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Posts posted by johndunse

  1. The Beatles are handsswn most overrated folloed by Red Hot Chili PEppers

    I bet your favourite band wouldn't have been quite the same without the Beatles.....

    But anyway, Muse for me. I just don't get it.

  2. People who don't think the act of blowing their nose is disgusting.

    To me, it's similar to having a shit or throwing up, you wouldn't do that in front of people.

    It makes my stomach turn when someone's blowing their nose in front of me. Don't know why but it disgusts me.

    Aha, I say this exact same thing to an awful woman at work who insists on trumpeting her nose as loud as she can. Actually she starts with the trumpet, and then onto the wet after-blow........**** hideous.

  3. If you're a fan of your rock music there's a bar called Excalibur which is fantastic......defintiely worth going to if you fancy listening to a bit of ACDC over a pint!

    Also the best space cake in Amsterdam is at a coffee shop called 'Goa'!

  4. Apologies if this has been discussed many times before, but is the sky mobile tv app worth getting? Is the quality good enough? For someone who doesn't have sky, watches awful streams on the the computer and probably spends about £30/40 a month in the pub whilst watching football anyway......I thought for £8 a month, it looked fantastic. But then some things are always too good to be true.....

    Any advice/reviews would be grand!

  5. I'm pretty much a typical fan, in that after the Man City away game I was so angry that I desperately wanted him to leave. But now, after the game at the weekend, I can see that things are coming round and I'm glad that Randy's backing him and think we should all get behind him....

    I know its fickle, and that I shouldn't have my mind changed so easily off the back of a couple of good performances, but the club just feels like it's been injected with life again. I can now honestly see us winning 10/12 games and finishing in the top half.

  6. Good one, cheers fellas. Will start looking into these and it can't hurt to try and make a runner of myself.....well it will hurt, obviously, but you know what I mean.

  7. OK, currently I'm doing a fatboy slim competition at work (5 people put in £10 each and whoever loses the most weight, wins), and this has escalated into people talking about training to run a marathon.

    Do you think it's possible for someone who doesn't run, is slightly-noticeably overweight, to start training now and be able to run a marathon in October (the Eden marathon in Cornwall to be exact)???? If so, are there any tips from anyone who has done somthing like this before?

  8. that I wasn't eligible for a Christmas bonus because I didn't start until 4th Jan 2010.......even though that was the first working day of the year, becuase my contract didn't start on the 1st, I'm not allowed a bonus. I was offered this contract on 14th December 2009! Bastards.

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