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Posts posted by Designer1

  1. Why dont you start a Vanguard thread, and let us who still is enjoying this brilliant game, to keep this thread.

    I've mentioned it because I thought it could be something we could all play together again when (or if :winkold: ) everyone else gets bored with WoW.

    Its not out until later in the year so I won't mention it again for a while Mr.Grumpybollox. :D

  2. Sion, your account is never actually deleted, if you kick up a fuss you can get it back, stop being such a drama queen!


    :winkold: :lol:

    Joking aside, I've done soooo much more other stuff since I stopped playing WoW. I've managed to catch up on other quality games I missed out on during the time I was playing WoW. Also managed to write some new HF stuff, carry on writing my book after a sabbatical, read more, done some really nice digital illustrations and spent lots more time with the wife and kids etc.

    Actually that was a weird one. My wife is an absolute star (obviously) and she had actually been a bit put-out that I'd spent so much time on WoW but never said a word because she thought I was enjoying it so much and didnt want to upset me. Bless her. I reckon there are a few 'WoW Widows' actually :winkold:

  3. Ah but your character stays in limbo for a whole six months, and can be reactivated if you re sign up!

    He's gone, he is deceased, he is an ex-character.

    What I'm saying basically is that I deleted him the night I quit. Same goes for the Mage and the two Ally alts I had on Draenor.

    There was no way I was gonna sell my account, even though I reckon I could have got 100-150 quid for him as he was all blues with an epic weapon. Some gimpy 14yr old wasnt gonna get the fruit of my work.

    I made him, I deleted him. But it was great fun in between.

  4. I'm starting to see where the casual gamers versus hardcore arguments come from. I wish there was more stuff to do end game that wasn't dungeon based. Sometimes I'd just like to log on and be able to do stuff without having to wait around for a group to form, then spend ages getting everybody to the dungeon, then an hour or two inside.

    You've just summed up the main reasons I quit (apart from being a s*** tank of course :winkold: )

  5. this video is great because:

    1] its about a warlock

    2] its about a warlock killing lots of alliance

    3] actually its about a warlock in full BWL epics ganking level 20-30 alliance

    4] it has a comedy soundtrack

    4a] with banjos

    Gotta love the Rowdy Roddy Piper intro.

  6. Windwaker is the most beautifully crafted game ever. I love it.

    I'm really, really far into it but the problem i mentioned above really puts me off going back on it at the moment. I'm stuck on one of the three islands where you have to move the boulders by various means to get inside and i really hate it when games punish you by making you do things over again when you die.

    BTW Riss, the graphic style is being completely overhauled for the new version and a more 'realistic' approach is being taken. i think thats a crying shame, I absolutely love the style of Windwalker, its stunning.

  7. Have you not played fable before Si?

    no i missed it on the X-Box Nays, as I'd already sold mine by then. So I decided to try the PC version (which runs beautifully on my new pc) and so far have been very impressed with it.

    Tell you whats weird though. After playing WoW for months and months I was convinced I was gonna get a whisper from someone while I was running around some of the areas.

    Even though its a one player game.

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