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Posts posted by PaulMcGrath_5

  1. 23 minutes ago, avfc1982am said:

    Who really cares if he's first choice, second or third? Some of the greatest stories in football history have come off the back of players that were probably never first choice anywhere. I bet, if you went around all the clubs in the world you'd find that most clubs don't get their number one targets for each position. That's just how it is for nearly everyone including Villa, because there is always someone else to offer more. In Zaniolo's case, Monchi already knows him from his time at Roma, so those making the decisions obviously felt and may still do, that he was worth bringing in and could have a future here. Time will tell but I don't think writing him off with less than half a season gone makes much sense, especially with the amount of players we've seen improve massively. 

    Every player in the squad has been slated at some point, some ridiculously and continually at times, and yet 3rd in the table is where we reside because of the same players. If ever there was a time to feel content and support everyone, including those struggling, those injured, those not getting games. This is really that time tbh.    

    Well said.

  2. Just now, KevinRichardsonsMoustache said:

    His engine is unreal. He gave it everything last night: playing with that level of intensity against that opposition is terrific.


    I actually worried when Moreno came on because Digne had done such a brilliant job. Never thought I’d say that 

    Had the same feeling. 

    • Like 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, AvfcRigo82 said:

    I think Duran might go out on loan.

    I wouldn't be suprised to see Tràoré moved on and also hopefully Coutinho. That deoends though if "Steven Gerrard's Al-Etiffaq" can produce a moment of magic in the transfer window and relieve us of his services.


    • Haha 2
  4. Just now, ender4 said:

    To me that reads something like - We haven't got any more definite plans on incoming players, but of course that could change if something comes along that makes sense.  We will however be trying to sell some players and if we sell them then that might open the door to buying another player.  

    Yeah, focus on getting rid of a few now then attention could/will turn to 1 or 2 more. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Follyfoot said:

    Hate to say it but I think we are done 

    Some words from Professor Unai.

    'We have to analyse everything and we have another minimum of 30 or 40 days to finish the transfer window and we are open to adding a few players and as well we are open to allowing some players to leave who are in the squad now. If we can improve, we have to do it and we have to have a lot of information about how the transfer could leave us something more and we are ready for it."

    Are any transfer deals close?

    "We can have the possibility of some players to leave, and of course, we have to be open if we can add some players really helping us in the squad to do it."

    • Thanks 1
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