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Posts posted by meregreen

  1. Lord Freud saying disabled people not worth the minimum wage. Looking at the possibility of paying them 2 pounds an hour. Jesus wept, every time you think these Tory B*****s have gone as low as they possibly can in attacking the poor, they still manage to scrape a veneer lower. Cameron still claiming because he had a disabled son, no one on the other side of the house can question him on the issue of caring for the disabled. Well the disabled can still vote, as the PM will find to his cost next year.

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  2. One big sticking point for me is certainly that a nation in the progress of detaching itself is then voting in an election for who temporarily governs them and us lot get stuck with.

    Having said that, maybe it's a pointless thing for me to personally mention as I don't really give a stuff about any of the big parties.


    When I was growing up, at least I knew which party stood. They're all "3rd way" now as far as I can see.


    You think that the war on the poor that the Tories are waging while handing out tax breaks to the rich and selling off any public asset not nailed down, is the third way!!! Seems like normal Tory behavior to me.

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  3. People seem to be ready to knock this guy the minute he plays. He has a proven track record at this level, other players have shown it is possible, given the right encouragement, for players to refind some form, Hutton is a good example. Agbonlahor has been shit for YEARS yet gets nothing like the dogs abuse Bent gets. Given the same chances , Bent will put away more goals than Gabby or Weiman. He's worth giving a chance in my opinion.

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  4. But he is no longer that player is he? The last time he was half decent was 3 seasons ago. Yes he only gets a few minutes here and there so it's hard to judge but he looks totally off the pace. Lambert must see this in training and also see that starting him could potentially reduce us to 10 men for a half.

    How can we tell that unless he is actually give a chance?

    With the top two currently performing so poorly what is the harm in giving a player a chance for more than 15 minutes to show what he can offer?

    A defeat maybe? Every point is crucial.

    I see where you are coming from but for Lambert not to play him when Gabby and Weimann can't score then there must be something not right with him.

    Or Lambert.

  5. After seeing Andi and Gabby for two games, I have to agree that Darren deserves a game, not just ten minutes.

    Hoe can you deserve a game because others are playing bad? Does this mean if Vlaar has a couple of bad games we should chuck in Baker?
    If Vlaar has a couple of bad games, we have Baker or Clarke, a pretty scary option. If Gabby or Weiman have the same we have a proven goalscorer with over a hundred premiership goals. Hardly the same scenario. At the moment Weiman is playing poorly , Gabby has been awful for a long time. Bent is absolutely worth persevering with, at least until Benteke returns.
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  6. A poor player who has managed to fool some of the fans all of the time. I'm not one of them. Never rated him. He's an athlete not a footballer. Will be happy to see him go, though its hard to imagine anyone who would be stupid enough to buy him.

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  7. Any restrictions on benefits would most likely apply to all foreigners, not just certain nationalities. . Incidentally according to the BBC there are an estimated 5,000,000 Brits working abroad, 1,300,000 in Australia alone. Quite a large number .

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  8. It should be noted that cross border arrangements involving benefits are in most cases reciprocal. So any reduction in entitlements here will also potentially affect our own welfare security if we choose to live and work abroad. The flow of people is not just one way.

  9. Yes it is . The Tories claim that our benefits act as a magnet for european scroungers. Yet it would appear that countries that have higher payments attract fewer people. Doesn't, quite fit in with the Ukip pleasing bullshit that Cameron spouts. I find it very relevant.

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  10. The reason we struggled last season is because we have too many rather poor players, who simply struggle to cope at Premiership level. Ahmadi is a classic example, although not the only one. Hope to see him gone soon. But given the current state of the club as regards the impending sale, I fear we may be stuck with him and various others who will once again struggle.

  11. The rise of France's National Front is a greater cause for concern than the rise of UKIP. UKIP are just the nastier strains of the tories branched out. The NF represents something more sinister - a return of a genuinely far-right party in an otherwise moderate country. Although, they are more of a populist party economically these days.

    Front Nationale have been 'prominent' for years, but France is not a 'moderate' country, it is a socialist country, and will always be so.

    Nationalist parties like FN and BNP appeal to voters who would normally vote for socialist parties, not more moderate right wing parties.

    And you base these outrageous statements on which in depth study. Oh , that would be the one carried out by the school of " I think it, so it must be true".

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  12. Hasn't worked out too badly for Manchester and Liverpool having two Premier League clubs...


    Or Madrid or Milan...


    I think it could actually be better for us to have more local clubs doing well - more media spotlight on the area, more derbies etc.


    Benteke might have known we were from Birmingham if he had watched a Second City derby.


    Those are real 'football cities', Birmingham isn't really.

    Yes it is.

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