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Posts posted by Ulver

  1. Those players are:

    Stephen Carr

    Joey Barton

    El Hadji Diouf

    Kevin Nolan

    If you'd stop supporting you club just because they signed some player you don't like, i'd suggest that says more about your so called support than anything else.

    Rather ridiculous.

  2. Based on what you saw last night who would pick him at OT

    Personally I would. But I wouldn't pick Gabby, Ash and Downing too

    I'd probably go ...


    Downing - Petrov - Coker - Makoun - Young

    -------Clark - Collins - Dunne - Walker------


  3. I thought the lad showed some great promise last night. Looked VERY composed on the ball, liked his one touch passes too.

    We'll no doubt only get to see the real Makoun next season when he's fully up to speed with the English game, but for now count me in as impressed.

  4. I'd still rather the wasn't playing left back. He's putting in a fine shift but he's not a left back. He dones't think like a left back either

    He's got a greta long term future in the side though thats for certain

  5. No, he's not. But if you moved to Manchester and had no idea of where you were and knew none of your team mates or anyone in the area how would you cope? It's not easy...

    I can only presume that was a joke, right ?

  6. He deserves a chance linking up with Bent.

    On what possible basis does he deserve that chance ?

    Why should the manager give a player whose put in ZERO effort thus far a chance ahead of any of the other squad players who HAVE put in effort ?

  7. At the end of the day Houllier only sees Ireland's position as the hole behind the striker but Ashley Young is better and will always play there over him. Would any of you be happy if he dropped Young for Ireland? I don't think Ash would be either.

    No. Then again, you can understand Houllier's point of view because he obviously knows how he wants to play and he's been saddled with a misfit or doesnt fit into his system

  8. For those of us that like the heavier side of things. Then i'm currently loving the Italian band Dead Elephant

    Not interested if they'll be 'big' or not, just loving their doom

    **** A. Looking forward to whatever Salome do this year, really really liked their last album. Would really like to see Zola Jesus in concert this year also. Shikari are supposed to be releasing something too after reforming. Hope they do a UK tour would love to see them

    Good taste sir

  9. He has been poor so far but the same can be said of many this season.

    There's a MASSIVE difference between being out of form and playing badly and not giving a flying ****.

    I can forgive anyone a bad game, or things just not going their way on the pitch. But I can never forgive anyone just not trying their best.

    like Carew I guess.


  10. He has been poor so far but the same can be said of many this season.

    There's a MASSIVE difference between being out of form and playing badly and not giving a flying ****.

    I can forgive anyone a bad game, or things just not going their way on the pitch. But I can never forgive anyone just not trying their best.

  11. Right so he's given one match and has to play well or he's publically slated? Like to see that repeated for the rest of the squad this season. Nice to see players allowed time to settle in, as ever.

    ONE MATCH ?, He's made more than one appearance mate, and he's been **** useless in every single one of them. Are you suggesting that the staff should ignore his complete lack of effort and keep him in the side at the expense of another player who's willing to bust a gut for the shirt?. If so i'm glad you aren't our manager. You earn your place in a team, your transfer fee and 5 great months in your past career don't.

    Ireland clearly has mental issues.

    Then he should be seeking help with them and not conning a football club out of 70k a week as an alleged professional footballer.

    Personally I'm sympathetic to that kind of thing. But even if you're not, you should recognise that slagging off a player like Ireland in the press when they are lacking confidence is a bloody stupid thing to do, is never going to result in better performances and (if we have to resort to finances) is going to cost the club money, as well as the services of what could have been a very good player had they been handled better.

    Oh diddums. We all have to face criticism in our daily lives, its part of life and being an adult with responsibilities. He's no different to you or me in that sense. He's just a pampered baby who thinks he doesn't have to earn his keep. I'd prefer Houllier to give him the cane than talk about him personally. That may wake the feckless prima donna up.

    Until he earns the right to wear the shirt again he can rot for all I care.

  12. What I said. Houllier publically slated Ireland, and I think that is part of the reason why Ireland has failed to perform for us.

    What a load of baloney. Gerard only said he needed to buck his ideas up AFTER he'd playe dhim. It's Irelands fault he's never took a chance to shine

    You have to remember, Houllier, MaCallister and Sid see him EVERY day in training. If he's not doing the business there then they're not going to play him are they ?

    Especially after he's wasted the chances he HAS had.

    He's a useless clearing in the woods.

  13. For those of us that like the heavier side of things. Then i'm currently loving the Italian band Dead Elephant

    Not interested if they'll be 'big' or not, just loving their doom

    Roll on tomorrow night. Ultraphallus in Birmingham

  14. The arrival of a left-back would complete his January business but, contrary to reports Villa are not interested in Wigan full back Maynor Figueroa and maintain there has been no approach from Liverpool after a temporary move for Stephen Warnock.

    Interesting, I rate him but at 28/29 maybe he's too 'short term'

    Leighton Baines anyone ?


    Not likely I know

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