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Posts posted by Ulver

  1. I've done Everton and Liverpool away in the past, but this time it'll be train to Lime Street, and taxi to ground after some beers

    What's the best way to get back from ground to Lime Street after game?

  2. Morning General

    Just a quick question about a merchandise issue that's been bugging me. This season we adopted the 'Team Purple' colour for a number of Nike items. Now for me personally, it's an absolute horrid colour but i'm more than aware that to someone else it may be beautfiul.

    However, i'd love to know how this colour merchandise has sold over all if possible?

    The main reason being I think I could count on one pair of hands the number of people i've seen wearing anything in that colour at a game.

    This is in no way a moan, or a groan. I'm just genuinely interested in how it's performed on the sale side of things, because it's always struck me as one of those colours nobody would wear in a normal setting. And I do remember being quite alarmed when I first saw the range of gear unveiled.

    Cheers Ulver

    PS : The one piece of classic Villa leisure wear this season in my opinion is the retro zip up jacket. Sky blue with a bit of claret bits n bobs. I've seen those being worn a LOT all season, but it now seems to be unavailable. It surely must be one of the top sellers which makes its unavailability a bit odd. UTV!

  3. ive already seen in three games that makoun is far better than berson was cant see where thats coming from? some of his movement and first touch passing is outstanding

    I think we've all seen he's head and shoulders above any of our current or recent central midfielders. And he's not even up to speed yet

    Who was the last midfielder we had that was so comfortable taking and laying off the ball with one touch rather than taking an age to move it on?

    He knows where he's going to pass it even before he's received it.

    The only downside is he's too quick thinking for half our lot at the moment. hopefully they'll learn as they play alongside him more

  4. I can sum that up with one word


    Plenty of the ball, good bombing on. But the final ball into the box, has been utterly woeful. No point signing a strike rlike Bent and giving him no service

    The corners have been woeful too. But we've still had a few chances and the spirit/effort is their in abundance.

    You could have put your mortgage on them scoring from a corner. And I hope we restrict them to very few more

    Its a classic 'in the balance' game. This could go either way

  5. I think once Bradley comes into the side, we'll see him as the anchor/defensive one and Makoun playing with a bit more freedom

    With the quick brain/feet he has he'd be far better suited to getting up and around the box

  6. Impressed by the lad again today. It's very rare to see a player in a Villa shirt so comfortable receiving and giving the ball with quick one touch passes

    Looks like its scared the shit out of some of the others, eg lead legs Petrov

  7. He has been taking the piss since the second he stepped through the door. THE UTTER PISS

    The flim flam some people are bandying around as excuses for him are bordering on the pathetic. ALL he needed to do to show his worth was WORK HARD.

    And he FAILED.

  8. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Make it permanant and make it quick

    I couldn't care less if he rediscovers that '6 month' form he had a few years back either or continues the same way the majority of his career has gone. He's a lazy bastard with an appalling attitude.

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