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Posts posted by C4rvillan

  1. It is 2hrs a week curriculum time by law with an offer of upto 5hrs including out of school activity. The 2hrs is still going to be in effect but the support structure (which some might argue is an expensive waste of money) is being lost.

  2. Cheers for reading General,

    A group of supporters are trying to set up an Ultra's supporters group. These groups are quite fanatical an example of such being the Rapid fans who have come to VP these last two seasons. They are set upon creating an atmosphere by chanting constantly throughout games and producing displays of banners and flags i.e. 'Your Nightmare Returns' that the Rapid fans did. Now for the bit you won't like, they refuse to sit down throughout the game. However, many top clubs (Real Madrid, Barca, Inter, AC Milan, Bayern Munich etc) on the continent have these types of groups and they are successfully catered for by working closely with the club in providing designated areas for them to do their thing. I was just wondering whether the club would be willing to work with these type of supporter groups or would they rather distance themselves against this behaviour?

    At the moment, the group (called Brigada 1874) are in their infancy and only have 18 active members that did this for the first time against Burnley but it could grow into a larger group because of the appeal to younger supporters.

  3. General, I would like to ask what you thought of the Rapid Vienna supporters at VP?

    The reason I ask is this is that you may be aware that their is a group of Villa supporters trying to create a similar atmosphere making expereince for Villa. Would the club be willing to work with a group of so called Ultra's i.e. giving them their own designated area for them to organise displays and chant etc or would they prefer to distance themselves from this particular way of support?

    You seemed to miss this General.

  4. Hi General,

    some clubs have come out and confirmed they will be wearing poppies (to mark rememberance day) Will we do the same?

    Infact, When we play United next they'll have it stiched on their shirts.. will we do the same?

    Sorry to answer for you General. Look on the OS, we are having poppies stitched onto our shirts as well.

    General, I would like to ask what you thought of the Rapid Vienna supporters at VP?

    The reason I ask is this is that you may be aware that their is a group of Villa supporters trying to create a similar atmosphere making expereince for Villa. Would the club be willing to work with a group of so called Ultra's i.e. giving them their own designated area for them to organise displays and chant etc or would they prefer to distance themselves from this particular way of support?

  5. David Bentley, Darren Bent, Illie Dumitrescu the list is endless my Spud friend.

    I certainly wouldn't class Bent or Bentley as fantastic before they went to spurs

    Bentley played out of his skin in his last season at Blackburn and made the England team (not squad). Bent scored over 20 goals in his last season for a Charlton team that got relegated.

  6. David Bentley, Darren Bent, Illie Dumitrescu the list is endless my Spud friend.

    You consider Bent and Bentley to be fantastic players? Seriously? Good players, no doubt, but fantastic? If so, why aren't they mainstays in the national team and why have none of the big teams been at all interested in them?

    Besides, after a poor start, Bentley performed reasonably well in the second half of last season. And Bent was just out of his depth at Spurs, simple as that. Spurs didn't make him a bad player, it just highlighted his limitations.

    So your basing your arguement on the strength of definition of a word are you? Therefore, I take it when you pay circa £18m for a player, they are not fantastic? Maybe you have no fantastic players then.

    Look through history, Spurs have a reputation of buying expensive players who have stood out from the rest at their previous clubs and made them look poor.

  7. 2) continued spending making us even worse

    But everyone knows that when you have a deficit to fill, borrowing more money is the best option. Oh well, you'll pay back even more interest but hey as long as people who earn over £44,000 still get their child benefit.

  8. Funny Drat how Gordon and Labour claimed to have ended 'Boom and Bust' during the global economic upturn yet were very quick to embrace the global downturn to apportion the blame.

    Can you argue that during their term in office that they did live within their means then?

  9. And let's not forget the reason why these cuts are necessary.

    The banking crisis blah blah blah. It's all about living way out of your means and that is what the previous gvmt did and you can't deny it unless your glasses are a rosie red tinted.

  10. The Nimrod is a 50 year old air frame design. It was based on the comet airliner and still looks like a comet airliner. Plus there are much cheaper types of aircraft that do the same job.

    I do agree that it is sad to see our military strength cut. As a boy, I wanted to be captain of HMS Invincible so it is sad to see this class being scrapped. But without Harriers (which in the modern era have certain deficiencies), they are useless. HMS Ocean carries out the role of being the platform for support helicopters plus HMS Albion and Bulwark and the RFA Bay Class ships have the capacity to carry helicopters too.

  11. The defence cuts today are actually wasting money.

    2 50 year old planes are decommisioned. An aircraft carrier with no use is decommisioned. Both of these alone will SAVE money. Maybe not straight away but in the long term.

    As for your amputation metaphor, you let it heal you say, so we put our heads in the sand, carry on as if nothing is happening and hope something comes up to change this do we?

    Cuts have to be made or would you rather we increase taxes to 40%?

    Post edited - please keep it civil or if you can't don't join in the debate. Trent

  12. I find it rich that the Tory supporters, and especially those who seemingly have a military background, will not admit that this Gvmt are clueless in what they are doing and are hitting far too deeply and far too quickly.

    The defence policy announced today, and I am in Portsmouth at the moment listening to locals absolutely ripping into the Tory part of the Gvmt, is wrong on so many counts its unreal. The spending review is far too heavy and will knock back any sort of recovery this country was going through.

    So if you are running out of money, you would find another loan at a ridiculous amount of interest and for a longer period to consolidate or do you cut short what you are spending to pay of the original loan amount ion the time given?

    I think most people would choose the latter because you would get seriously **** choosing the former!

  13. I'm not saying that they are automatically right Trent, I just think it is too early to call people incompetent when they are trying to right the wrongs of a previous incompetent government.

    The wrongs of the previous government (and there were plenty) have nothing to do with ability of those trying to put things right or their suitability to do so.

    You clearly don't understand. What I am saying is that it is too early to call them incompetent as they haven't been in office for a sufficient amount of time to be labelled as 'incompetent'. If in a couple of years time there has been no improvement then fine.

    Believe me, as a Tory supporter, I will criticise this government if they come across as incompetent.

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