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Posts posted by DiegoD

  1. My other conundrum; Lukaku and Zabaleta or Diego Costa and Vlaar?


    With Sagna now at City I think Zabs isn't going to start as much. It'll be similar to the Clichy Kolarov situation where they get good points when they play but you have no idea whose going to play. 

  2. Got back into this a few weeks ago after getting the expansion. They aren't quite there yet but they are getting closer. Still a lot more fun than the Vanilla.I think by the end of the year we'll have a game much closer to what we expected on release. 

  3. I'd much rather lose him on a free than risk this season without him. I'm still hopeful we'll be taken over within the next year so hopefully we'll be in a position to buy a proper replacement. At the moment given our financial situation I just have no confidence that we'll be able to get the right replacement.

    • Like 3
  4. Legitimate question: What part of having 3 CBs in a 5-3-2/3-5-2 and failing miserably with this formation last season makes people want to continue to use it? 


    I don't think any of our full backs are any good defensively so I prefer the idea of just committing them to wingbacks and having the extra cb as cover. Also the success that the Netherlands had with it using our very own Vlaar has made me favour it as well. 

    • Like 1
  5. Yeah I can't believe how many posts have said he's not fast.


    Anyway its good to see him playing at international level with better players around him. Can really show how having rubbish around you can make you look so much worse.


    Am I the only one who thinks Australia will draw with Chile?... yes? Oh, okay.


    I think we are actually targeting the Netherlands as our best hope of coming away with a point :)


    We actually have a surprisingly good record against the Dutch, I think most people are just hopeful we score a goal at the tournament though. 


    I couldn't resist betting on 'no goalscorer' to our top scorer for the tournament. I'd love for us to surprise everyone but I just can't see it happening.

  7. I haven't seen anything from Joe Cole since he left Chelsea that makes me think he will be a good signing for us. Unfortunately given the restrictions I can see why this sort of gamble is one Lambert is taking. Prove me wrong Joe.

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    Think some are being a bit harsh on Rooney. He gets into the side because he's absolutely brilliant for United, not because his name is Rooney.

    that shouldn't happen though.

    Or rather, i suppose it should happen. But our managers should have the balls to not use him if he doesn't perform when given the chance.


    The thing is though that Rooney has the potential to do the job. If not him, who plays? There really aren't many goal threats that we have. 



    But he hasn't shown it for England in how long? Sterling is the real deal and Sturridge and Lallana are in great form. Their records for goals and creating chances have been phenomenal this season. That leaves one last spot in the front 4. You could have an argument that hes worth having in the team instead of Welbeck or the others but the problem is that once you put rooney in the team he immediately becomes the focal point.

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  9. Put Sterling in the team instead of Rooney and move Lallana centre and I think England have a pretty good team. I definitely agree with those who think Rooney is living off past form. He's been horribly inconsistent recently and England would benefit by having more Liverpool and Soton players in the team as they are already used to a similar style.

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  10. 35k a week really isn't much for Premier league players. He has a good first season, got found out second season plus had the unfortunate experience of being a winger in an alex Mcleish team which doesn't help anyone. The last two years he had problems with injuries but the first time we've seen him get a run of games he was our best player. I think we'll regret losing him unless we are taken over and have stupid amounts of money at our disposal.


    On a side note Why are we so bad at selling players, we've lost so many players for nothing in the past few seasons.

  11. May be just me but to be honest it just doesnt feel right Van Gaal and Manure,  just seems not a good fit


    I agree but its really hard to think of anyone who is a good fit for them (only one I can really think of is Klopp). I guess thats the challenge of trying to find someone to pick up where the guy who was in charge for over 20 years left them. 

  12. Sometimes I truly wonder if you believe what you post. Comparing Giggs to Gabby is utterly ridiculous as Giggs best asset was that he was a very intelligent player. If he was the headless chicken you try to make him out to be there is no way he would have lasted in that United team.

    • Like 1
  13. My biggest problem with Godzilla was that it was unnecessarily long. They tried to hard to put off the big monster fight to focus on the human characters but they weren't really interesting. If they had just had the big fight as soon as the monsters met and had the movie down to 90 minutes it would have been a much better movie.


    Plot spoiler:

    I don'r understand why Bryan Cranston's character was killed the way he was, it really lacked drama.

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