing the sword around wildly)

    And yes I am playing on Xbox, meant to ask czechlad how did you mod your game? Unless you're playing the PC version?

  5. Just reached the bell tower

    What a horrible area that is

    Not the boss fight just the fact you get continuously invaded

    I got invaded 3 times in succession within seconds killed the first 2 but couldnt hit the last bloke with spells because of lag and him somehow managing to get behind me and backstab me even though he was in front of me on my screen

    That area's a nightmare, I ended up just sprinting for the fog gate after the 9th invasion. It's bizarre to me how I get invaded by people with all these wonderful weapons and shields that I never seem to find. And then they kill me. Over and over and over

  6. I've finally found what makes DS enjoyable and worth all the dying - that moment of elation when you turn human just before a boss fight and see summoning signs. It's an amazing sense of community

  7. I would put in an appeal for calm but it seems somewhat pointless.

    We lost. To stoke. It happened. Get over it. It could have been SHA.

    And please can people stop with this 'I'm a better fan than you' rubbish. You don't get any prizes for being a better fan. We all largely pay the same to sit in the same area of the ground to watch the same team. Those of you that are able to go home and away well done to you. Doesn't make you any better than anyone else. Just means you have more disposable income to do so.

    Grow up people.

    Now to the game:

    We weren't very good yes, but that's how we have been since I can remember - a blinding result one week where suddenly there's England call ups being mentioned & challenging for cups next season, then a terrible one the next when suddenly we're doomed to relegation, sack everyone we're not good enough.

    We are an inconsistent, midtable team and that is our lot. I appreciate it's difficult to step back and look at it like that after a defeat such as this, and a victory like last week

    Let's just continue on our merry way and look forward to seeing who we buy in the summer.

    • Like 2
  8. Just beat Nashandra on NG+++ to get wrath of the gods. Had to also beat the mirror knight on NG+++ which was a nightmare. So tanky.

    I haven't even got through no-mans wharf

    If you have a lockstone, use it in the wharf. It turns on all the lights which pushes the dark creatures inside. It makes it a lot easier. Make sure you fully explore that area (hidden walls) cause there are some really good rings in there.

    Cheers. I think it's been mentioned elsewhere but this time round it's massively unforgiving if you get rushed by 2 or more enemies you're pretty much screwed

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