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Posts posted by johndunse

  1. Aha, thanks for redirecting my post whoever did the honours...

    I can't wait - getting waves of excitement, nervousness, self-doubt etc...all the usual I guess. It's good to have something far more important to think about than getting too worked up about our next bloody manager!

  2. Randy should just back his judgment, like Ray Houghton said earlier today. If he genuinely feels Mcleish is the best appointment, go for him. He can't bow down to a section of fans gobbing off with every potential manager, we'd never appoint anyone (realistic managers I mean, not managers that would have no inclination to come to us anyway).

    Of course he's not looking to sell up, he wouldn't have done so much for this club to date to then look to bugger off after 5 years.

  3. I've read a couple of books, one shit (as if it was written by Danny Dyer)

    Awright?! Oim Danny Dyah, 'un welcum tah "Danny Dyah's Deadliest Toddlahs". Ovah da next hour, O'ill be babysittin' sum o'da most roofless, narsty, badass babees in da world. Deese kiddees could frow tantrums larstin' anyfin' up to an hour. Some of dem are even teevin'. Will Oi make it owt alive? Yows probablee 'ope not.

    Essentially spot on. I think one chapter started "Now I know you'd rather be down the pub with the boys than do this but...."


  4. Hi All,

    Not sure if a topic exists for VT Dads, but thought I'd start one. I'm expecting my first baby in December and thought I would consult the VT Dads to see if there's any handy tips/advice that maybe isn't in the books?! I've read a couple of books, one shit (as if it was written by Danny Dyer), and one really good - but I'd value real life experiences more I think.

    Also, did you insist on your son/daughter growing up as a Villa fan? I'm torn, insomuch that my Dad is an avid Sheffield Wednesday fan, and he forced that on my older brother but decided not to with me after seeing my brother absolutely devastated when they got relegated in the late 80's......and I really thank him for that. Be interested to see how you've gone about that? I'm sure when it comes to it I won't be able to resist buying mini Villa kits and regailing him with stories about Dean Saunders.


  5. Regardless of the manager i'll be there every home and away game cause i love the club and follow the team. If he does become the manager what good is it going to be if theres uproar and booing at the games.. Its going to have such a negative affect on the team. Players will want to leave and its just going to get into a mess. The only thing we can do as fans is get behind the team. Dont get me wrong i dont want him as manager but what can we do if the board appoint him.

    Good man.




  6. I Just want to add ANOTHER similar response that Mcleish is a bad judgment if chosen.

    So many reasons, but alienating fans before the start of the season is a huge one! I don't think they fully appreciate the knock-on effect that this will have.

    Imagine: the first game of the season - which should, and usually would be, 'buzzin'' with anticipation and excitment! But instead, you've got 10,000 less than capacity, the fans that are there look over to the dugout and see the guy who was wearing our fiercest rival's colours just a few months ago (and took them down), now in charge of the Villa. There is a muted atmosphere and the team don't get the support they deserve and we lose our first home game.

    Many fans will await the smallest slip up to get on Mcleish's back and this will effect subsequent performances and we will then have another mediocre season at best.

    This, for me, is a likelihood if Mcleish is appointed.

    After one of our worst seasons in a while the fans need something to excite them, to make them think 'ah, ok now we can move on up in the right direction and put that last season behind us!'. Mcleish has the opposite effect as it is already apparent with planned protests and the sentiments on this message board. That is no way to start a season and can only act adversely.

    We need a manager that can, at least, unify the fans, players and board so we can all sing loudly and proudly from the same hymn-sheet, ready for the new season!

    What if he brought in 4 or 5 cracking signings and we smashed our first game 4-0. Would people be happy or moaning because it wasn't Mark Hughes standing in the dugout?

    Surely it's not too much to ask to give the man a chance if he does get appointed.....

  7. Mcleish IF he comes! (Football as we all know is never straight forward) will bust a gut to be successful: to prove some of us "villa fans" wrong, to prove that given a chance at a club that is well run, well funded, with superior facilities in a competitive league that he can deliver. Also he is a possibility of being a Moyes, Wenger or a Fergusson who stays at a club for a long period of time and really create some foundations in our club and breed a winning mentality and stability which are two things we need!

    Those unwilling to give him time are complete moronic idiots who share more in common with SHA fans! Which is why we aren't an attractive club because no manager wants to touch us with a barge pole and who can blame them! Knowing the fans never support the manager and the team when we are going through a rocky patch!

    Very well said. Whatever his ties, he now has shit all to do with SHA, and could do a job here. No-one can deny he must really be up for the challenge to face us lot and try and deliver.

  8. someone on twitter (not naming names) - 'It seems a lot of people are saying that Alex McLeish has arrived at Villa Park. If they're right ... **** OFF RANDY LERNER YOU clearing in the woods!!'

    Just wondering why potential managers and Villa staff choose to meet at Villa Park, the place most certainly garanteed to generate wast amounts of twits and e-mails...

    If this were true I would be VERY surprised. If they do meet, it will be somewhere out of the media gaze. VP is too much of a public place.

    How about Corsica? Loads of shit goes on down there.

  9. Thank you for your patience gentlemen, and welcome to this afternoon's press conference. Apologies for the late start, but I'm sure you're aware that there have been some delicate negotiations going on, and these things take some time.

    Before making any announcements I'd like to thank all the local caterers for their generosity with their time. As you can imagine, there were a number of candidates keen to apply for the very desirable post of my lunch. I am aware that there were several rumours circulating about whether I would go for some exotic foreign name, with the hint of glamour that inevitably accompanies it.

    In the end, after much deliberation, I decided that now is not the time to be taking risks with my digestive system, and in the end had little hesitation in opting for a tried and tested candidate.

    So, without further ado, I would like to announce that my choice of lunch was:

    Cornish pasty, caramel shortbread and a cup of coffee.

    I'm sure you will agree that they now need to be left alone to get on with their job. We will not be taking questions at this time.

    Thank you.

    Obvious lack of ambition, sack the board.

    An ambitious board would have had jacket potato with vietmanese beef and a piece of tottenham cake from gregs after...like me ;)

    Sources close to Carlo Ancelotti said he **** loved Jacket Potatoes in his time in England................................coincedence????

  10. There is a manager available who wants the job. He won a trophy and got to the uefa final in his first management job. Then in his next club management job he won the dutch league.

    Can`t think of his name.

    S TOP






    C RAP

    C ANT BE


    A GAIN

    R EALLY..



    Struggling near the end there?!

  11. I am disappointed that Martinez has chosen not to pursue our interest in him, but in this day of billy-big time bollocks premiership, it is so nice to see that football still has at least one man of total integrity.

    Yeah, you've got to say fair play to him really.

    Although it's good to get communication from the club, I'm not sure the official statement was the best idea really.......makes it look like Martinez was the number 1 option.

  12. Decided to have the evening off this blinking thread last night.....come back this morning and I literally have no idea what's going on. The last few pages are gibberish! Can anyone sum up what's happened in a snappy sentence?!

    Probably should just wait until something official comes out.....

  13. these past 12 months have been one hell of a rollercoaser

    oniell - houllier - linked with moyes - linkes with ancelloti - linked with benitez -- linked with hughes - linked with mclaren and then we are speaking to martinez,


    Don't forget KMAC and GMAC!

  14. Well I have heard it's a done deal. It's a **** joke I HAVE LOST ALL RESPECT FOR LERNER

    he has not got a clue!!!

    Rafa is shit. He finished 7th with **** Liverpool and got sacked. That says it all !!!

    I can hear the holte end now


    Grow up!

    He also won the CL and also got to another final and not forgetting the second place finish with an amount of points that would have won the league any other year.

    Exactly.........won the CL with by far the weakest set of players ever to have won the CL (Baros up front?!). And he finished 2nd in the league with only 2 or 3 really good players in his squad. He surely would be the more likely to take us on to another level than a Hughes or Moyes who would never get us above 6th or 7th?

    Bring him in, get behind him.

  15. Ok your not convinced by a man who has won titles in England and Italy and has 2 European Cups. Just who do you want then?

    Lets be serious. Look at the sides and resources he won them with!

    Do people think he's going to do the same with our squad and budget ?

    I also worry about what interest he'd have in the youth side of things. Thats the only way our club will ever become big again. By nuturing our own

    He must've been given those jobs for a reason though......being a bloody good manager I imagine!

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