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Posts posted by Villaboy69

  1. Personally I've seen nothing in J2M that would make me select him for the relegation battle we have ahead. Too much of a luxury. Can't tackle and is a defensive nightmare.

    Needs a full pre season before he's judge but he does play a mean short pass. Bet he's brilliant in the 5 a side training

  2. For me this is one of the biggest games in our recent history. Everything about us at the minute spells trouble. From the record financial losses to the decenting players and the rifts within the camp. Lose this one and I dread to think what will happen.

    Time for us all to play our part and get right behind the lads. We may need to be patient but a win tomorrow is vital.

    Come on lets inspire the team victory and premiership safety

  3. Gotta say to those guys that went, thanks for keeoing me sane. I was so thoroughly depressed at the selection and our surrender but the Villa fans made me realise that this is why I love going to away games and despite the crap that went on and no matter how pissed off I was at the game last night I'm already made for it at Bolton on Saturday

  4. Do I want a refund? No you pays your money you takes ya chance.

    What I would like is a manager that gives us a chance and stops **** us from behind

    The sooner that idiot is out of our club the better.

    Never have I been so angry watching AVFC and I've seen some shit in my time.

  5. J2M has clearly demonstrated over his first few games that he is a fine player when he has the ball, moves it quickly, simply and is always available for a return. However its when he hasn't got the ball that worries me. For all his fine attributes this is an area of his game that needs major improvement hence the bollockings he is receiving. He doesn't get close enough and allows players to run off him. Maybe this is just the pace of the game and it may take him time to adjust. Until then I can't get overly excited by him. However if he gets it right will will have a great player in the making

  6. Do I think Makoun is a bad player? No. Do I think he played well last night? No. Do I think he'll come good for us? Maybe but he'll need to improve the defensive side of his game and clearly his fitness by a long long way, to be looking tired at 50 minutes, just after half time is someone a long long long way off the fitness levels required.

    I just wish people would stop looking through rose tinted glasses and look at things objectively than jumping to a players defence because it suits an argument. I said a few days ago after we'd signed him that he would need quite a bit of time to adjust to the PL and I'd give him all season to do that. I stand by that and I think last night proved me right tbh he's way off the fitness levels required, he's way off tactically too, I expected that. What however I thought GH would do is play Petrov for the first 60 and then bring Makoun on for the last 30 as Wigan tired a bit. That would be the best way to introduce him to the PL, a few 30 min sub appearances first, not straight in at the deep end.

  7. Big 3 points for us, but the performance wasn't the greatest.

    We're all on here critising Downing and he wasn't great last night but why is he being played on the right and Aggy on the left - Its no coincidence that their form has dipped.

    Can some one give me a logical footballing argument for persisting with this.

    All you ever hear the pro's talk about is how important it is to have a balanced side yet we continue to contradict that.

    Its so frustrating

  8. didn't close down let his runners run off him and thats why Collins gave him such a bollocking.

    that was about 10 secs before he was subbed and the only time if i recall

    showed a lot of promise if you ask me , not sure what people expected from a player being asked to play a DM role , a hat trick ?

    He constantly left his runs and was always 10 yards from closing down in midfield.

    Thats the least I expect from a 'defensive midfielder' but as I said he is clearly going to need time

  9. Its totally unfair to judge him on one game but I thought he showed some nice touches when on the ball but that is only to be expected. Defensively he was woeful, didn't close down let his runners run off him and thats why Collins gave him such a bollocking.

    He was way way off the pace of the game. He certainly needs games and judging by what I saw last night he isn't going to be the type of player that will make an immediate impact, he will need time. I would much rather he is given time to settle spend a number of game in the reserves and then be steadily introduced.

    Overall I was left a little disappointed

  10. How about a remake of an old Brian Little song

    To the tune of my old mans a dustman

    Darren Bent is magic

    He wears a magic hat

    He plays for Aston Villa

    And lives in a big posh flat

    He scores with his left foot

    He scores with his right

    and when we play the city

    he scores all **** night

  11. Boo Milner errrrrrr I think I'll be concentrating my efforts on welcoming our new goal scorer.

    How much did we pay? The chairman has put his money were we wanted it the least we can do is support the players in claret and blue and not even bother with the one's who decided we weren't for them anymore.

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