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Posts posted by claret75

  1. What's the best/easiest way to sell a CD collection of around 50 CD's? Is ebay the way to go? I cant imagine anybody would be interested in a job lot, so I'd have to sell them individually, which would be a hassle. Then there is music magpie, which is much less hassle, but you don't get much for your CD's and reviews are mixed, with some people not getting their money after sending their CD's. Anybody here used magpie?

    I had a few rare-ish cd's and records that I sold to eil.com for a couple of hundred quid, they might be worth a phone call.

  2. By back hasn't been good for most of 2011 - and it can't be old age just yet (can it) ?

    I ve had some back issues, would recommend doing some back strengths and strengthening your core. Get one of those gym mats and do it whilst watching the TV three times a week. At first really really hard, but they get easier if you are persistent and will really help.

    I'll second that. Core strengthening might be very good for your back, you could use a fit ball as well as a mat. I had a back op last May and after doing countless amounts of pilates core exercises, my back's much stronger than it was, helps with the rest of your body as well.

  3. Nice one :)

    Forgot to mention in my last post, I lost half a stone in about 10 days. Stayed at the same sort of weight (just under 17st) since I started training, which is about 2 months ago and suddenly I'm down to under 16.25 st, just from doing an extra couple of laps a day round the running track, running/walking.

  4. Oh and claret (mum) I got my forms through today about working 2 weeks in romania but it has to be next year, still all is good there :)

    Well be sure to pack everything, don't forget your toothbrush and wrap up warm.

    You carnt :)


    Thanks Mum :lol:


  5. Oh and claret (mum) I got my forms through today about working 2 weeks in romania but it has to be next year, still all is good there :)

    Well be sure to pack everything, don't forget your toothbrush and wrap up warm.

    You carnt :)

  6. yes! :P

    We now have nearly 40 friends in under 12 hours, 23 requests from people who have been given our details by the recruitment service and I had no idea this would happen so am shitting bricks as I still need to work my other job, balance...

    Isle Work :-/ she said she loved it, who am I to argue? lol

    What business are you in?

    Oh god, its mum again :P (feels like "working abroad all over again!) lol.

    proffesional Carriculum vitae service, covering letters, interview tecniques and all sorts of other lovely things, most of the boring bits done by my friend (she is awesome but married) and the communacation skills etc done by me.

    sits and waits for somebody to pick that apart ;)

    Fair play to you, hope it goes well. Have you got a website?

    well taken mate :-D

    No website yet but we are on facebook which gets a lot of requests (friend requests) and Sal is working on a PDF for people to download with our information on and also examples of what we do.

    Facebook > Isle Work

    Couldn't find you on Facebook for some reason...are there many others providing this sort of service? What gave you the idea in the first place?

    Sorry about all the questions :)

  7. yes! :P

    We now have nearly 40 friends in under 12 hours, 23 requests from people who have been given our details by the recruitment service and I had no idea this would happen so am shitting bricks as I still need to work my other job, balance...

    Isle Work :-/ she said she loved it, who am I to argue? lol

    What business are you in?

    Oh god, its mum again :P (feels like "working abroad all over again!) lol.

    proffesional Carriculum vitae service, covering letters, interview tecniques and all sorts of other lovely things, most of the boring bits done by my friend (she is awesome but married) and the communacation skills etc done by me.

    sits and waits for somebody to pick that apart ;)

    Fair play to you, hope it goes well. Have you got a website?

  8. OK, not running, but got back in the gym today for the first time in about 6 years. Burnt 300 calories on the cross trainer and had a good work out...really enjoyed it and my back felt good :)

  9. So it's a basic recruitment agency?

    Yup, with the added bonus that dodgyknees is in charge!

    Fair play to him, hope it works out.

    A good mate of my brothers has his own recruitment agency, does very well out of it.

  10. yes! :P

    We now have nearly 40 friends in under 12 hours, 23 requests from people who have been given our details by the recruitment service and I had no idea this would happen so am shitting bricks as I still need to work my other job, balance...

    Isle Work :-/ she said she loved it, who am I to argue? lol

    What business are you in?

  11. What....on here? or as in a league on Sky Sports or something?

    Not run from here, but in a league somewhere else like you said. We've got an American Football one with Yahoo. I'd have a go if there was one.

    You mean like this one?

    Exactly like that one :)

    No post since September, but do you know if many have carried on playing?

    Everyone carries on playing. You enter and let it fly. Though my position might suggest I gave up long ago :) (which I didn't).

    I'm disappointed BOF :)

    I was thinking you might be able to see who was still bothering with it as you've got a squad to pick from rather than just 11, but you probably wouldn't be able to tell who's picked who anyway :)

  12. What....on here? or as in a league on Sky Sports or something?

    Not run from here, but in a league somewhere else like you said. We've got an American Football one with Yahoo. I'd have a go if there was one.

    You mean like this one?

    Exactly like that one :)

    No post since September, but do you know if many have carried on playing?

  13. Shame, I'd be game if we had one. The NFL one last year was good, 12 of us I think and most of us stayed interested in it...was a good laugh, things got a bit heated at times as well :lol: I'll be signing up for it again next time.

  14. What....on here? or as in a league on Sky Sports or something?

    Not run from here, but in a league somewhere else like you said. We've got an American Football one with Yahoo. I'd have a go if there was one.

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