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Posts posted by Villaboy69

  1. This would be the biggest kick in the bollocks that I have ever experienced as a Villa supporter. Having seen us relegated I never thought I'd experience anything that compared to that.

    The possiblity of someone coming from the dark side to manage our club is just not on. No way not ever.

    FFS they have been relegated twice under this guy and play the most putrid style of football ever to disgrace the premier league.

    It'll prove that the 5 year plan is well and truly dead and buried.

    Our goal will be survival.

    AN absolute disgrace of an appointment if it happens

  2. SSN are making us look like a right bunch of MUGS.

    Don't worry about it. The only MUGS are SSN they've got absolutely nothing right about who our next manager will be.

    They are just pissed off that we keep everything in house and that they get nothing to report.

    Its there way of trying to piss us off in the hope of trying to strike up some sort of relationship.

    You scratch our back and we'll scratch yours.

    All bollocks and most sensible people will be able to see right through them

  3. Not a chance in hell of Bent going - 4 years left on contract so it would take an unbelieveable bid, considering what we paid, for the club to even consider selling him. I also believe that this applies to Downing although to a slightly lesser extent given that he only has 2 years.

    I think the club has set its marker when it comes to selling ;

    2 years left play hard ball

    1 year left sign contract or take best offer.

    I know Milner' sale goes against this but I also believe there was alot of internal politics going on around that sale which culminated in MON leaving. Non of which we are ever likely to be party too

  4. Everything was pointing towards Hughes until he resigned. With the calibre of managers that are available and the ones we have been linked with, we will either be able to appoint a manager very quickly or be in talk with other clubs re compensation etc. When this happens the press are usually all over it.

    So IMO if we haven't appointed a manager within the next 2 weeks then it will more than likely be MH on 1st July. The day I slit my wrists :(

  5. Please Please not Hughes Can't stand his constant whinging and moaning. Never got anything constructive to say unless its to go into detail about how crap the officials are. Totally unproven for me. Had an ok spell at Blackburn playing shit football and just getting his team to kick **** out of everyone. Man City saw him for his limitations and soon bombed him out. Leaving him at Fulham which is about his limit.

    We need to appoint a manager that will make players and supporters sit up and take note - It has to be Ancelloti or as much as it pains me the fat Spannish waiter.

  6. Unfortunately this is the way modern day football is.

    Sign 4 year contract

    2 years in see how things are going - if all good sign extention if not delay

    Wait another year if looking good sign extention - if not force club to either sell you or you walk away on a free in 12 months.

    reality is that unless the club is in europe then the better players will always be looking to move on.

    unfortunately 4 years is gonna be about the most you see from a player at one club unless its one of the team challenging for top4 on a regular basis.

    So I think we'd better get used to it no matter how much it pisses us all off

  7. After telling the gf all about it, showing her the videos and obviously the result she asked me a very serious question

    was it better than hamburg?

    Answers on a postcard! I really think it was that good it'll be laughed about for a few years in the same way hamburg is

    Now that is a question and a half. Hamburg was just as good as Arsenal but I suppose Arsenal has to just edge it cuz we got the result as well.

    But they are 2 games that I'll remember forever.

    My wife thinks I'm mad in the heeed. She just doesn't get it :?

  8. teamtalk but most of them are just whinging about cost of tickets and lack of success. Mind you I was talking to a guy on Sunday and he was telling me that he will have to pay £1800 for his season ticket. Now that is extremely disappointing

  9. just to show everyone that we ain't just talking ourselves up below is a quote from an Arsenal supporter from one of their forums

    steve68 (Arsenal): massyz,you make some very good points there. i was a little envious of villa's support yesterday,that's the best i've seen from an away support certainly at the emirates.they were noisy all game and supported their team with great humour.

  10. ouch my head hurts - That's what supporting the villa is all about, the fact that we won topped it off.

    I've always said that the best thing about following the Villa is the support and camarardary that exists between us. I'm sure most supporters feel the same but I just have this opinion that there is something more special amongst us lot. All the away days I've done this season have been brilliant but yesterdays was out of this world

    The 'going up they're going down' pre match was awesome. the continuous singing through out the game unbelievable.

    What an absolutely fanatsic day roll on August.

    I love you all

  11. buzz when we scored was unreal - such a massive release from all the shit we've had to endure this season. Grown men jumping over rows of seats and just going **** mental - people punching the air, banging chairs, walls and railings and people randomly screaming "**** YESSS" on the way out of the ground - not to mention all the chanting and bouncing up and down. I absolutely love it, just love it - it's what football's all about! :D

    Glad to see I wasn't the only 'grown up' jumping over seats and going mental' Had an american guy behind us - came over for his first match I don't think he knew what hit him when Gabby scored.

    Just said ' Hell that was good' :lol:

    You can't beat a last minute winner absolutely brilliant

  12. We went to Central and they had already got the home supporters signs up. Guy on the doors said the police enforced it after a 'tip off' that there was some organised trouble on its way.

    Not sure about that

  13. We're coming into Marylebone for 11 o clock - Anybody recommend a pub near there before we go to the pubs nearer the ground

    Decent pub opposite Baker St tube station called the Globe, think it's no more than 10 min walk from Marylebone...

    That will do nicely - Thanks

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