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Posts posted by C4rvillan

  1. The country is bankrupt and needs to be returned to profitability.

    'Returned to profitability'? What the effing **** are you on about?

    What the effing **** did you think I'm on about? I think it is quite self explanatory. We have borrowed TOO much money and need to pay it back rather than borrow even more. I take it you are one of these 'creditted' up people who think money grows on trees and things can be paid for with a bit of plastic.

    To help you understand further, the country is like Liverpool FC at the minute. We need to sort the mess out rather than trying to refinance. Do you get it now?

  2. I can't wait to see Ireland playing where he should be. He has a quick brain and feet to match. That needs to be done infornt of the opp. back four, not the opp. midfield. He also has the ability to put the ball in space to where the front man is running to. He is being wasted playing so deep.

  3. General,

    I said in a previous post that actions speak louder than words and the appointment of Houllier is the sort of action that I was looking for. I know I had my own personal preference for the job but at the end of the day, I believe we have appointed an experienced manager who will help the club to grow further. I am excited by the way he has said about improving the technicality of our play which as you would have seen at the World Cup is becoming the difference between being successful and not. Thank you.

    Oh, can you give someone at the OS a kick up the bahooky. They still haven't updated the league tables for the reserves and the youth are showing not having played nay games at all.

  4. In Jan, if we can get a strong recognised holding midfielder and a striker, we will be laughing IMO.

    Nobody does shopping in Jan and if you do you get ripped off. It'll be summer before he gets to work signing players.

    It depends where you get them from I suppose. An up and coming Makalele or Diarra would be good.

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