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Posts posted by Vojskovoda

  1. How small time are their fans? I found it very amusing that they had us in their deepest thoughts when they started to sing "Shit on the Villa" with a few minutes left to play... didn't they realise we had just beaten Sunderland which means we go 3rd in the league and still 5 points ahead of them? :lol:

    Anything small heath does... Aston Villa does better.

  2. Like Arsenal in football, I have a soft spot for Orlando. They were unlucky in the finals last season I thought against LA... if they didn't blow that 8 point lead in the 4th in the second game, it would of given them the pyschological advantage over LA... but the rest was history.

    Still, they've kicked on and are doing well so far, it'll be tight between Atlanta, Orlando and Cavs deciding who comes out top on in the Eastern Conference but I imagine Orlando will come out top.

    P.S. ESPN usually shows 1 or 2 live NBA matches a week and shows highlights of other matches. It's OK, but for someone more keen like me who wants to watch more NBA, I'll watch live matches on the NBA website.

  3. First time in a long time I felt comfortable when MON brought on his subs. All great changes IMO. Makes for a good change when MON ridiculously brought Sidwell on against Spurs a couple of weeks back.....

    Yes, that's something I was very pleased with too. When Downing was getting subbed I thought "Oh no he's gonna put Sidwell on", wisely MON chose Coker who gave us that determination and energy we needed to hold onto the win. I also thought Collins did well too when he came on apart from when he made a clumsy tackle which resulted in a freekick in a dangerous position but luckily nothing happened from it.

    MON was tacticially very astute today.

  4. WTF? :?

    Yeah, "vital player to Fulham" < could be the reason we ain't going for him...

    Affordable, attainable, short term fix - Dempsey would fit none of these categories, in my opinion, and as far as I'm aware, that is what we are looking for.

    "If Donovon was better than Dempsey, why does he play for a Mickey Mouse club in a Mickey Mouse league?"

    I dunno, I've already suggested one reason, that is he is the face of US 'soccer', and the MLS hold his contract and don't want to let their prized asset leave. He likes living in California and hasn't enjoyed Europe when he's been over here (never settled), by his own admission.

    Also how about that Dempsey has been here for a good few years and progressed into a better player, whereas when he left MLS he wasn't as good so was easier to attain?

    I was just explaining why I think Dempsey is better than Donavon.

    And "I dunno, I've already suggested one reason, that is he is the face of US 'soccer', and the MLS hold his contract and don't want to let their prized asset leave. He likes living in California and hasn't enjoyed Europe when he's been over here (never settled), by his own admission" doesn't fly very far with me as far as I'm concerned. If you want to progress as a football player wanting to play at a high level you wouldn't be obliged to play in the MLS (no disrespect). I'd do ANYTHING to play to play in the PL, Serie A, La Liga, Ligue 1 etc... it just seems Donavon is just wasting his talent by not wanting to adjust just because he prefers to live in SoCal. Other American's have settled into Europe and European football perfectly fine so I just think that's a weak excuse personally.

  5. Not really. Dempsey is playing for club that finished 7th last season, are playing European football this season, going well this season in both the league and Europe and he's a vital player to Fulham.

    Donovon is one year older than Dempsey but hasn't achieved anything at club-level whereas Dempsey has but yet he's one year younger than Donovon. If Donovon was better than Dempsey, than why does he play for a Mickey Mouse club in a Mickey Mouse league?

    Hey, I wish Donovon all the best and it'll be interesting to see if he can 'cut' it in the PL, but right now when you compare both players I think Dempsey is better.

  6. Fair enough, your opinion but I can't think of anything more exciting in sport (penalty shootouts probably come close) when the scores are close with only a couple of minutes left to play in the 4th period.

  7. I searched and couldn't find an NBA thread so I thought I'd make one.

    My team is the Cavs and I'm pleased with how the season is going so far albeit our away form is a little bit 'off' but if we continue to play this well I see us winning our division hopefully but I reckon either Orlando or Atlanta will finish top of the conference... I've been really impressed with the Hawks especially.

    Anyways, LOL at the Bulls. Got beat by the Guido's two days ago then got hammered by Atlanta last night... too funny.

  8. I know Everton are signing Donavon on-loan and it's either going to be hit or miss (I think he'll fail miserably again), but if they're looking for that type of player - why don't they just go for Clint Dempsey? He's better than Donavon, has proven he's a good player at PL standards and has impressed me quite a lot this season. Donovon's career is never going to go any far (even if he's regarded as America's 'best ever' which is just silly) but I think Dempsey's will and has already shown glimpes of that.

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