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Posts posted by DiegoD

  1. Has it been established who the Iron Bank is besides an entity in Braavos? Are they backed by a mercenary company or do they just pull the strings with their large coffers?


    There is a lot more to the Iron bank then we have been told. I am certain they have some connection to the faceless men and should have a part of to play in the next two books.


    It is implied that they pull strings with their money but how they actually do this will be the interesting part.

  2. I know this was discussed a few pages back but having discussed this so much on the ASoIaF forums I'm pretty certain the show will overtake the books without hesitation. I personally believe (as do others) that GRRM has written himself into a block and will be more than happy to have the tv show finish the story for him. If we are lucky we might get book 6 by the end of next year but I doubt it.


    Book 4 and 5 do not have enough content for 2 full seasons and they will need to start some of the stuff of book 4 this season since the timeline of book 4 is a bit weird with how they have done things so far. So that puts even more pressure on book 7 being out earlier if they want to have the books come out first. 


    I know people have speculated about prequels and dunk and egg tales but given the money that goes into each season and what a global phenomenon that the show has become delaying the final season(s) would just lose them a ton of money. On top of that GRRM wasn't able to age up the characters like he originally planned for the books with a 5 year time lapse so each year the child actors look less and less like the age of the character they are playing and I can't imagine fans would react well to having to recast Arya after a break because no one believes that a 20yr old Maisie Williams is playing a 12 yr old. 

  3. I'm really interested with how they're going to play this one out. It's not spelled out completely in the books and I'm pretty sure they've changed something quite important already.



    I tend to believe that QoT and Littlefinger are responsible and they still could be. I think they tried to put the blame more on other people so the shock of LF at the end of book 3 hits a bit harder since they have previously played it up.

  4. Yeah, I'm going to start watching NXT properly, even the Divas are good apparently.  (And I get to watch Paige).


    NXT is my favourite part of WWE. The show has a really good feel to it, its got a bit of that Indie vibe but with top quality wrestlers and better production. They also have a great commentary team (even though they mix it up a bit) which really adds to the matches. 


    I'm actually a bit worried because they are starting to realise how popular its getting and I can only seeing them ruining it by micro managing it.

  5. Finished the second episode today. I think its their best one yet. The choices really felt like they mattered straight away which was one of the problems with season 1.


    It'll be interesting to see if the characters that are 'saved' end up being more involved or if they get the carly and Doug treatment.

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