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Posts posted by chappy

  1. 18 hours ago, Mandy Lifeboats said:

    Decrease tax. Increase public expenditure.

    I am a Civil Servant.  The Government and the Civil Service combine to waste ridulous amounts of money.  

    The Government introduces flawed policies.  The Civil Service then implements them badly.  

    I see this every day.

    This is what I would’ve voted for but it wasn’t an option.

  2. First 4 home games of the season:


    Saturday 12:30pm

    Sunday 2pm

    Saturday 5:30pm

    Friday 8pm


    Full spectrum. Next scheduled 3pm VP game is October 15th and is against Chelsea so May well get moved too.

  3. 11 hours ago, sidcow said:

    Not in his world because he'd found some inaccurate website that said we were not selling out. It had got our average PL attendance as 37,000 last year and just 28,500 in 19-20.  

    God only knows how they worked it out. 

    Was he including the behind closed doors games in project restart? :lol:

    • Like 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    I was on a stag on weekend and thank **** im not single anymore. The dating game has changed and its **** 

    You rarely meet women at bars/clubs anymore. Also another peeve i dont like is clubs most women no days wear trainers. Its looks so chavvy.

    Give me heels or boots any day

    How dare they be comfortable

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  5. 14 hours ago, robby b said:

    Well done England, what a turnaround! 1 win in 17 and then 3 in a row and against the side that were number one in the world last year. 👏👏👏 

    Now there's the challenge starting on Friday of not losing a home series to India. But what about when we next play in India and in our dear old Australia... Will Ben and Brendon manage to avoid yet another 5-0 or 4-0 defeat? That's the main thing I want them to achieve in the next few years, to stop humiliations like that. Even 4-1 or 3-0 would be an improvement in those two countries! (Good grief). 🙄

    To be fair to the previous regime, it was 3-1 in India last year.


    I also think that 1 win in 17 stat that keeps being bandied around in the media is a little disingenuous - obviously it’s not a good look, but you can bend stats to prove a point… in the previous 12 tests before that, they’d won 8/12 (2 draws 2 defeats). Leaving out the Sri Lanka series and first game in India in particular doesn’t really make sense (would make it 4 wins in 20) as after the game in Chennai there was a lot of positivity surrounding the team.


    Anyway, all in the past now. Love the form that YJB is in at the moment, mad that we’ve cruised to two chases of almost 300 inside two weeks, they really have imported our white ball confidence. Speaking of, have to say Morgan’s legacy must be up there with any English player in any sport?? Something very English about bowing out shortly after getting a golden duck amidst a world record score too :lol:

    • Like 3
  6. 21 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

    Shandy drinker :P 

    people still turn up at the scanners with liquids and electronics in their bag , whilst still wearing coats / jackets and belts   ..no way those  people are capable of  mastering the art of small bag inside a big bag 

    Pleasant surprise at Schiphol the other day where they’ve upgraded scanners so you just put your hand luggage in a tray without removing anything and then walk through the scanners without emptying your pockets. All liquids are allowed through too apparently (drinks etc)

  7. Finished Stranger Things S4 E7 last night



    Really enjoyed the series so far. Had been finding all the scenes with El at the lab pretty dull throughout but they tied that up very nicely in ep7. Agree with whoever put the spoiler tag in about peril for main characters though, it was obvious Steve was going to survive after ep6 and the same again for Nancy as we move into ep8 imo. Also didn’t think they’d kill off Max so early in the series. Wasn’t such a fan of the stoner pizza delivery guy as a character and was good to see less screen time for Mike and Will (two characters I’ve never had much time for). Enjoyed the parts set in Russia.



    • Like 1
  8. 50 minutes ago, BOF said:

    Every industry has the right to fight its corner if they feel they're not getting a fair deal. It's not nurses versus barristers or teachers versus taxi drivers etc. It's each industry fighting for what is fair for them. Each of them fighting their own particular paymaster, regardless of how they compare against each other's totally different industries. Comparisons are irrevelant. If you're not getting enough then fight your corner. Don't begrudge someone else fighting theirs. Also, the breadline is not the criteria for striking. And multiple problems can be solved simultaneously. It's not a 'take a ticket, your strike is next'.

    Unfortunately, many people think it is (first bolded bit) and that is exactly what the tories want. Ignore 12 years of devastating cuts and have a go at teachers instead of understanding why these professions might strike every now and again. Second bolded bit - they will keep winning elections having successfully turned people against each other instead of using their heads and understanding the root cause. Sickening!

  9. Great day yesterday. So close to 500! Think the organisers underestimated the thirst of the travelling fans though, not many bars and VP esque speed of service. Buttler is something else and Livingstone is an absolute animal as a finisher!

  10. 32 minutes ago, bannedfromHandV said:

    Whereabouts is the cricket pitch in Amsterdam? 

    Amstelveen, not sure on the geography of the city but seems pretty central. 16 min drive from the airport.

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