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Posts posted by NIVillan

  1. FFS the club is in turmoil and some people here are more interested in point scoring.


    The club have acted and all we can do is help will the team across the line.  


    Hopefully we will see signs of change in the summer.


    I have seen things before where a manager brings along his own staff but they get all big bollocks and ruin it for him.  If it is correct that Lambert wanted them out then it was brave to admit you are wrong but questions must be asked why it took so long.


    I will say I am a Lambert Supporter.  I think he hasn't been backed whether by the board or his coaching staff and I do believe he is fond of the club and respects the history.


    Poyet said about a heart of darkness at Sunderland and it is has been the same at Villa for a few years.

  2. I was at Chasetown when they had their official Opening game for the Scholors against the Villa Youth Team and our Brian was the manager.  They had a player called Tony Dorigo in their ranks.  This I know cause after getting his autograph I went back up and said who are you :)


    That was the first time I was in the know about the Villa as well.  I was doing an interview with some one from the council and it had just been confirmed about the match and he asked me who do you support before telling me about the game.


    The Stats showed that at the weekend that Villa had more shots on Target and one less off target compared to Chelsea.


    Most Important Stat is that one of our shots on Target went in and none of theirs did.

    • Like 4
  4. Due to my advanced age I fell asleep before Villa appeared on Match of the Day on Sat (Yes I know it was the second game).


    Anyway I watch it again on iPlayer last night and the thing that struck me was that Bacuna looked a big strong unit and was prepared to use his body to help him defend.  He stepped in front of Hazard at one point to protect the ball and he cant be blamed for being skinned on the goal line as sometime you just have to applaud the opposition's sublime pieces of skill.

    • Like 2
  5. Getting old and memory fuzzy but wasnt the 81 and 82 teams classic counter attack teams?  They could take a battering and then launch lightning attacks to gain us a win.


    The EC Final against Bayern is one.  Did we worry then that BM had the majority of the ball.


    A couple of the goals on the way were Morley taking the ball from our Penalty Area and him legging it to the other end.

    • Like 1
  6. Tony Morley vs Anderlect - European Cup Semi Final.


    Seem to remember Beckhams goal against us beginning of 95-96 season was not bad, though I was at other end of the ground.


    Tony Morley vs Ipswich 22/03/1980  First Goal I saw a Villa player score on my first match at VP!


    Say what you like Rovers, fans can be fickle and lack backbone at times as we all know.

    Your entitled to your say.

    Lack backbone? What by not cheering on a billionaire while the club you support struggles for the 4th consecutive year?



    BJ10 it must grind you at night knowing Lerner is worth a Billion.


    As said before you seem to have all the answers and as such must be so successful.  Buy Villa and tranform them into the winning team using you wisdom.



    Lambert has been given 20 million roughly to spend each summer transfer window, and according to reports more was availale but he decided not to spend.

    • Like 1
  8. Collymore on Talksport was going mental about him 

    Shouting things such as


       have you learnt nothing

       What are you doing there


    To be fair Collymore called the whole team utter garbage

  9. Wasn't Lerners favourite comment (via mouthpiece Krulak) the fact if he wanted to make money he wouldn't have invested in a football club?


    He knew he was onto a loser but went ahead and now in just a few years has managed to bring OUR football club down on it's knees far quicker and more spectacularly than Ellis and yet people still make excuses for him.


    I was here for over 50 years before Lerner rode into town, I just hope I am still around to see him go and see some limited hope/success before I'm a Holte Ender in the Sky!



    Rubbish Lerner Joined we were what 16th.  Five Years Later we finished 9th.

    Our last top 6 position is coming up to 5 years and we are currently 13th.


    Ellis in 1982 took over the European Champions in five years we were relegated


    Im not saying Lerner has done well but he hasnt brought us down faster than Ellis, he holds that record himself.  It took Man U 6 seasons to get relegated after winning the European Cup.


    Ellis was Chairmen when we slipped to our lowest ever position in the old Div 3.


    Of course I have. Despite me saying it you've still taken this 'lowered expectations' as a better fan kind of comment.

    It would be ridiculous to expect us to challenge for the top 4 but in the same way I think its ridiculous to not expect better than relegation battles, awful football and club record breaking home form.



    I guess you wasnt around in the 70s when we spent half the decade outside the top division including 2 in the third tier. 

    Or the 80s where apart from 2 seasons we were outside the top 6 and ended the last 4 seasons in a relagtion battle or Div 2.

    The 90s was a golden period as for the first time since before 1916 we consintently were in the top half of the table (apart from 2 relegation battles!).

    the 00s the same as 90s apart from a couple of relegation battles we finished top half the majority of the time.


    SO if Villa after this season finish 10th and above for the rest of the decade we will be matching 100 years of our History.

    • Like 2

    Hey Big John when are you going to be hired by a Premier Football Club? You seem to have all the answers.

    What is on you CV that gives you such enlightened insight?


    Maybe don't sign poor players on ridiculous contracts. I know its a crazy thought.

    No one wants a situation where we are signing these types of players for these type of wages but there are other options.

    That then comes down to the manager you hire. When you hire McLeish what do you really expect him to do in the transfer market?

    Anyone with a brain can see the deals we put in place after MON made issues the club had worse.



    Anyone with a brain can see that they have admitted that and tried to correct those wrongs by cutting back and taking the hard medicine now and reshaping the whole squad and club.


    The Article about Hutton is a nothing one.  Lambert wants him gone so saying a few nice things about him he hopes will shift him and put him in the minds of managers.  He is not playing because he doesnt fit with Lambert and what he wants.  Simple.  Yes his wages are inflated but that was the market at the time.


    I didnt agree with signing him or Given (who I think is overrated and causes panic in the defense in front of him). 


    Hutton was described when he was playing for us as one of the worst players yet since he has stopped you would think he has become the right sided Ashley Cole.  Absence make the heart grow fonder it seems.

  12. Hey Big John when are you going to be hired by a Premier Football Club?  You seem to have all the answers.


    What is on you CV that gives you such enlightened insight?



    Maybe don't sign poor players on ridiculous contracts. I know its a crazy thought.

    No one wants a situation where we are signing these types of players for these type of wages but there are other options.

    That then comes down to the manager you hire. When you hire McLeish what do you really expect him to do in the transfer market?

  13. He was a gamble simple and it didnt work out so move on.


    David Platt and Neil Cox were two that have worked out for us, that Tennis Player from Grimsby didnt.

    He might have been signed to protect some of our youth players.  He was an extra body when we needed it and meant our youth were not pushed in too soon.



    Anyway wish him luck and hope he does well.

    • Like 2
  14. Les Ferdinand.  I honestly think he'd have been the mythical "missing piece of the jigsaw".  Little had put together a great side, and given how great he was at Newcastle, he'd have been perfect.


    If we're talking just random fantasy signings, then for the Premier League era, Thierry Henry.


    Little hadn't put that side together when he went for Ferdinand.  We had just survived relegation (Last Day??) and he went in with Ferdinand.  Missed out but due to the conversation with the big man Little said he realised he had to build a team rather than a marquee signing


    The bigging up of the O'Neil years always makes me smile.  No higher than 6th and didn't win a trophy.


    At least have the decency to spell his name correctly.


    Martin O'Neill gave us one hell of a ride, we challenged (as far as possible) the teams competing for 4th and we scored a lot of goals.


    To be even close to winning anything you need the level of investment he got - and then some.


    It's pretty easy to criticize in retrospect, few people were complaining when we scored above 70 goals in the league one year!


    In his prime MON was lightyears ahead of Lambert, a level the current guy probably never will reach IMO.




    Oh dear I have lost all decency cause I mistyped and left one l off.


    Glad you were not my teacher for spelling tests

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