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Posts posted by Designer1

  1. It hasnt in any way put me off playing MMORPG's. in fact, I look forward to the first real contender to the WoW throne (rumoured to be Vanguard but we'll have to see).

    One thing I will definately do next time is make sure I read up about the different classes and whats expected for them at end-game level.

    And you never know, we might all be playing a different game together again. If you lot ever leave Azeroth that is :winkold:

  2. Mind you having said all that, I'm playing through Fable on the PC at the moment (great game) and at the start I had the choice to specialise in casting/magic skills or being a bit more of a melee machine.

    Guess which one i went for?

    I'll give you a clue, I now have plate armour. :bang:

  3. Wish you were still about Si. We've had some right tossers for tanks lately. Making a mistake is one thing, we all do it, but the shite these blokes talk after a wipe is hilarious!

    Tanking is a **** difficult thing to master, I found that out pretty quickly. To be honest I loved the game up to lvl 60 but then I wanted to be a Mage again, I hated the pressure of tanking basically because I don't like letting people down which i felt like i was doing if i didnt get things spot on. I can't be like one of these blokes that just blames everyone else and shouts 'Nooob!' I take the shit personally.

    Also (and Dan will back me on this one) I took dogs abuse that night in Strat and the only thing I said in response was that the Mage shouldn't have been pulling. Instead of what I really wanted to shout which was '**** off you nobs, its a **** game and I'm still learning'.

    Anyway, Sion has gone now and at least i know what the missus and kids look like again.

  4. I understand your reasons I think Si, I think overall WoW has had a negative effect on my life, but I just love it so damn much!

    Nothing negative can come from playing such a wonderful game. Its just time to do other things for a while until the next mmorpg comes along, and it will...

  5. Well its been fun and I suppose one of us had to go first. Just thought about it for a bit and tbh I can't see me wanting to level another char to 60 and I won't bother with things like MC etc so apart from BG which i do find fun but ultimately whats left after that?

    Maybe we can get together on another MMORPG in the future sometime, I hear Vanguard is going to be the next big thing so thats something to look out for.

    Its been ace playing with you all and special thanks to Nays for persuading me to get it in the first place.

    Siongest, lvl 60 Warrior (retired).

  6. IMO the most important thing to win AV, is Warriors who isnt afraid of dying. Just charge in and make havoc.. love it

    Yep, I do that quite alot tbh. I usually go for melee attacks that cause multi-dmg like Whirlwind, Sweeping Strikes etc. In fact, with enrage activated its possible to do some great damage. Particularly good time to use it is around flags, when the Alliance are either gathered around it defending or trying to capture - they **** hate that!

    As far as not being bothered about dying is concerned, well, its part of the fun really and the best way for a War to get rage built up is by getting knocked about a bit first so a few clumps dont go amiss anyway. We're not exactly the shy retiring sort.

    Agree with Tarj on the skill thing too, I play much better and know alot more of the Wars attacking ins and outs since I've been caning BG.

  7. Myself and Sie had a tank who went to the wrong instance yesterday.

    He then refused to accept summons. When he finally accepted the summon, he came in duel wielding swords, refused to go 1H and Shield (even though he answered the "need tank" call) then he charged stunned into the first group of mobs before the sap/sheep/shackle, then charged into the second group of mobs before the first were dead, killing pretty much the whole group (somehow i managed to survive)

    **** hell! Even I wouldnt do any of that. At least I know the bloody theory, even though its a challenge to actually practice it.

  8. yeah its like when you get to the bridge, why the feck does everyone stop, the ally will keep you there all day, Its simple keep four or five back at the graveyard and the other thirty or so mount up and charge the bunker on the right ignoring any damge, then just keep pling back in. I've been in games where we've been at the bridge for over an hour and not even attempted the bunker

    Still love it though, its just that some groups are just frustrating to be in

    I'm looking forward to it even more after tomorrow when I get the Uber PC. The only time my current PC ever lets me down in WoW is Orgri and AV. The amount of times I've been killed by lag is ridiculous.

  9. ^^^Thing is, as is the case 8/10 times, we could have won about two hours earlier but there was too much **** around in different areas in the map and not enough of a cohesive effort. Still good fun though, particularly the Lolladin slaying which is always a bonus.

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