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Posts posted by DiegoD

  1. Right. I've finally caught up.


    - Lots more Kwan puns (very funny, btw)

    - Lots of people upset about Kwan puns (which is even funnier, imo)

    - Nobody knows exactly what is going on

    - BJ10 doesn't like our new owners already.


    So... nothing surprising, then.  ;)


    Carry on.


    I have a feeling daily summaries will be vital to us Australian VTers, I don't think its good for your sanity powering through a days worth of posts on this thread.

    • Like 2


    Club is going to be bought for less than 200 million. Deal isn't done yet as buyers are trying to knock down the price. Claiming that value of the club has fallen in recent years.

    No specifics on how long it's going to take and what funds are going to be available for the summer. Everyone here thinks Randy wants it done ASAP but is wary.

    I work at BoA


    The buyer owns another American team. They haven't been too successful results wise but they're run well

    There's just one party. Randy might have had others but there's only one at the table. Millions of dollars are on the line. It's not like a Villa auction




    The above is from Kwan.


    Thank you. Interesting tid bit


    So this thread has added over 40 pages since I last looked at it, anyone want to be nice and sum up whats happened.




    Yes but how many pages of people asking for PMs? 



    I really don't understand why people are claiming Hughes has done has a great job with Stoke. They have a very established mid table team that has an average finish of 11th over the last 5 years. All Hughes has done is keep them where they were.
    The biggest problem for Paul Lambert is that the fans expectations of where our club should be has not matched what Lerner was willing to finance.

    Who's said he's done a great job? Just being used to show how another manager has done with an arguably comparable team.

    And unless my maths is wrong Stokes average league position is more like 13th (12th, 11th, 13th, 14th, 13th) so Hughes is well on course to take them to their highest ever Premier League finish, bit harsh to say all he's done is tread water tbh.


    Fair enough, I misread their previous finishes. He's done better than I had realised. 

  4. I really don't understand why people are claiming Hughes has done has a great job with Stoke. They have a very established mid table team that has an average finish of 11th over the last 5 years. All Hughes has done is keep them where they were.


    The biggest problem for Paul Lambert is that the fans expectations of where our club should be has not matched what Lerner was willing to finance. 

    • Like 4
  5. I don't mind when they don't follow the books.


    Bran's journey to 3EC is very boring. Lots of trudging through snow for chapters on end.


    In the books, he has no choice to go to the 3EC, but the detour on the show gives him the opportunity to make a decision. Go back with Jon or look for the 3EC and see if the legends are true and he can use his powers. It is the nature of converting the series to the show though. Season 1, for me, was probably my least favorite TV season.


    Unless, of course, you guys want to see Brienne going on asking about a maid of ten and three for a whole season ;)


    Yeah there are definitely parts that I don't want to see and you picked the best example. I think most of book 4 was rubbish and by the looks of it we won't be seeing much of it.

  6. Definitely has to go.


    That's 2 straight seasons now we haven't been safe until after our 36th game of the season and that's not good enough. I like the man, but he's not the bloke to take this club forward. 10 wins in 38 last season and 10 wins in 36 so far this season isn't acceptable and never will be. 


    Under Houllier we weren't mathematically safe until after our 36th game with a much much better squad. Under Mcleish we weren't safe until after our 37th (may even have been the last game). 


    Maybe the problem is bigger than the manager. I don't think he's done a great job but when given the objective of reduce the wage bill and avoid relegation its very hard for a manager to shine. If we are taken over I would like to see him given half a season to see what he can do.

    • Like 2
  7. Yep, looks like they're doing what anime does when it catches up with manga as hogso suggested a couple of pages back. Shame that but I suppose it was inevitable.


    It seems that they are just moving ahead with some of the plot from Feast. I have no idea where that leaves us next season as there is very little useful plot in Feast and Dance, though they could just be faithful to the books and dedicate an episode to food descriptions.


    Hm, starting to deviate from the books a bit more now, but it might just be filler to keep each character's timelines level.


    Pretty sure the whole Craster's male babies being given to the White Walkers was never revealed in the books though? It's been a while since I read them to be fair.



    We knew they were given to the White Walkers, it happened when Mormont and Jon Snurr were at Craster's Keep, what is new is what the Walkers were doing with the babies and the strong implication that the Walkers are a functioning society rather than just mindless zombies.


    A fair few people online have speculated that they would be a proper race with a society of sorts but its so weird to get confirmation in this way. I still think the COTF are linked to these guys in some way as well so it'll be interesting when we find out more.

  9. Changing the scene to have Jamie rape Cersei was completely unnecessary and not needed when he's in the middle of a redemption arc. It's a bit like how they changed the cousin killing and him killing the Kastark boys to make him a much bigger bad guy. I get the impression they have no idea how to handle characters that is so morally grey.

  10. He's actually done pretty well for goals this season despite lack of consistent game time and man utd being pretty inconsistent. But I doubt any top team would go for him as a starter, Everton or Spurs are a good shout for him as they both could use a striker and are pushing for UCL places.

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