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Posts posted by Vojskovoda

  1. All three of our wingers are better than one-dimensional Lennon who has to beat his man before he crosses (well, I say cross, but more like fluff). Lennon just relies on his pace... and like I said before, Lennon would be a Championship-level winger if he didn't have the pace he has.

    Glaston and Totnumb fans are just unbelivable and is/are surely just a wind-up. I don't think I can reply to him/them in a serious manner anymore. The way the overrate their players and team you would think they'd be a big club chasing for the title and playing in the CL... oh wait. Such a small-time club trying to think they're big-time club.

  2. A quick google search has revealed this GlastonSpur gem


    The best part is the 'Milner does not have more experience than Lennon (who plays for the England senior team by the way, whilst Milner does not) and Lennon is better. Most managers would take Lennon over Milner anyday.'

    I'm not sure why this surprises you. Lennon is the best winger in the Prem, bar none.

    Wow, just wow.

    Crouch is the best goal scorer too,didnt you know all these things??..

    Yeah and Gomes is better than Friedel too :lol:

  3. A quick google search has revealed this GlastonSpur gem


    The best part is the 'Milner does not have more experience than Lennon (who plays for the England senior team by the way, whilst Milner does not) and Lennon is better. Most managers would take Lennon over Milner anyday.'

    I'm not sure why this surprises you. Lennon is the best winger in the Prem, bar none.

    Wow, just wow.

  4. Galatasaray are the team to watch everyone. I've got a couple of buddies who are from Turkey who have been telling me that Galatasray will surprise a few people this season and I can see why they say this. Rijkaard is a great manager who's already managed at the highest level with Barca, they've got a great team... most notable Elano, Arda Turan, Leo Franco... and the legend that is Milan Baros haha.

    Lets see how they do in the knock-out rounds... they've already blitzed their group and I'll be supporting them hoping they can reach the final.

  5. ... Or just hack it with some simple form posting techniques - bypass all the validation.

    That won't work. Any applicant has to be personally vouched for by an existing member and the vouching process does not use form-posting.

    The real question is: why would someone be so desperate to join a forum that clearly doesn't want them and clearly has a policy against them joining?

    That doesn't fly very far with me as far as I'm concerned, Glassy.

    Why can't it just be a normal/standard forum like every forum on teh interwebz? You register, you get an E-Mail to validate, you post and make e-friends. What is COYS, Stormfront behind closed doors?

  6. Actually Glaston, I make it 7 first-team regulars who played for Spurzzz on Tuesday.









    You know not of which you speak: King and Woodgate are the first-choice CBs. Your list of 7 is reduced to 5.

    .. The super exclusive, secret COYS forum where you have to PERSONALLY know another member won't let me in ...

    Ah, shame ... you could always send a complaining letter to your MP.

    Or failing that, join MI5 and then infiltrate the forum using some newly learned, super exclusive, secret methods.

    Except King and Woodgate are never fit so can't play together...

    Hey Glaston! Can you be my COYSer so you can vouch me in as a member - I really want to know why COYS is so secret!

  7. Actually Glaston, I make it 7 first-team regulars who played for Spurzzz on Tuesday.








    ...and you still got beat by a United team that only fielded 2 first-team regulars - how embarrassing!

    P.S. The super exclusive, secret COYS forum where you have to PERSONALLY know another member won't let me in :( I guess I'm just not cut out to be ITK.

  8. 1. Your manager is a horrible Cockney spiv, candlefaced criminal who just cares about making a quick buck (Spurs fans will find that out soon).

    2. The majority of your fans who I've come across have a horrible arrogant attitude that stinks.

    3. You overrate your own players to a ridiculous extent. Defoe "world class", Lennon causing "mayhem" etc...

    4. You like to think you're a better than you actually are.

    5. The media are constantly licking Spurzzz's ass. TOP 4 TOP 4 TOP 4!

    6. Your chairman is a little turd.

    7. Your stadium is shit.

    8. Your new stadium is just an Emirates II. You have no originality.

    9. All your songs and chants are shit.

    10. Your club and fans think you have some 'divine' right to be successful.

    11. You have silly secret ITK forums.

    12. David Bentley

  9. Either way you're still sad coming onto a Villa forum (or just a particular thread) coming across in a typical arrogant Spurzzz-like way, saying King is on par with McGrath and making immature insults etc... Are you raging today because the bubble burst for Totnumb Lolspurs last night? :(

    P.S. Your away support was embarrassing last night... the away section was virtually empty... but still, who cares! Totnumb are still the greatest team that has ever graced the earth!

  10. We aren't on Spurzzzzz's radar because 'Arry Redface will bankrupt them soon and will eventually go down this season after narrowly missing out on being relegated in the last two seasons. I won't be surprised if Spurzzzzz do a Leeds or Newcastle in a few years... both clubs thought they were much bigger and better than they actually were spending silly amounts on players (Spurzzzz are already doing that) and wages. Totnumb Lolspurs have been riding their luck in the last two years - they will get what they deserve in due course.

  11. Just seen the goals on SSN... what an AWESOME first goal from us... what a SIK through-ball into Heskey with the neat finish. Our second was great too - Milner cuts inside from the left takes a shot with his right foot and the ball was curling past Begovic - cracking goal. Brilliant to see Downing getting a goal with a great header from a tight angle and Ash sealed the deal with an easy finish.

    I think Milner could work in the middle. He's energetic, is very box-to-box and I think he'll be our 'Essien' or 'Darren Fletcher'. It'd be great if MON left him the same position for Hull on Saturday... but right now I'm going to CELEBRATE!!!!!!!!!!

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