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Everything posted by Laivasse

  1. They've looked toothless all game and now suddenly they're pulling out solid gold chances. This is exactly the type of team we should be beating but at current concentration levels we look the likelier to lose.
  2. Without Gabby's 2 we wouldn't have any either. One man team. We've had 3 shots on target though. Hardly a one man team. Stats don't tell the whole story. What was the 3rd shot on target? I don't remember it. Probably some tame header or abortive cross which only just about qualifies.
  3. Without Gabby's 2 we wouldn't have any either. One man team.
  4. Goddamn, that was close from gabby. Their keeper dodged a bullet there.
  5. Shows how he may as well not even try, anyway, since it won't register with anybody watching. He had been playing decently until AMC decided Heskey was our best attacking mid.
  6. Delph is a shambolic player... Sad to say, I think that cruciate lig injury did him in. That half wasn't fun to watch. I'd say some of ours are putting in a decent shift, including Gabby, Herd, maybe Warnock and Nzog too. But the same uninspired setup and inclusion of Heskey in the deep role are hamstringing us. Added to that we have players who just aren't good enough, namely Hutton and Delph today. Hutton is actually providing some half decent cover for once but his tackling is diabolical and he seems to be in a race with Delph to get sent off. Even Dunne's tackling is moronic today. Herd's energy and composure on the ball is good today, but he doesn't ever hold back when tackling, not even in our penalty area. Then you have Collins... we're awash with liabilities. Bent is totally anonymous. I'm not seeing these great areas he supposedly always gets into. There was one point where Gabby made a great run and drilled a left footed cross, which desperately needed our goal poacher running across towards the near post to get a touch - but Bent was sauntering into the middle of the 6 yard box instead, only good for picking up rebounds. All that said, we can nick this. Gabby's running and some of the crossing we have been doing look much more likely to produce a goal than any single thing Swansea have done, despite dominating the possession.
  7. Has he even touched the ball yet? not his fault that the ball keeps getting fired over his head all the time I know it isn't saying much but I think he's been one of the better performers this half, behind Gabby. Had a flick on from a corner, some good running, even some solid tackling. Watching just now and he put in a great cross for Heskey which Heskey did little with.
  8. Yes, if anything this kind of performance reveals how we did all of Spurs' work for them. It wasn't Spurs 'superb' side that undid us, it was our crapness.
  9. Terrible ball retention and looking pretty bad, but despite that we've been threatening in the very short spell we had. Gabby and Warnock looking sharp in an attacking sense, N'zog looks up for the game. Heskey really could have scored from Warnock's cross IMO. Then again they look threatening too. Every team does against us.
  10. My tongue was firmly rooted in cheek with that post.
  11. Buh...? I don't have a stake in this debate, but yours is an utterly bizarre argument. Parents don't pick the role models for their kids, the kids do. Nobody tells their children to look up to anyone. That's why Balotelli now has to go on and on about firework safety, having set his bathroom on fire. Not because parents are saying 'act like Balotelli, son'. So people are bad parents because they suggest it can be a bad influence to have footballers driving around pissed...? I'm not even a parent and that's offensive.
  12. Commentator quote: "Good tackling! Certainly nobody has been able to stand around and pose in a Tottenham shirt today." I'm just reflecting on how ridiculous and inaccurate it would have been to hear the same thing said about our game. Spurs just equalised, though.
  13. Sick of this endless negativity from some fans...! Could you do better? This isn't FIFA 12. Just get behind the team like the rest of us instead of secretly wishing for us to fail.
  14. Truth. If you're going to park the bus, you have to drill it into them on the training ground that the ball needs to be pressurised at all times (and hope for a performance like the England vs Spain friendly). Can't have been done. If you're going to bring Cuellar back after a long absence, for a very tough game, you have to be sure he can come straight back at 100% performance. He couldn't. If you're going to have Hutton doubling up, you have to make sure he knows how to defend and tackle. He probably never will. If you're going to have Heskey on the wing... um... if you're going to have Heskey on the wing, well, you have to... no, I give up. Why would you have Heskey on the wing. If your rubbish plan immediately starts to fail, you have to at least try to change it. Um... please? So yes, dismal from the players. But stunningly bad from AMC.
  15. Delph on, 86th minute. This'll do it. Hell, even if it doesn't we have another sub to make yet. Let's not be so negative... *goes to bed*
  16. Heskey is abysmal. I used to appreciate him but this season, in these positions, it's beyond a joke. Petrov had the ball under pressure, the only realistic recipient was Heskey, who moved into the most awkward area he could to receive it. Petrov did all he could to jab it to Heskey, and despite facing the ball all the way, Heskey didn't expect it. Gets there slower than the nearest Spurs player, and they have a free kick. Hold up play, my arse.
  17. Our lads look terrified of theirs. Judging by the starting line up I can't help feel that has spread from the manager on down.
  18. Bollocks to that. The hoofing is terrible when you have time to do otherwise, but if our defenders try to play their way out of danger when they're still under pressure that's suicide. Herd just tried to and was lucky to get a foul blown when he lost it. Dunne tried it earlier and gave away one of many chances to Spurs.
  19. No subs! I must be dreaming... don't worry lads, you're all figments of my subconscious, I've nodded off in the middle of the game, and once I wake up I'm sure it won't be as bad.
  20. My eyes nearly popped out of my skull there. I may not agree with the benching but that was atrocious from Bent. Who assumes they're offside and stops when they're one on one with no whistle?
  21. Before this game Cuellar's barely had a half of football all season, and he's supposed to be our answer to Bale? The supposedly 'defensive' Hutton in front of him doesn't actually defend or attack properly so he's out of the equation. Add in comedy Collins plus Heskey on the wing and this was always going to stink.
  22. WTF is Bent doing there. Play to the ***ing whistle, christ. Should be 1-1.
  23. Great little attack down the right, there. Not what I expected from Cuellar, Hutton and Petrov, but encouraging. More of the same plz.
  24. didnt Collins not apologize through Twitter for that "performance" Yeah, my remembering is that he said he was 'ashamed to be a footballer' after the 7-1 or something along those lines. He may have closed the account due to subsequent abuse but IIRC people were also speculating at the time that MON made him close it because he wasn't happy with these unsanctioned apologies.
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