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Posts posted by suttonpaul

  1. What's going on now? I haven't followed the tread today it it descended into new levels of bollocks. This just seems to have turned into the randy Lerner thread and we have another one of those for that point

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  2. Pass I got the gist of that Karsa was sacked, Lambert has been given the same kind of money as previous seasons and is planning a normal summer preparation.




    It just means we aren't close to a sale and therefore we are going to prepare like we would the last 2 years.

  3. A NY firm doesn't have to mean an American company ..: just saying :detect:

    A private jet arrived at BHX yesterday afternoon.
    It is owned by McLaughlin and Stern, a NY law firm with a wide profile of expertise. Their website claims that they were involved in the acquisition of a Major League Baseball team.

    Might be nothing, but circumstantially close enough to report I think.

    Their Website has this


    Since its inception, the firm has expanded in size and scope to meet the challenges of a changing world. Today, we number over eighty attorneys and represent clients in a variety of forums, both domestic and international, including in China, India and other emerging markets. Indeed, as the economy has grown increasingly complex, so too have the services we offer, enabling us to resolve our clients' issues and help them attain their goals.


    I doubt the donut guys would use such a top notch lawyer [Hopes]

    Yea that and it was a hoax
  4. Can any blame be laid at the feet of Lerner for the position were in now?

    Nobody disputes that, pretty sure that we all want him gone. People can't complain 1 week after he has publicly announced that we're up for sale, that it hasn't happened yet, or that because he publicly announced that we're up for sale he is somehow an even worse owner.

    No one is soley having a go at him for not selling the club at this point. The point is he has put the club into a bit of mess and happily gambled with our premiership status for three consecutie years. To do all that and fail to sell the club is terrible. Nothing to do with not selling the club right now, he may well sell the club and we'll be better off but it looks like a deal isn't close. If he fails to sell the club we are in serious trouble once again due to the poor state of the squad and the poor manager who has lost the majority of the fans. I know with lerner some seem to just shrug off mistakes but IMO runningt the club the way he has and then failing to sell this summer would be another **** up in a long list of **** ups.

    If that's what your saying that's what the Lerner thread is for

  5. If it's not the coaches then it must be the ownership as what's the point making a statement over PL? If he's sacked new owners are imminent and if it's about ownership we are sold so only two outcomes in my mind

  6. Haven't read the last 3 or so pages but I'm genuinely staggered at how many people are saying "by all means re-name the stadium, that's ok".

    **** football, man.

    The desperation is palpable.

    To me re naming the stadium just makes sense whoever the owner as it is something that doesn't matter much and helps us catch up in the league

  7. Does anyone have an idea how our massive TV money pay out (73million?) will affect our finances? will this push us significantly into profit for the next financial year (i would expect so?) if so, from a purely corporate sense we are a very sensible investment - however, i wouldnt want an owner who just saw us as an investment really...

    also - if we are making a profit - and lerner is willing to sell the club for 200mill and take a 100mill loss....then surely that means the profit for last season is available for transfers as this would have been accounted for otherwise?

    We have been making losses until this summer. We have 20m to spare before going into the red roughly

  8. i think it is Redbull. they were the initial rumours in January. Houllier had to deny it. Houllier knows the potential of this club. he will be DOF with Yakin as manager. Hopefully they don't rename us or our colours or logo. happy to play out of red bull arena with red bull as our major sponsors on the kit.

    I do not know if it is Red Bull, but I am excited by the prospect.

    I am torn on the name/kit change. If it led to success it would be difficult to complain, but it would also feel odd rooting for a team not in claret and blue.

    What's not for sale?

    The colours and the name.

    They can change whatever else they like

  9. Here's the update.


    A Daily Star journalist said there may be some news at 2:30 on Monday.


    Mendi is still making stuff up and people are still making fun of him because of it.


    Some people are speculating that the buyer is Redbull


    Some people think because the news coincides near the time the NYSE opens it could be a company listed on it buying us.

  10. £200 million for a team that just escaped being a championship team is a lot, considering whoever comes in will have to plough a fair few million into the team to keep us up next year.

    From £65 million to £200 million in 8 years, fair?

    Given the rise of money in football (and especially the Premier League) I think that's fair, and that's without mentioning the off-the-field improvements that have taken place under Lerner.

    Rising TV money = rising wages

  11. yep, when our new owner goes out of business and they come in and strip our assets how much do you think they'll get for our history?

    fulham are worth £200m because if they went tits up they'd be a nice chunk of land in the posh bit of london up for grabs

    You make it sound like their just going to dissolve Fulham FC in a second and flatten the ground, they are worth 200m because of where they are partly but PL clubs are worth a lot now anyway. If a little club like Fulham with an old ground and average facilities are worth 200m then we are easily worth atleast the same.

    Fulham are a special case I would point you towards Blackburn when they were sold to venkys

  12. Paul Lambert - 'I'll have the sirloin steak please'

    Randy Lerner - 'no you bloody won't at that price. Don't you know I'm cost cutting!'

    More likley to talk about compensation

    PL "Well Randy there's £2m left on my contract"

    RL "Yes but times are hard, and you did waste £3m on Tonev - shall we call it quits at Egg and Chips on me"

    I could eat egg and chips haven't had that in years

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